Well it is time to pack away all of the locomotives and rolling stock currently on my layout into storage now that Winter is over and I switch over to more outdoor related activities.
It is now time again for me to put away into storage my model railroad equipment now that I am getting ready for another season of RC flying.
I put most engines and rolling stock back into their original packaging with the exception of a few items that no longer fit into their original packaging and that I have made new containers for.
Engines get a good cleaning and oil and lube rolling stock mainly just a cleaning and check for any loose fittings.
I use Wahl oil on my track and give it a generous application now, come winter and when it is time to return to model railroading I usually just clean my tracks and it is business as usuall.
As far as the layout goes after the engines and rolling stock have been taken off the layout I just cover the layout with a couple of old cotton sheets.
Electrical items are all checked to make sure none of them are still connected until it is model railroad time again this winter.
Any one else who mothballs their layout for the summer/fall have any advice on caring for their model railroad layout?