Anything I want. How about my first layout when returning to the hobby.
Show me an earlier attempt at a layout.
Hum, that was easy!
So, this is what I like.
Same deal, show me anything you like.
I hate Rust
It is the siding for the elevator.
Show me what you want!
Don't have a mile post, how about a whistle post? DJ.
Show me a team track.
With all my tunnels on the SLOW I have a good many telltales...
Show me a milepost.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
I guess I have to put my own 'show me'. here is my box cab diesel.
Show me a tell tale.
Life is what happens while you are making other plans!
Pictures are looking great this month
Track! Lots'a track! We all have track, don't we?
Show me anything that belongs on said track!
EMD - Every Model Different
ALCO - Always Leaking Coolant and Oil
CSX - Coal Spilling eXperts
I was going to post a photo of one of my cats, but thought better of it. Not quite in the spirit of the request for many.
Ken G Price My N-Scale Layout
Digitrax Super Empire Builder Radio System. South Valley Texas Railroad. SVTRR
N-Scale out west. 1996-1998 or so! UP, SP, Missouri Pacific, C&NW.
No box cab diesels?
Ok, show me something everyone would have on their layout.
OK it use to be a factory? But it is the inside!
Show me a box cab diesel.
No lost interest? Well then here is the smallest scratch built item on my layout. One of the seven propane tanks I have made. All have copper tubing running from them in to the buildings.
Show me the inside of a factory.
Well, it is no small by any means, around 18 inches long.
Most of it is built from match sticks. Center post are tooth picks and I cheated by buy balsa wood from my LHS for the roof. One of theses day I might finish it?
Show me something you lost interest in.
Started off as a half century old Pocher Baggage car my FIL gave to me close to 40 years ago. There was a set of 4 cars. Two coaches and two baggage cars. One of the coaches had been dropped sometime a couple decades ago and had some broken railings and problems with the under side, so when I decided to put tyhem back in service (my prototype the NYO&W) was still using Overland style cars in revenue service in 1931, so they would fit with my 1925 theme. I used the still OK car body from the coach and the running gear from the second baggage car to get me one baggage car and two coaches for service. The remains of the second baggage car became the "Temporary" freight house at Hopewell Junction.
Show some very small item you scratch built.
The common old gray Plasticville switch tower is in the far right of this photo. It was a piece of junk costing me nothing. I repaired it and built the steps on the side of the building.
Please show a "diamond in the rough" or a "basket case" that you salvaged and made into a model on your model railroad.
cudaken I Know! Show me your Rod Rod (HO scale) or a dead end spur!
Just coincidentally, I can do that. One dead end spur, still working on some sort of railstop.
That is a Plasticville factory as it looks out of the box. This is what it looks like after I prettied it up.
Show me some more Plasticville that you have modifed or kitbashed.
I have figured out what is wrong with my brain! On the left side nothing works right, and on the right side there is nothing left!
Rock Faces, Coal and Steam, what more could a MRR ask for?
I Know! Show me your Rod Rod (HO scale) or a dead end spur!
Hammer Creek.
Show me a river or stream. DJ.
The Sierra Buttes:
Show me some more rockwork.
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
jacon12 The cliffs above Hudson Coal. Show me more high cliffs or rockwork. Jarrell
The cliffs above Hudson Coal.
Show me more high cliffs or rockwork.
AWESOME!!!!! Man! That looks good!
Here's my own railroad, the Iron Belt:
Show me something whimsical or comical
-Ken in Maryland (B&O modeler, former CSX modeler)
Ok......I know I`ve shown these before.......but it is my road.
Please show me your own Railroad.
Dennis Blank Jr.
CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad
Not sure if these are considered Private Roads per-se.
So I will honer the request, it's a good one..Please Show Me Some Private Road Paint Schemes!
Lake Show me bulkhead flats.
Show me bulkhead flats.
Here's an Opera window version in for some repairs.
Show me some private road pain schemes!
NCE über alles!
Four covered hoppers.
Here'a a couple of closed hoppers. On the left is Miller Milling and on the right is New World Pasta. Miller grinds the flour and pipes it across to the pasta plant. The next time you are grocery shopping look for pasta made by New World Pasta.
Show Me more closed hoppers.
Don't Ever Give Up
Here's a gang that does NO work!
Show me a covered hopper
kbkchooch H.T.Ford & sons was the local general store where I grew up. Now its gone, replaced by a mini-mart. But there is no better feeling that local folks who see the model being taken aback, and saying the building is exactly as they remember it!! Scratch built from memory and 2 old newspaper photos! Show me a track gang at work!
H.T.Ford & sons was the local general store where I grew up. Now its gone, replaced by a mini-mart. But there is no better feeling that local folks who see the model being taken aback, and saying the building is exactly as they remember it!! Scratch built from memory and 2 old newspaper photos!
Show me a track gang at work!
Karl that's a real beauty!
Ok the request was " Show me a track gang at work!"
A green fishing boat, and a green water tank.
Show me your scratch built structure your most proud of.