Modeling the Great Northern and Montana Rail Link with a touch of Burlington Northern in Western Montana in 50's-60's. Don't point out MRL did not exist then. I don't care. I am not tied to exact prototype and era.
I am also modeling the history of my family in the 22 years we spent in Western Montana. My major town is Helena, MT where I met and dated my wife. Last Chance Gulch will have the restaurant, movie theater and other places we frequented. A scratchbuilt model of the cabin I built when I moved to Montana will have a featured place. Also, the sleeping giant mountain north of Helena and the Gates of the Mountains have already found their place on my layout.
Layout includes Helena, Livingston (with maintenance yard), Bozeman Pass, Bozeman, Three Forks and Townsend, MT.
My only goal is to have FUN. But I am kinda interested in that two headed woodpecker thing.
As Kenneth Grahame said in Wind in the Willows (sort of)
"There is nothing — absolutely nothing — half so much worth doing as simply messing about in trains. In or out of ‘em, it doesn’t matter. Nothing seems really to matter, that’s the charm of it. Whether you get away, or whether you don’t; whether you arrive at your destination or whether you reach somewhere else, or whether you never get anywhere at all, you’re always busy, and you never do anything in particular; and when you’ve done it there’s always something else to do."
For me, this is a hobby and so I have no goals. Instead the above is my philosphy in the hobby.
I simply want to create a plausible freelance railroad from the mid-1950s in which both steam and diesel operated and passenger trains were still a large part of the equation. I want a realistic setting although I'm not into superdetailing. As long as it looks right, it's OK with me. My belief is that detail that is missing is not nearly as noticeable as detail that is wrong. For example, at present I have no signal lighting on the layout. Someday I may add those but for now, it is a detail I can live without. I want to operate my layout realistically although I'm not into doing tons of research to make sure I am doing everything correctly. My other core belief is that ignorance is bliss so if I don't know something I am doing isn't prototypical, as far as I'm concerned it is. I do have a large layout but I don't feel as if it is a comeptition to have a bigger layout than the next guy. I simply wanted a layout that would justify running a wide variety of consists from long distance streamliners to humble little mixed trains which will be part of my branchline when I add that piece to the layout.
As far as Model Railroading is concerned, what I wanted to get done (my goals) were pretty simple. I’ve been into hobbies almost my whole life and I have enjoyed these hobbies. Therefore my goal was only to have fun with the hobby! I have found that my interests were in the actual building part of the process and have determined the operating part was far less important to me. I am a lone wolf, only because I know of no other model railroaders in a 50 mile radius. I have no idea if I were to find other Model Railroaders in my area, if operations would become more fun to me.
NP 2626 "Northern Pacific, really terrific"
Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association:
My goal- watch signals change as trains pass them per my signal plan everywhere on the layout while teaching my kids patience and a host of other things.
Just ripped out my entire layout (in progress 16x23 around the room) and about 2/3 of the bench work to build a new to improve radii and ops.
The only goal I ever had was to get the trains running. Having met that goal long ago, I have no master plan. My wife or I look at the layout and say "You know what it needs?"... And model railroading goes on.
Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow
My Model Railroading goals are to Share the model railroading experience with as many others as I can!
This is why I joined a Club to help in showing the General Public the FUN of Model Railroading.
That it is more of a Group experience than an Solo Lone Wolf thing.
In getting a group of Modelers together and having Operations Sessions on a regular basis - learning more about how real railroads operated and the friendship in a group setting.
Again getting like minded individuals together and taking long distance trips to just not see but attend a regular OPERATIONS Session at some of the more famous Layouts that have been featured in the Model Press.
Building a larger than average layout so that I too can host Operations and invite others to come share in the FUN of Model Railroading.
Helping others build their vision of a Railroad Model and eventually host Operations on their Home Layouts with a Group of fellow modelers!
BOB H - Clarion, PA
BRAKIE None of the above.My goals is a simple and one that hasn't changed in the past 60s years I enjoyed the hobby..Industrial or yard switching operation by following prototype practices.. The other goal is enjoying the hobby with my accepted modeling style that hasn't changed much over the past 60 years. In short I'm just as happy as a two headed woodpecker in a bucket of worms switching cars with my BB GP35 as I'm with my Kato GP35.
None of the above.My goals is a simple and one that hasn't changed in the past 60s years I enjoyed the hobby..Industrial or yard switching operation by following prototype practices..
The other goal is enjoying the hobby with my accepted modeling style that hasn't changed much over the past 60 years. In short I'm just as happy as a two headed woodpecker in a bucket of worms switching cars with my BB GP35 as I'm with my Kato GP35.
Brakie, my suggestions were only examples, not a requirement that your goal should fit only one of those mentioned! Your post provided exactly what I was hoping to get: Stating what it is that you enjoy about the hobby!
LION already *has* the biggest Subway Layout in North Dakota. It is not quite finished, but with the addition of a finished fascia the end of construction is in sight.
Not of course that construction will ever end, there will be details a plenty to add and add and add. The goal of the LION is to enjoy the hobby of him.
The goal of the railroad is that the LPP passengers will get to and from their work and appointments on time, with spare time to go out to Coney Island to enjoy the surff or a Nathan's Hot Dog. (Note to self: gotta build a Hot Dog Stand!)
All Bored!
ps: LION ate the lone wolf.
The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.
Here there be cats. LIONS with CAMERAS
I think that I am in trouble because I have no goal. I started building my current layout in 2007 with no other purpose in mind but to build a layout. Since "completion" in 2009, I have added several additions and made several modifications but with no other purpose in mind but to make it bigger.
I have spent an undue amount of time thinking about, and drawing plans for, a Dream Layout which would more closely replicate a portion of the actual prototype, but I lack the funds and the ambition to rip out my current layout and build the Dream Layout.
Right now, I find myself asking, what is this hobby all about anyway? I often wonder if lone wolf operators feel the same way.
Alton Junction
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
Is it to build the largest model railroad empire that has ever been created; or, create a model railroad that is so detailed it is impossible to tell from reality? Do you want to recreate a railroad from your childhood; so, as to sort of relive the past in miniature? Are goals even a part of the equasion and you simply wanted to enjoy yourself in the process of creating something with your own hands and put to use the creative portions of your brain?
What are your goals?