Good Morning, Zoe (It is still morning, well, for a few more minutes, at least...). I'll have a cinnamon roll (no, not the Barry-sized one, just the regular one will do) and a Santa Fe mug of coffee, please. Thanks!
Ray, I was thinking (yeah, that can be dangerous at times, but anyway...) - depending on how thick that coat of grey is, you could maybe take a plastic (unused) scrub pad and scrub off the gray on the (higher level) brick top, which would leave you with maybe less of a difference to have to cover with the pencils. Somehow, the idea of having to individually shade each brick with colored pencils is a bit, uh, daunting for me. My brick color is one from the spray can at H-L, and then I'll weather or 'mortar' that. There is one color that I think is a tad more difficult to 'stomach' than DPM red, and that would be the color that I've had some DPM kits come in: DPM 'yellow sandstone'... THAT definitely can stand some color adjustment, IMHO. Best wishes on your brick-coloring.
Todd, I trust that your description of your wife (or whoever that person you mentioned was) was exaggerated some (or that she isn't looking over your shoulder when you type your posts, anyway!
Ulrich, for your 1:1 cabin, you maybe could use the services of one guy I know from church. He wanted to build a better doghouse for his dog, but said "I don't know how to build a doghouse, but I do know how to build a house" - so I think his current phase of the project involves about $100+ or siding for it, etc. Yeah, he did say that one part of his spending this much effort on the doghouse was just in case...(well, you married - or formerly married - guys can likely finish that phrase). On your next module, I was just thinking you might have started some drawings/designs for it (like you have done for yourself or other MRRers in the past). Look forward (when you get to that point) to seeing what you come up with on the EMU module.
Jeff, you must be getting the lower edge of the storm front that's still to our west up here in Missouri today. I think tomorrow night, it's supposed to move through, so that might mean you may have a couple of days of the 'liquid sunshine' in Louisiana. At least it will keep the dust down (here, at least), and besides, this time of the fall (or even earlier) is when a lot of leaves get r**ned off of the trees here. Liked your photo of Ezra's 'doghouse' - did he spend last night out there? Good to hear you're feeling better than yesterday.
Galaxy, how're you doing today?
Say, where is the Diner today - are we still in New Mexico, or in Texas yet?
Last night on the way home, I picked up groceries. Think that was the biggest grocery bill I've ever had by myself. Of course, the cupboard was almost bare, and I was pretty much out of about all my meats, so I needed meat, lunchmeat, chicken, some cans of tuna, plus ordinary every-week grocery stuff. Also, I'd earlier got gas, so at least that should hold things until next payday on the gas (and Thursday we get our mileage checks from w**k).
Think I'll chill out in one of the lounge chairs in the observation lounge car for a bit...
Blessings and prayers,
Jim in Cape G.