mononguy63 At one time I was a not-infrequent participant on these boards, and still check in once in a while but contribute very little. Truth is, these forums have fallen into the "nothing new under sun" heading - there's just not a lot of new ground being covered here. Plus, I don't typically have anything productive to contribute to a conversation, so I just drift away. Jim
At one time I was a not-infrequent participant on these boards, and still check in once in a while but contribute very little. Truth is, these forums have fallen into the "nothing new under sun" heading - there's just not a lot of new ground being covered here. Plus, I don't typically have anything productive to contribute to a conversation, so I just drift away.
Sorry that you feel that way.
I learn new stuff all of the time on this forum.
And, you must have something to contribute from time to time.
Heck, just your screen name alone is interesting.
Do you have a Monon-themed layout?
Love the Monon !
Alton Junction
The ghosts of forums past.
CNJ/John was very knowledgeable. Always enjoyed his posts and if you wanted to know about the history of the hobby, he was the man.
Driline was a funny guy and a good modeler. He posted some images of women the size of bulldozers which was a classic.
Spacemouse had some good material as well. Hopefully he will come back.
Don GIbson just fell off the forum.. Very knowledgeable. Anybody ever heard what happened to him?
richhotrain John Whitten and his Philosophy Friday threads have disappeared from these forums. Rich
John Whitten and his Philosophy Friday threads have disappeared from these forums.
I had some good ideas along thsoe lines and some good threads/topics out for a couple of weeeks, then I "ran dry" of ideas. so they, too, faded.
Maybe if I rack the pea in my head , I can come up with some more! But, I have to be careful not to damage it!
I have a few ideas brewing, now, to get them into context!
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
Connecticut Valley Railroad A Branch of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford
"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." -- Henry Ford
NP2626 I switch back and forth between Radio Controlled Model Airplanes and Model Railroading. At present I am more interested in R/C than Model Railroding. Last Winter, I determined by operating (by myself) that operation was not very interesting (too me) and spent some time attempting to determine if there were other Model Rails in my local area (within 100 miles) who are operating. I also joined the OpSIG and found that most operators in my state are located in the Twin Cities, 200 miles away. If there are other people doing operation near by, they are on their own, like me. So, as of late, I still get Model Railroader and am skating the surface of this hobby; but, I am mostly involved in something else. However, as long as there is still "True Modeling" involved in the hobby, I will never leave Model Railroading, completely.
I switch back and forth between Radio Controlled Model Airplanes and Model Railroading. At present I am more interested in R/C than Model Railroding. Last Winter, I determined by operating (by myself) that operation was not very interesting (too me) and spent some time attempting to determine if there were other Model Rails in my local area (within 100 miles) who are operating. I also joined the OpSIG and found that most operators in my state are located in the Twin Cities, 200 miles away. If there are other people doing operation near by, they are on their own, like me.
So, as of late, I still get Model Railroader and am skating the surface of this hobby; but, I am mostly involved in something else.
However, as long as there is still "True Modeling" involved in the hobby, I will never leave Model Railroading, completely.
SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment.
Gary DuPrey
N scale model railroader
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."
Wolfgang Dudeler also passed away in 2012.
What about Bridge Tom (I think his forum name was T_White) and Robby P?
I haven't seen either in a while.
I miss having some of the weathering "gurus" around (Robby P, AggroJones, etc) because I pulled ideas from them, and I'd like to see where I stand as far as weathering.
Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....
2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.
Some of those I miss posting are: Jon Grant, Wolfgang and SteinJr (RIP), the Packers kid from South Carolina, and there was a guy in Maryland that had a WM N scale layout that used to post alot (Lee something, maybe?).
Robert H. Shilling II
selector UKGuy with his fantastic skills, now hangs out over on railroadline since about 2008 or so. I remember his wife trashed his layout in a fit of rage one day when he was at work. -Crandell
UKGuy with his fantastic skills, now hangs out over on railroadline since about 2008 or so. I remember his wife trashed his layout in a fit of rage one day when he was at work.
I had a wife (the key word is "had") that did the same thing. End result; a new layout AND wife.
See pictures of the Clinton-Golden Valley RR
Medina1128so. I remember his wife trashed his layout in a fit of rage one day when he was at work.
To quote Monty Python "I'm not dead yet!"
The boys, with whom I really enjoyed MRR are now 14 and 16. Flames of War, girls and cars have replaced MRR at the top of their agenda, and I have found myself spending a boatload of time here We have not touched the layout in months. Havn't been to K-10 model trains since last spring, so for now the MRR hobby has faded into the background. I have no doubt it will ressurect.
I cought up with Cudaken a couple of weeks back. He is still in the same house, still has his layout setup, but has changed jobs, had surgery and has also faded from the hobby a little. He is also working on his car.
I doubt that either of us are gone forever, but at least for me, I am heavily engaged in the auto work and don't see myself in the train room any time soon.
Best wishes to you all.
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site and our videos at
Thanks, Simon. It's always good to hear from you. Best wishes.
I keep in touch with one or two who are no longer here and as it has been said people are like the tide "they come and then they go". I remember back in the 90's someone said something I took to heart, it was about two years before I came back. About 3 years ago I got into a spat with someone and work was stressful so I retreated, now I'm back again for how long I'm not sure.
I miss Elliot but from what I'm told (heresay) he got out of the hobby a long time ago.
I was on the phone with Siberianmo yesterday
I haven't talked with Teffy in ages so he's due for a call
John Wood has been under the radar for a while
As for Ken Larsen, there's someone I haven't seen hide no hair of and he was also very interesting one to talk with
Snake went awol years ago but that was due in part because of a degenerative disorder.
I know of another who passed away several years ago and the list goes on.
Its a good bunch here and I do learn things, keep inspired and have met some good people.
If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
8500HPGASTURBINE selector Frank or Howard, Mike? The latter took to posting mostly about the trains shows he was running, and our hosts became annoyed with him. I don't know that he ever got banned outright, but he came close. -Crandell CRANDELL, It was Howard. I can remember he posted a topic about someone stealing a train while in his house viewing the layout. I can't remember if he was offering a reward or not. But some busted on him and I never saw a post from him again. MIKE
selector Frank or Howard, Mike? The latter took to posting mostly about the trains shows he was running, and our hosts became annoyed with him. I don't know that he ever got banned outright, but he came close. -Crandell
Frank or Howard, Mike? The latter took to posting mostly about the trains shows he was running, and our hosts became annoyed with him. I don't know that he ever got banned outright, but he came close.
It was Howard. I can remember he posted a topic about someone stealing a train while in his house viewing the layout. I can't remember if he was offering a reward or not. But some busted on him and I never saw a post from him again.
I believe he posted recently about marker/class lights, did he not?
What about "Bigboy 4884", i think there were 2 of them on this forum.
I'm surprised no one mentioned 'ED MURPHY'. He too was an "ANSWER MAN".
I have saved a post that gives us the start of "THE DINER" or coffee shop, whatever you choose to call this.
Flip aka Fla. Phil
HOw many remember Big John Dalton. A frequent poster on the old Usenet group Rec.Models.Railroad. Big John died before this forum opened. He was humorous, entertaining, and everyone missed him when he died.
David Starr
I know i am not on the list of where is he, but i contimplated not renewing my subscription as i have bought a 1957 chrevy. I lurke a lot on here and other websites. It is just a pain to post pictures from ipad so i dont really post here much. I have posted some help topics but not much else. Time, kid and car have taken up my modeling( of any sort) time
alco's forever!!!!! Majoring in HO scale Minorig in O scale:)
I just read through all of these posts, and I remember a lot of the names you guys are talking about, as I was a reader a long time before I actually started to post. I do remember Spacemouse bouncing in and out, just fairly recently.
Anyway, as warm weather approaches, I will also be a sparce contributor, as I'm outside, working on my tractor hobby, and working on our place in northern WI. Just like the last couple of years. During outside work time, there are many weeks that the train room is dark.
My You Tube
Have fun with your trains
fec153 I'm surprised no one mentioned 'ED MURPHY'. He too was an "ANSWER MAN". I have saved a post that gives us the start of "THE DINER" or coffee shop, whatever you choose to call this. Flip aka Fla. Phil
Hi Phil
Unfortunately Ed passed about two years ago.
Oh how time flies.
Came in perused here after a long absense and lookie what I see as top post!
The names listed here are mighty familiar, often ones that were around 6 or so years ago when I was heavily active in this forum. It does sadden me to learn of Wolfgang's passing as he was one of my favorite authors to read. The falling of others is even worse. I send my regards to those who were close.
Otherwise, I cannot say where the others have gone. I do hope that they are all right and all well, however, and that we may hear from them again.
Forums have their ebbs and flows--some of the exchanges with folks like SpaceMouse were a lot of fun. I posted a lot when I first got back into the hobby, but one of the side effects of getting back into trains was discovering the joys of historical research--which bit me so hard I ended up back in grad school and changed careers! That cut down on my forum posting for a few years, along with doing a lot of writing (including a lot of writing about trains!) and posting here maybe once a year. Although this past winter I got sick of looking at the gigantic pile of unbuilt kits in my basement and started a mad construction phase!
I rember Jubylives and his Modern Rock Island set in Iowa. He and his layout are long gone, but I can watch his youtube videos still.
Bringing up dead threads seems to be the norm now and I just was looking around at a currant thread that led me here. Even though I have knowlege of the hobby, I still come back here as this forum seems to be the best place still to find specific answers to questions if they are posed right (lots here, including myself, have trouble with that).
I moved away from MRR Forums only as Jim stated, much of what is mentioned is nothing new. Also there are only four forum topics to cover all of model railroading. Its a very good forum, but eventually you need something a little more stimulating. I still scan MR but thats about it.
I did move over to Big Blue where they have approximately 38 model railroading topics covering all aspects of the hobby. There are always several threads to worth reading. At some point in time I will probably get tired of this also.
Not sure how you can become an "ex member" besides being banned, maybe a better thread header would be "members whom no longer participate".
It's fairly easy to understand, as modelers advance in the hobby, they find other places looking for stimulation. MR plays a very important part in the hobby as it serves the newcomers. Once a modeler is past knowing how to lay track, ballast, etc, they find themselves looking for more advanced techniques and niches. It's a natural progression.
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein
Geared Steam Not sure how you can become an "ex member" besides being banned, maybe a better thread header would be "members whom no longer participate". It's fairly easy to understand, as modelers advance in the hobby, they find other places looking for stimulation. MR plays a very important part in the hobby as it serves the newcomers. Once a modeler is past knowing how to lay track, ballast, etc, they find themselves looking for more advanced techniques and niches. It's a natural progression.