Just got an older Campbell station kit but did not include the plans, where would I go to obtain same, or does anyone out there have an old set of plans? any help appreciated.
What station is it?
Dennis Blank Jr.
CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad
If it happens to be Quincy Station, plans are available at the HOSeeker website: http://www.hoseeker.org/structures.html,
If not that, you might be able to get a copy from campbell directly: http://www.campbellscalemodelsonline.com/Default.asp
Got the plans, thank to all, as usual great information on this forum, again grateful.
NMRA's Kalmbach Memorial Library has kit plans they can copy for a fee.