Here we go again! Yet another thread ranting about how bad MR has become over the years!
First of all, I don´t think it is a sign of good taste to air this rant in a forum which is being paid for by the publisher of the magazine you are ranting about. I do get a lot out of meeting people here and also tons of inspiration.
Second, a magazine is as good as the contributions to it. In these days, less and less people take the time to write up a contribution. Neil and his team, IMHO, are doing a heck of a good job to cover this gap. Of course, there are issues which don´t catch as much of my interest as others do, but that has been the same in the past and will most likely be around in the future as well.
I think you are just being overfed a little, relax, take a break and come back after a little while!
One problem that comes up of course is that when you're new to the hobby, everything in MR or RMC is new to you, so you're constantly learning new things from each issue. After a while, a lot of the stuff in the magazines will be stuff you already know. I find in each issue of MR I find at least one thing that's new to me, or that gives me an idea etc., and I figure that's worth keeping my subscription.
BTW if you aren't finding interesting articles, and you have 40+ years experience, maybe you should be writing articles?? I bet that would perk up your interest in the hobby.
Larry - No bad advice here! I'm not giving up the hobby. I have way to much fun with it. After all, the old MR mag said it's fun!
I also gave up on MRH. Again, too many cover shots and not enough substance. Yeah, it's free, but if its not enjoyable, why read it?
Chuck - Modeling in HO scale and anything narrow gauge
trwrouteEven the forums (all forums, not just this one) are stale. Maybe I'm suffering a case of burnout, but my modeling still goes on as strong as it always has. Who knows.
Maybe you're listening to bad advance? Don't laugh I knew a guy that quit the hobby because he thought he couldn't measure up to the so called modeling standards of the time.He wouldn't listen to reason-thanks to bad advice from few of his follow club members.
IMHO MR has shown vast improvement over the past few months however,it will never become the ad filled magazine it was before the internet.Nor is our hobby the same as it was even 10 years ago.
On the other hand I gave up on MRH because of the dummied down photos with each modeling article and there's way to many ads-yes, folks,I'm well aware those ads pays the bills so,we need not go there.
BTW..If you take up competitive slot car racing on commercial tracks be sure you have deep pockets or can secure a sponsor.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
In February of this year, I broke a 40+ year tradition of buying Model Railroader magazine. My Dad and I either purchased the mag at the LHS or subscribed to it since 1972. It doesn't have much of anything that excites me like it once did. I'm not sure what it is, perhaps too much effort is going into MRVP, I don't know. It's just all pretty pictures with no substance.
I do subscribe to MRVP, but now that I've seen what I want to see, that may be on the way out also.
I absolutely loved MR and eagerly looked forward to each and every issue. Columns, such as Paint Shop, were great fun to read and were a monthly favorite.
I was talking to a friend of mine that works at the LHS and his response was that I'm not missing anything. That pretty much summed it up for me.
Even the forums (all forums, not just this one) are stale. Maybe I'm suffering a case of burnout, but my modeling still goes on as strong as it always has. Who knows.
Sorry for the rambling...