HI :
Please don't laugh !
I got involved in these quite by accident ( they are cheape ,per whole train , than regular HO ) and the kids love them . I run them at the Train Museum every first and third Saturday of the month , with a LEGO build table too .We have American style trains as well as western trains ( the old style like in the movies ) , and we have some members who emulate the real trains down to and including the correct trucks for the cars .
Now that said , our trains are Battery powered with infra - red guidance equipment . These perform well in All weather and there is available through LEGO a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery pack as well as the regular six battery double A pack . They used to have powered rails , But LEGO found they were to expensive to continue .So even among LEGO train fanciers there is a collectors group and prices ain't cheap !
These seem simple to run , and I wondered if anyone has heard of an HO set run this way .Someone yesterday ( he was a visitor at the museum ) Told me about a friend of his that had figured out a way to run his HO using a LEGO power pack system .
It actually wouldn't be impossible given the size of the gear .I now use Lithion (my name for them ) batteries for mine and they run about three hours on freshly charged batteries .Oh the trains fall somewhere in between O scale and G scale .
Sometime when you get a chance , if your local railroad model show is coming up , ask about the " LEGO -Layout " you will be pleasantly surprised .
No Laughing Matter at all,
I have boxes of LEGO stashed away including quite a bit of the train stuff and the Space Monorail, too. We had hours of fun with LEGO when my sons were younger... just waiting for the day when the grandkids will be old enough to appreciate it! Thanks for bringing it up...
I've seen Lego trains at local (New Braunfels TX) trin shows, where my grandson has seen them. I got him into HO before then and since started my 3rd go-round into model railroading.
All i can say is I'm very impressed with the LEGO options. The kids love them, and from what I understand there are kit approaches and do-it-yourself approaches to rolling stock and structures that are most intriguing.
I'm sorta glad I didn't see these a few years earlier because I'm enjoying HO for my grandson and myself. But the LEGO route also looks like a kick!
Modeling HO with a transition era UP bent
My grandson and I are huge Lego fans. Here's a few pics I took of the Lego layout at the recent Trainfest, held in Milwaukee, back in November.
My grandson uses his Legos on his O scale layout. The people seem to be a good scale match. Mike.
My grandson uses his Legos on his O scale layout. The people seem to be a good scale match.
My You Tube
Peahrens , thanks for the input .As you probably surmised I am from New Braunfels and we have probably met . I do believe that the LEGO trains gives the larger train officianado an option as well .Since the last train show at Live Oak (when I Won an HO train by Athearn ,) I am now back into HO trains .I hope to run them at the Museum up here . Come and see us and get your grandson to see some awesome older HO layout rolling stock and the N scale layout . When I start running mine I will be emulating the NAPA valley wine train type idea .Short consists , but of old heavyweights with the platform cars sporting the drumheads of famous roads .Catchya Later MTD