It seems to be Murphy's Law that sooner or later, no matter how careful, or how it comes about, every modeler will have at least one loco take a Nosedive to the floor.
That seems to be relatively a given.
Stepping on said loco on the floor and causing further damage whilest trying to retrieve it, Priceless.
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
Steadied myself with a hand on a shelf on the outer wall of the layout. Shelf came off the screws. On the shelf were my PCM 2-8-8-2, a Trix 2-8-2, and a BLI J1 2-10-4. Each of them sustained damage, with the J1 the least...a bent drawbar. The PCM needed to be shipped back to BLI for repair, and I had to order a drawbar for the Trix and glue a marker light back into its spot on the smokebox.
Late the other night I was moving the ping pong table and it folded up on me. My set up is new and modular so while dramatic I lucked out and had little damage.
My casualties were one curved section of rail, one cheap box car, and some cracks in riser / trestle equipment. Thanks to my decision to make the modules out of 3/4 wafer board and 2x4 legs the whole thing did not break and the structures protected my power unit and other railcars.
What is the worst railroad disaster you all have had? I imagine a good number of derailments end up on the floor and a Yarmony style sideswipe could involve hundreds of dollars worth of equipment. With a 2 year old I can see all kinds of potential problems there.