That redhead beats Ann Margaret (almost) and Kirk looks like a young Robert Lansing (The Untouchables/ 1960s TV).
Thanks very much for mentioning this site- now I have a new hobby!!!!!
Steven SHave you seen the web series Star Trek Continues? They've done a pretty impressive job of recreating the sets. James Doohan's son plays Scotty, and Grant Imahara from the Mythbusters plays Sulu (though he's not very good.) The guy playing Kirk is pretty good, but his voice is a bit high-pitched.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Can there be anything else than model railroading?
I have been in this hobby for over 50 years and it´s my #1 hobby. I do like traveling and railfanning all over the world, but tht´s out of reach for me these days. I do like to watch steam videos on the "Tube" - maybe that´s my #2 hobby.
Yeah I do like science fiction and on occaision, working on the house. Here's my list of other hobbies:
Guitar player: jazz, blues, and metal
Automotive restoration and mechanics: Jeeps and Fieros
History buff
Camping, backpacking, and hiking
And like my modelling, everything seems to be at a grade B intermediate level :)
jeffrey-wimberly dominic c jeffrey-wimberly Star Trek fan Me too! What do you think of the two new movies?. I'll wait for your response before I'll tell you what I think of them. It will make it interesting Joe C Tried sending you a PM on this but I can't so I'll have to answer here. The first one seemed a bit campy, a lot of 'put the other goy in his place' and the flash effects really put me off. But I did like the story line. The redesign of the Enterprise with a 'hot rod' look bugged me a bit. I give it two stars. The second one was a bit more serious with a bit of the old 'turn Kirk loose on them' mentality thrown in. Going after Khan helped to sell it as hyappening in an alternate timeline.
dominic c jeffrey-wimberly Star Trek fan Me too! What do you think of the two new movies?. I'll wait for your response before I'll tell you what I think of them. It will make it interesting Joe C
jeffrey-wimberly Star Trek fan
Me too! What do you think of the two new movies?. I'll wait for your response before I'll tell you what I think of them.
It will make it interesting
Joe C
Tried sending you a PM on this but I can't so I'll have to answer here. The first one seemed a bit campy, a lot of 'put the other goy in his place' and the flash effects really put me off. But I did like the story line. The redesign of the Enterprise with a 'hot rod' look bugged me a bit. I give it two stars. The second one was a bit more serious with a bit of the old 'turn Kirk loose on them' mentality thrown in. Going after Khan helped to sell it as hyappening in an alternate timeline.
Also a big Trek fan, I have a Jesus fish on my car, except it has warp nacelles on the tail fins and says Trekkie inside. Surprisingly I never recieved any nasty notes under my wipers like when I had a Darwin fish on there. ;-)
I also had issues with JJs Trek, like if Nero gets blown into the past, knowing full well his people are doomed so what does he do, sit on his ass for 20 years waiting for Spock to show up???Huh????
If his ship was so far superior to the federation ships, why didnt he go back to Romulus, sweep aside any resistance and take over leadership and then evacuate the planet to a safer one, thus saving his entire species, nooooo, I'm going to mope and stew for the next 20 years...huh??? (yes I know about the lost Klingon prison footage)
There were other continuity issues like the planet Kirk gets expelled to, Spock is close enough, like Earth to the Moon close enough to clearly see Vulcan's demise yet that planet doesnt suffer any gravitational effects from the loss of such a close body? Huh???
If Scotty transwarped INTO a vat of water, wouldnt the water molocules be intermixed with his own, instanty drowning him??Huh???
The latest Trek also had me at a few Huhs?
Like if the augments like Kahns blood was supercharged enough to bring a dead tribble back to life woudnt ANY of the other augment popsicles blood have worked to save Kirk? It HAD to be Kahns??? Huh???
Yeah I know dont think about it too much but it does worry me about what changes the Star Wars franchise might receive, at least with Wars, its more fantasy than science so theres more latitude, afterall Lucas got away with Jar Jar and a plywood cutout as Anakin, so JJ can only go up from there ;-)
For other hobbies I mostly just switch scales, I am G primarily, but I recently completed building an HOn30 railbus for my micro layout. I also build plastic kits but mostly bashes as I like to make unique things, heres one of the more recent ones, since reworked yet again, a Double X-wing from the wars Fanboys universe.
Have fun with your trains
vsmith: I agree with all the issues you noted. Those have bothered me too. One of the biggest points of bother though is where'd they get parts for that corvette? 20th century - 23rd century? There's a bit of a gap there you know? I have trouble finding parts for a thirty-three year old Dodge van.
Love that double X-wing! I'm a Star Wars fan myself. Have all the movies, original as well as remastered and special editions and the collectors gold edition. I used to have all the figures, models, cards, etc but had to sell them to pay medical bills. I had a Millennium Falcon that people actually fought over.
My #2 hobby is bass fishing, but haven't been able to do that the past few years due to health concerns.
Jeff, regarding obtaining parts for a corvette in the 23rd century. They do have replicators there and these "manufacture" anything, not just food. So the parts shortage wouldn't be a problem. These also allow the starships to travel the universe without having to carry an extra ship in parts. They just feed the part's specs into the replicator and they have a new part instantly. It does seem that they can't replicate "dilithium crystals", but why wouldn't they carry extra crystals given the problems they had with them in the original series?
Keep it between the Rails
Alabama Central Homepage
Nara member #128
NMRA &SER Life member
jeffrey-wimberly vsmith: I agree with all the issues you noted. Those have bothered me too. One of the biggest points of bother though is where'd they get parts for that corvette? 20th century - 23rd century? There's a bit of a gap there you know? I have trouble finding parts for a thirty-three year old Dodge van. Love that double X-wing! I'm a Star Wars fan myself. Have all the movies, original as well as remastered and special editions and the collectors gold edition. I used to have all the figures, models, cards, etc but had to sell them to pay medical bills. I had a Millennium Falcon that people actually fought over.
Jeff thanks, I actually thought it would be hilarious if when little Kirk was getting chewed out his uncle chastised him "Do you know how long it took for me to replicate those parts?"
Fun thread. I actually selected my MR screen name with HObbies in mind since I've got quite a variety. Can only really do one or two at at a time and I sort of rotate through them. Not quite up to snuff with the model railroad yet (its been a very long time since my first layout) but working my way along and getting better at it as I go.
Classic Pontiac restoration. I just finished this one before starting the MRR layout last year. Sort of a sleeper for a Lemans- I put a healthy 455 CID engine in it.
Aviation, in particular RC scale warbirds. This one got me invited as a VIP to the big WWII airshow in PA (MAAM) some years back. Got to meet the pilot and some of the crew of a P-61 that flew in the same squad as the plane I modeled which was very cool. Here's a magazine shot and a pic of me talking with the crew at the airshow. My RC club lost our big flying field years back so model airplanes have been on the back-burner for some time, but I still work the local full-scale airshow every year.
Built/raced various cars over the years, both 1/4 mi and dirt track. Don't drive anymore except testing new builds on the 1/4, but I still get involved in racing every now and then.
Bass fishing- have several 10+ lb fish on the wall. Here's one of them.
I'll stop with the pictures, but not quite done with the list
Huntington Junction - Freelance based on the B&O and C&O in coal country before the merger... doing it my way. Now working on phase 3. - Walt
For photos and more:
French and Indian War re-enactment. I portray a French Canadian militia man (milicien) and have been putting together a kit for French Marine. I have been a participant in all but one of the major 250th anniversary battles.
I also have dabbled in early American history at Martin's Station in SW VA and at the John Sevier Homestead in TN.
I enjoy shooting black powder firearms and have done so in competition. I do it more for fun than to actually win.
I enjoy putting together jigsaw puzzles.
I am a hockey fan. Just a fan now, but played defense and left wing back in the mid 90's in an adult recreational league.
I have owned a 67 Impala SS and a 67 Chevelle SS396. Both have been sold off but would like to find something else. Right now I am thinking a 70 K5 Blazer would be fun to restore.
I also collect diplomas and certificates of completion. I have my high school diploma, 20 some firefighting certificates, 2 lumber grading school diplomas, 2 Bachelors degrees (History and Secondary Education), a Masters degree (Curriculum and Instruction), and a truck driving school cert. of completion.
I am moving to southern Nevada at the end of this month and I guess I will be looking for some new hobbies once I am there!
Robert H. Shilling II
jeffrey-wimberlyOne of the biggest points of bother though is where'd they get parts for that corvette? 20th century - 23rd century?
Come on Jeff. They have 3D printers now. Can you imagine what they would be capable of in the 23 century?. Then again maybe there will be ways to preserve vintage cars or anything else for that matter to their orginal state.
vsmithI also had issues with JJs Trek, like if Nero gets blown into the past, knowing full well his people are doomed so what does he do, sit on his ass for 20 years waiting for Spock to show up???Huh????
You make valid points, but the one I highlighted, I had a different take on it. I was under the impression that Nero was jumping around in time to find the exact time that he could confront Spock. That's why his crew ask that captain what stardate it was. It seemed they were having problems finding the right stardate. But overall I really enjoyed those two movies. Yes they were different and at times a little confusing but they brought in a new generation of fans and renewed interest in the franchise to keep it going. We can debate things about the old movies. But one you can never deny, those two new movies were 20 times better than star trek 1,5&6
dominic c jeffrey-wimberly One of the biggest points of bother though is where'd they get parts for that corvette? 20th century - 23rd century?
this thread is sounding more like a Trekkie discussion group than a model railroad thread. :). But that's OK. Other than trains, I like jewelry making. A year or so ago I took a class at a local college and learned how to make pieces from scratch, but I also do some beading for my wife when she asks me to. It's kind of fun. I work mostly with sterling silver. Gold is just too expensive. I also like to kayak (the lazy river variety). I don't have time for much else hobby wise. Probably leaving out a dozen activities that don't come to mind at the moment.
Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)
In My Opinion. This thread is a lot better, then the Anniversary Boxcar thread, that just sits idle, with no one involved. Something to think about, Hosts. One thing for certain, it is cordial and interesting to many people, who usually don't interact on the Forum's.
Enjoyed reading them and seeing the pic's.
I enjoy mechanical things- IH Cub Cadets, IH agricultrual equipment especially Farmall tractors, and working on and riding pre 1980s Schwinn Bicycles. Model Railroading is more a winter hobby for me.
Modeling the N&W freelanced at the height of their steam era in HO.
Daniel G.
Heartland Division CB&Q What? .... . There is a life outside of model railroading! .... ..... I'm stunned. Who would have thought so?
What? .... . There is a life outside of model railroading! .... ..... I'm stunned. Who would have thought so?
I`m just as shocked as you are......
Dennis Blank Jr.
CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad
One thing that stands out in this thread- very little mention of anything having to do with watching TV or playing video games. Maybe that sets us apart?
Lots of very cool hobbies!
Oh, and how could anyone here NOT like Star Trek? Think we should take that as a given
V8VegaScience fiction dosen't make any sense to me.
Oh come on! It is all perfectly straight forward if you do a little reading. For instance, if they use the reflector dish to send a Neutrino pulse out to repair a tear in the space time continuum it all makes sense. There are four kinds of neutrinos, three are detectable and one is not. However they know the fourth is there because of the way the other three move.
Go ahead and Google Neutrinos and learn something today. We should all learn one thing new everyday, even if it is just a new word.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
Well, I'm fairly new to Model Railroading... but I am not new to my other hobby. I've been sim-racing online for somewhere near 10 years. For the last 5 years I have been sim-racing with a service called It is an online only sim-racing community where you race against only other humans, in anything from Mazda Miatas to NASACAR to Formula 1. All tracks and cars are laser scanned, to be accurate to within milimeters. It's a blast and I enjoy it a lot. Their promo video is here, to get an idea of what it is like:
As with model railroading, you have to build a layout in order to enjoy the hobby (for the most part). You need to generally have a wheel and pedals to be able to race properyl. Well, this is my home built "rig"... or cockpit.
I also enjoy painting cars for the sim (game) for other people to use for free. Some of that work is here:
OK.. back to the layout!
Now that hobby piques my interest! How much do you have in a set up like you have? I watched a few videos on Youtube and saw others with multiple screens. Can one get by with just 1 screen? I was a big fan of the GT games when I had a console. This looks like it is somewhat similar but more updated.
This probably counts as Model railroading but I refurbish & sell locomotives, (mostly HO, some N scale) I also enjoy woodworking, hunting, boating, fishing, home remodeling projects, refurbishing garden tractors (mostly John Deere) and then theres always the honeydo list which includes all of the home repair, car repair & anything else she can think of. Unfortunately most of these are expensive hobbies and it can be hard to keep up with all of them.
Never attempt anything you don't want to explain to the EMT
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."
Yeah Strat is still popular now. Im a sports video game guy but hours can pass when I play strat, never have played the football or hockey. Just figuring out my next "project" now, dont know if I am going to do a draft ( hard to do with the crads and dice version ) or a 2013 replay.
napa15You need to generally have a wheel and pedals to be able to race properyl. Well, this is my home built "rig"... or cockpit.
Needs hydraulics.
Steve S
In my case, it somewhat depends on the day. Being ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, for those who aren't familar with the acroynm), I tend to jump around a little bit. Some days it might be getting into my love of History in various different ways. (That was my minor in college.) In some cases, it is by watching movies based on true events. (Recent ones include Argo, Defiance and the Iron Lady.) It also can be by watching documentaries on historical subjects. In others, reading books about history. Historical buildings even work there way into my railroad. A bridge on my switchback and three buildings are all based on historical buildings here in my hometown.
Other days, I indugle my love of Legos. (Yes, I am one of those adults who loves Legos.) Most of what I build is railroad-related. I have a micro train that I built that is currently sitting on my entertainment center. I also have build 4 Lego trains of various kinds as well, one of which was built as a trade of services. (I built the train and the grandmother of the kid it was built for made some stuff for me.)
Currently, the major thing that is keeping me somewhat busy (other than model railroading, of course) is planning for a reception for my Mom & Dad in honor of their 40th anniversary. It is less than two weeks away and trying to make sure everything is ready is getting quite interesting, especially when one doesn't drive. (The reception site is not that far from where I live and I have a good handcart for moving all the bits and pieces. The cake is being delivered, thankfully.) I have been planning since September so I hope I get this pulled off. (Given that this is not exactly inexpensive, that allowed me to spread out the costs.) The other interesting thing is this is being planned as a total surprise. Mom is one of these people who likes to keep things rather private. When I did an ad for their 35th, she wasn't real enthused with me about it, but, after a while, she warmed up to everybody wishing her "Happy Anniversary." (She and I both work in retail.) I haven't exactly figured out how to get them to the site, but I will come up with something.
FRRYKidIn my case, it somewhat depends on the day. Being ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, for those who aren't familar with the acroymn)
BATMAN Born in 1957 and had trains with Dad from day one. 1966 started a pretty good sized Strombecker Slot Car layout....Still had trains. 1967 Started playing a lot of Golf. Still had trains. 1970 started skiing, lots of fast (unorganized) downhill at Whistler, Big White and Lake Louise. Still had trains. 1972 started playing the Guitar and became friends with some good musicians and owners of Vancouvers largest recording studio. Ten years of seeing some well known bands recording their albums. 1973 bought a "Honda 500 four" motorcycle. 1974 Grade 11 and 12, offered a job to work in Proshop at Golfcourse 40 HRS a week, Golfcourse Pro got me playing some very good Golf, had girlfriend. Trains started getting dusty! 1976 Offered job by Federal Government. Started to Travel the world. Trains stored. 1977 Bought brand new 1978 Maroon Chevy Van and spent a ridiculous amount of money turning it into a Custom Shaggin Wagon. It was great on all those ski trips. 1978 New girlfriend has horses, spent a lot of time riding and going to events with her. Broke up 8 years later. 1979 Learn to fly and would chase my friends around the sky in Piper 181s pretending we were top guns. Including around those mountains in Crandells photo's NW of Vancouver. My flying instructor was a "just retired" Canadian Airforce instructor. He convinced me to go for an interview with the Canadian Armed Forces. I went to three and wrote a three hour exam to test my suitability to be a pilot. I must have passed as they phoned me on a regular basis for the next two years to see if I was still interested. 1980s Learned to Hanglide, started sailing, did white water river rafting, including rivers in Australia and New Zealand. Started Scuba Diving. Loved The Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Started Mountain biking bigtime, Still played lots of Golf and Skied. Still thinking about trains. Travelled a lot. 1989 Bought a 1990 Mazda RX7 Turbo II. 1990s Still traveling and playing lots of Golf, lots of Mountain Biking and Crazy Skiing. Some broken bones along the way. 1991, Sold my Customized van for almost as much as I paid for it 14 years earlier. Did I mentioned the inside looked like a Captains cabin on an old sailing ship. I often wonder what ever happened to it. 1997 January 20th. I heard that if you haven't got married by the time you were 40 you probably wouldn't do so. So I married a long time friend of mine nine days before my 40th birthday and had a boy 11 months later and a girl in 2001. Got my bucket list out of the way and then got married and had kids. I saved the best for last. 2001 Son and I have a 5' x 10' peace of plywood full of Thomas the Train. 2002 Had to get glasses and I am slowing down. Not skiing anymore (knee's are shot) 2004 Out comes my old train stuff and away goes Thomas. 2005 Mountain Biking isn't happening very often. It's time to move the Grand Piano out of the 15'x24' trainroom "to be" and get started. 2007 Golf is no longer enjoyable. 2009 Arthitis has grabbed me by the throat and I am told to take early medical retirement from Feds, much to my chagrin. Present day, Trains, guitar, Riding my John Deere ( we have an acre in grass I feel like Forest Gump after a life of thrills) making wine and involved with sons Hockey. My wife shows and breeds dogs and our house is always full of people. I am 57, my is 52. We are both retired and that allows us to spend a lot of time with our kids now 12 and 15. In the Summer we hit the road or Airport the day after school gets out and come home when we feel like it. I also am a Huge Star Trek fan.
Born in 1957 and had trains with Dad from day one.
1966 started a pretty good sized Strombecker Slot Car layout....Still had trains.
1967 Started playing a lot of Golf. Still had trains.
1970 started skiing, lots of fast (unorganized) downhill at Whistler, Big White and Lake Louise. Still had trains.
1972 started playing the Guitar and became friends with some good musicians and owners of Vancouvers largest recording studio. Ten years of seeing some well known bands recording their albums.
1973 bought a "Honda 500 four" motorcycle.
1974 Grade 11 and 12, offered a job to work in Proshop at Golfcourse 40 HRS a week, Golfcourse Pro got me playing some very good Golf, had girlfriend. Trains started getting dusty!
1976 Offered job by Federal Government. Started to Travel the world. Trains stored.
1977 Bought brand new 1978 Maroon Chevy Van and spent a ridiculous amount of money turning it into a Custom Shaggin Wagon. It was great on all those ski trips.
1978 New girlfriend has horses, spent a lot of time riding and going to events with her. Broke up 8 years later.
1979 Learn to fly and would chase my friends around the sky in Piper 181s pretending we were top guns. Including around those mountains in Crandells photo's NW of Vancouver. My flying instructor was a "just retired" Canadian Airforce instructor. He convinced me to go for an interview with the Canadian Armed Forces. I went to three and wrote a three hour exam to test my suitability to be a pilot. I must have passed as they phoned me on a regular basis for the next two years to see if I was still interested.
1980s Learned to Hanglide, started sailing, did white water river rafting, including rivers in Australia and New Zealand. Started Scuba Diving. Loved The Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Started Mountain biking bigtime, Still played lots of Golf and Skied. Still thinking about trains. Travelled a lot.
1989 Bought a 1990 Mazda RX7 Turbo II.
1990s Still traveling and playing lots of Golf, lots of Mountain Biking and Crazy Skiing. Some broken bones along the way.
1991, Sold my Customized van for almost as much as I paid for it 14 years earlier. Did I mentioned the inside looked like a Captains cabin on an old sailing ship. I often wonder what ever happened to it.
1997 January 20th. I heard that if you haven't got married by the time you were 40 you probably wouldn't do so. So I married a long time friend of mine nine days before my 40th birthday and had a boy 11 months later and a girl in 2001. Got my bucket list out of the way and then got married and had kids. I saved the best for last.
2001 Son and I have a 5' x 10' peace of plywood full of Thomas the Train.
2002 Had to get glasses and I am slowing down. Not skiing anymore (knee's are shot)
2004 Out comes my old train stuff and away goes Thomas.
2005 Mountain Biking isn't happening very often. It's time to move the Grand Piano out of the 15'x24' trainroom "to be" and get started.
2007 Golf is no longer enjoyable.
2009 Arthitis has grabbed me by the throat and I am told to take early medical retirement from Feds, much to my chagrin.
Present day, Trains, guitar, Riding my John Deere ( we have an acre in grass I feel like Forest Gump after a life of thrills) making wine and involved with sons Hockey. My wife shows and breeds dogs and our house is always full of people.
I am 57, my is 52. We are both retired and that allows us to spend a lot of time with our kids now 12 and 15. In the Summer we hit the road or Airport the day after school gets out and come home when we feel like it.
I also am a Huge Star Trek fan.