Maybe no "conspiracy to deny access to Atlas track, more of a bad business plan on the part of Atlas. They could have continued to produce track in the US while gearing up production in China. Apparently, Atlas just chose to stop US production regardless of the length of time it was going to take to ramp up production in China.
Maybe Atlas just thought we were all "chained" to their product and would wait 6 months or more for their track. A few weeks back I just gave up on Atlas and have purchased around $1,000 of ME code 55 flex track and switches to start my new layout.
richhotrain maxman CSX_road_slug FYI... Looked at these links. According to the description, due to supply problems a buyer is limited to a purchase of quantity 2 boxes of an out of stock item. More importantly, both items are "out of stock". Rich
maxman CSX_road_slug FYI... Looked at these links. According to the description, due to supply problems a buyer is limited to a purchase of quantity 2 boxes of an out of stock item.
CSX_road_slug FYI...
More importantly, both items are "out of stock".
They weren't when the link was first posted - the vultures descended!
Atlas posted on their web site about this, there's no secret conspiracy to deny access to flex track.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Alton Junction
My LHS ran out a few months ago and told me all the wholesalers were tapped. I thought I was done laying track for a while, but apparently I came home last year one day with 9 pcs of flex and stuck them in a corner of the garage, so I'm good to go for a while.
Mine doesn't's at the station!!!
That's it fellows, he MRR hobby has officially ended.
Last one out turn off the light please.
Now excuse me while I list some flex track on Ebay.
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein
What I don't understand is why the staff and editorial staff at Model Railroader Magazine isn't reporting on this news story. Cody and others apparently specak with Atlas representatives and management all the time, Yet they haven't reported ANYTHING on this issue to my knowledge.
Guess I did not start a unfounded rumor after all.
I hate Rust
The last container update is 6/11/2012 and contains some N scale RS11's and some N and HO freight cars and trailers. That is it. Nothing after that.
If this keeps up, the hobby will grind to a halt.
It seems like all of the U.S. manufacturers are changing production sources and locations in China.
Is anything being shipped back from overseas?
Kudlor Pretty shameful of Atlas to not keep their customer base informed about a major production change that will affect the availability of their track in various scales and code for an extended period of time. Very unprofessional of them.
Pretty shameful of Atlas to not keep their customer base informed about a major production change that will affect the availability of their track in various scales and code for an extended period of time. Very unprofessional of them.
And Atlas printing a full page ad in every MRR magazine would have changed the siuation how? If anything it would have made the shortage worse as people and profit seekers would have horded it.
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
Pretty shameful of Atlas to not keep their customer base informed about a major production change that will affect the availability of their track in various scales and code for an extended period of time. Very unprofessional of them. And too bad Cody didn't ask the Atlas representative at the national convention about this issue and include it in his video.
My main supplier said not to expect any new supply of Atlas track until the 1st of the year.
This is NO rumor. My LHS (Mainline Hobbies) are out of code 55 #5 and 7 switches and have only a couple of #10's and about 10 sections of flex track. Bonnie told me that none of her suppliers have any and od not expect any until next year. If Atlas is back on track and the new company meets Atlas standards for track then good, but until then I will not hold my breath.
MisterBeasley I discussed this with my LHS guy back in April when this thread started. He confirmed the information that most of us had - there will be a shortage of Atlas track for several months. His suppliers told him not to expect any before October. I bought a few pieces from his remianing stock, which will hold me over for quite some time.
I discussed this with my LHS guy back in April when this thread started. He confirmed the information that most of us had - there will be a shortage of Atlas track for several months. His suppliers told him not to expect any before October.
I bought a few pieces from his remianing stock, which will hold me over for quite some time.
I was also talking to my LHS guy today and he said the same. Not to expect any until October even November. Im glad I stocked up last winter on track.
I heard this back in the spring, too, from my LHS guy that code 83 wouldn't be shipped until fall. I bought track right then, figuring that if the estimate in April was for the fall, then Murphy's Law states it's probably going to be December, lol..
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." -Aristotle
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
The problem seems to be a shortage of Atlas Code 83 flex track.
There seems to be plenty of Atlas Code 100 flex track.
-Ken in Maryland (B&O modeler, former CSX modeler)
Well I will add my to the rumor mill - and this comes from my LHS. About a month ago I bought five pieces of Atlas code 100 and when I checked out, the guy said 'where did you find that? We aren't supposed to get any more until the end of the year.' I have been in there since, and they haven't had any in stock and 'can't get any from our supplier' for several months. You have to understand, this is the same guy who said that 'old man Shinohara isn't making turnouts anymore.' Funny thing, I can find sources for all these products.
So, if you are looking for it, MBK has 124 cases in stock..
There's never time to do it right, but always time to do it over.....
This time around, even MB Klein is out of stock, at least regarding Code 83 flex track.
So....4 months later, still no Atlas flextrack! What's up??
30 years 1:1 Canadian switching in HO
cacole Instead of spreading an unfounded rumor, did you check the Atlas Model Railroad Company web site? There's no mention there of any track shortage in any scale made by Atlas.
Instead of spreading an unfounded rumor, did you check the Atlas Model Railroad Company web site? There's no mention there of any track shortage in any scale made by Atlas.
That's a little harsh.
I was unaware of this issue until Ken raised it on this thread. It is good to know for future planning.
Thanks, Ken, for letting us know about this shortage.
Never touch the stuff!
From the far, far reaches of the wild, wild west I am: rtpoteet
Average income of model railroaders was about that - in 1949, per the survey I just read in MR. Neat info in these old magazines. Haven't gotten up to 1968 yet.
ATLANTIC CENTRAL But $5.95 for a jar of paint does not seem bad to me at all. That seems right in line with 1968 when everything else was one tenth of todays prices - gas $.038, cars $3,000, houses $30,000, freight car kits $2, jar of model paint $.060.
But $5.95 for a jar of paint does not seem bad to me at all. That seems right in line with 1968 when everything else was one tenth of todays prices - gas $.038, cars $3,000, houses $30,000, freight car kits $2, jar of model paint $.060.
And the average income was probably around $4,000 per year, if that.
locoi1sa Good news for hand layers! But there are others around. Walthers/Shinnohara, ME, and Peco come to mind immediately. We still have plenty to choose from. What is really shocking to me is that 1 ounce bottle of RR color paint costing $5.95 ! Ouch that hurts ! Pete
Good news for hand layers! But there are others around. Walthers/Shinnohara, ME, and Peco come to mind immediately. We still have plenty to choose from. What is really shocking to me is that 1 ounce bottle of RR color paint costing $5.95 ! Ouch that hurts !
Personally, before I would pay the high prices of those other brands of track, I would go back to hand laying.
And I took inventory, I have about 450 feet of Atlas code 83 flex - I can hold out until they make some more.
Stevert Old news, and as others have noted not completely true. Here's the explanation from Atlas about what's been going on.
Old news, and as others have noted not completely true. Here's the explanation from Atlas about what's been going on.
I don't which parts aren't completely true, but here's what Paul Graf of Atlas had to say about it in Atlas' forum.
"In an effort to minimize price increases and improve availability long term, we are in the process of moving production of all of our products from the existing primary supplier to other suppliers. The majority of the rolling stock and locomotive tooling has been moved, and production of these items has been returning to normal levels. Track and accessory tooling is currently in the process of being moved, and there will likely be some disruption of the supply line, but we expect it to be measured in terms of months, not a year. Paul GrafAtlas Model Railroad Company"
Sounds like a disruption in track supply to me.
See pictures of the Clinton-Golden Valley RR
I pray every day I break even, Cause I can really use the money!
I started with nothing and still have most of it left!
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Quick, everyone run to your basement. Oh, right. That's where we are already.
OK, everyone run to your workroom and start building your inventory of rolling stock and structure kits. I could literally spend a year doing that alone.
But, thanks for the heads up. I don't need track now, but I'll pick up a couple of pieces so I don't get caught short in a month or two when construction moves out that way.