Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
QUOTE: Originally posted by BRAKIE I fully agree with all that has been said..I will add this..The general public sees us as adults playing with toy trains and therefore in their eyes we must be very immature.Now some of these people may walk into a hobby shop and see a toy locomotive for $139.95 that really makes them think that not are we only immature but not exactly glue together right as well because in their eyes its a toy.. What can WE do to help these people see our love and fascination for model trains? Absolutely nothing as their minds are already made up..Now,I have more modeling friends then none modeling friends..I prefer to be with like minded people and not the non-modelers. Birds of a feather does flock together far better then a mixed flock... What I find most interesting with these folks they will spend hours on end in front of a TV as matured adults..And they call us immature?? Who's fooling here? Guys,if being immature means I enjoy the hobby and mature means watching hours of TV then by golly I guess I will stay immature.[:D]
DANOC&O lives on!!! Visit my railfan community site:
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site and our videos at
QUOTE: Originally posted by bcammack I think that we have propagated over the past forty years a lack of imagination in the new generations. How? Television, movies, and computers, mostly. Jim Murray touched on this in his closing paragraph above. We have spoonfed our population sights, sounds, and entertainment forms that obviate the necessity for a well-developed imagination.
Joe Fugate Modeling the 1980s SP Siskiyou Line in southern Oregon
Jim Murray The San Juan Southern RR
Owner and superintendant of the N scale Texas Colorado & Western Railway, a protolanced representaion of the BNSF from Fort Worth, TX through Wichita Falls TX and into Colorado.
Check out the TC&WRy on at
Check out my MRR How-To YouTube channel at
Dan Stokes
My other car is a tunnel motor
QUOTE: Originally posted by dougal If I left the hobby tomorrow (which won't happen) the main reason would be cost, I'm sure most non-modelrailroaders think we're nuts for paying 100+ for a piece of plastic.