Here is the PC SD40 I have been working on for the last few weeks, Added detail includes the speed recording cable, MU Cables, signal box in front of engineer, Sinclair Antenna and lift rings. Installation of the Signal Box necessatated the filling in of the hand grab holes on the Engineer's side and drilling new holes on the fireman's side. PC #6095 was one of three SD40's with the Red P in the PC. Lettered the unit using Microscale Decals.
Thanks for looking!
Rule 1: This is my railroad.
Rule 2: I make the rules.
Rule 3: Illuminating discussion of prototype history, equipment and operating practices is always welcome, but in the event of visitor-perceived anacronisms, detail descrepancies or operating errors, consult RULE 1!
Flannigan's Crossing with a sunset lit switch engine returning to the yard.
Nice start DTI406 with the SD40. Nice! ........ Jarrell, I like that scene!
I rerely post work in progress, but here I go. I am working on my Union Station for my city. It is located above my freight train staging yard, and all is above some storage cabinets.
First photo shows painting the sky in progress. I use flat latex paint with white and two shades of blue. I blend them as I apply them. The clouds need several applications in an effort to make them look a little real. Some backdrops have a sky with buildings on the poster board, and I had to blend blues and whites at the borders. Some buildings are just flats with no sky, and I put them on my skyboard.
The next photo shows my completed Walthers Union Station. I wanted it to be concrete color instead of gray plastic. Before assembling, I painted the parts with a "rattle can" of Rust-Oleum Khaki coloerd camouflafe paint. Then I applied a black wash (India ink and alchohol).
A streetcar line will loop around Union Station, and it will follow the shelf on the left towards the main part of the city about 14 feet away. The main part is much wider than this section, and it will have several downtown buildings.
My city is taking a lot of time, and I have had too many non-model-railroad interruptions,
I actually have photos to post! (I've been hard at work, but I don't have the time to model AND tell everyone about it)
This is Mom's Cookies in Northborough, Mass. The locomotive is very temporary - eventual plans call for a patched Guilford SD26, and this is the only non-White River Southern (my previous railroad) unit that I had.
Barefoot Road will have crossing flashers soon, I just need to order a pair of the Cornerstone 1960s-style cantilever flashers - matching the prototype exactly - from Walthers. I love research trips ten minutes from home!
That's a good start this week. My projects this week were a pair of Stewart F9's and a Proto 2000 BL2, all of which needed heart transplants (remotoring). The Stewarts (Stewart/Kato A/B set) both had motor issues and the B unit had truck issues in addition. The A unit got an Athearn-type motor from a Proto 2000 FA1. The motor for the B unit is an Athearn type from a Proto 1000 switcher. Athearn flywheels were added. The B units damaged trucks were changed out with the trucks from the Proto 1000 switcher. Some surgery on the Stewart frame was required to make them fit.
Stewart F unit chassis with Athearn motor shoehorned in. What remained was to insert foam shims on either side. This was before I discovered the trucks were trashed. As you can see Gomez Addams came to visit.
This Proto 2000 BL2 also needed it's motor replaced. After a breakin and a test it's best speed was a scale 20 mph and the motor was hot to the touch. It's replacement came from an Athearn SD40.
This E7A (Proto 2000 E6 chassis wearing a Walthers Trainline E7 shell) also required some attention. It had a good sized crack in the nose. I put some super glue in the crack and held it closed for 15 minutes while I played solitaire.
I did most of that in the space of a day.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
A yard shot. DJ.
Here's train No 53 from Fiddletown to Wolf Creek. This train did some switching in Salina. There was an empty gondola at the coal dealer to pick up and a box car with Gen. Merch. to be set out at the team track.
Pueblo & Salt Lake RR
Come to us my videos my blog
jacon12 Flannigan's Crossing with a sunset lit switch engine returning to the yard. Jarrell
That River Street Rambler really gets around.
This is the fishing boat ( Bianca ) just finished getting fuel and is now moving ahead to load its ice for its next fishing trip
A trio of SD40's on an eastbound making a pick up at Richlands yard
LOL.... yes Ray it does! You never know where it will turn up next.
rayw46 jacon12: Flannigan's Crossing with a sunset lit switch engine returning to the yard. Jarrell That River Street Rambler really gets around.
jacon12: Flannigan's Crossing with a sunset lit switch engine returning to the yard. Jarrell
CEO- Mile-HI-RailroadPrototype: D&RGW Moffat Line 1989
I started to work in my mine area, I recently added Bar Mills shingles and some weathering. The kit is the Grandt Line East Terrible Mine. The missing door will be installed after it is painted.
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein
May I have your attention, please. After eight months away in the Portland Oregon Shops, the SP&S interchange brought a sight for sore eyes! Ladies and Gentlemen, THE SHAY IS BACK!
19 Years old, modeling the Cowlitz, Chehalis, and Cascade Railroad of Western Washington in 1927 in 6X6 feet.
Once had a friend who wanted a Corvette. Instead of buying one, he tried to convert his AMC Gremlin into one. At the end of the project, he had invested a lot of time and money in the conversion. Now his car was an even uglier Gremlin.
To my point, these are 20+ year old Athearn BBs I upgraded with Plano etched walkways, Accurail continuous hatch assemblies, DA thin profile end ladder assemblies, roping brackets, and DA gravity outlets (never mind the car is still a 4 compartment HC5250 that was used in plastic resin service and not grain).
While looking a little neat-er in the middle of a 20 car train, I'll just buy more Atlas or Exact Rail, thank you.
Nice work everyone! Here are a few pics from my layout.
Have Fun.... Bob.
Good morning folks, here are a couple of progress shots from my layout.
The grain elevator, the most important industry on the layout, just needs weathering and decals to be finished.
This will be a fruit packing warehouse, It has been weathered but I took this photo before I weathered it.
and an overall shot of the layout. Just waiting on a shipment of trees to populate the hills and then to get a few more kits to populate the town.
Have a good weekend.
James, Brisbane Australia
Modelling AT&SF in the 90s
Beautiful Bob. I remember your first post. You asked what we thought and we suggested you could add some smoke stains on your tunnel portals, not having any idea who we where dealing with. You turned out to be one of the masters. You then saved that layout for a NMRA open house, a project dear oi me as I organize those for our division, and then tore it down. I wondered what we would get. It is masterful. Thanks again for sharing.
I could have sent this to you personally, but I wanted others to know how we felt.
ARTHILL Beautiful Bob. I remember your first post. You asked what we thought and we suggested you could add some smoke stains on your tunnel portals, not having any idea who we where dealing with. You turned out to be one of the masters. You then saved that layout for a NMRA open house, a project dear oi me as I organize those for our division, and then tore it down. I wondered what we would get. It is masterful. Thanks again for sharing. I could have sent this to you personally, but I wanted others to know how we felt.
Thanks for the kind words....
Sure is nice to have Bob back isn't it! And, that takes nothing away from the work being done by so many others around here.
I have been doing a bit more on the Engine House. Added some soot to the doors among other things.
Also did a bit of a photo shoot on my Walthers Roundhouse. (Getting documentation for buyildings I have assembled and detailed or scratch built for the Structures AP Certificate. I have a long, long, way to go....)
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
A few shots from the inaugural train that ran on the layout last week-end, with a temporary trainset power pack. Everything has been updraged to DCC this very Tuesday... It's great to run 3-engine consist! ;-)
The train leaves Lairet and passes over Canardière Road. Most buildings are now "completed" for this urban section of the layout.
The trains enter the tunnel (furnace room) and passes by the rebuilt turntable. The golden spike is located in front of me, near the turntable turnout.
Inaugural train passes the coal train. We are actually working on a working signal system commanded by a micro computer.
Entering the harbour.
Terminus: Bunge grain elevators (made out of vacuum plastic tubes). Picture only shows about 50% of this huge structure. The prototype would take about 18' long, this one is about 8' long.
Proudly modelling the Quebec Railway Light & Power Co since 1997.
I just never get tired of this scene...
Route of the Alpha Jets
It is a very nice scene, Lee.
I haven't submitted a new image in weeks, so here is a busy afternoon at Seneca.
Ahhh, he's back! Please don't stop posting your brilliant photos/layout Crandell.
Thanks ever so much, Michael. I am going through a dry spell over the summer, and have allowed other interests to monopolize my free time.
Some nice work this weekend! Thanks to everyone who has contributed, a 'forward' thanks to those who are thinking about it, Go Ahead! Put it out there!
I was looking at my pix & found a few of my units missing, so I was in a conundrum.! Well, I found out that didn't shoot them, cuz they were not 100% finished. Although, I had been using them in & for different things.. So, I thought that I had better STOP & take a couple pix, before I totally mutilated them... Sorry for the missing horns & antenna (who knows what else) from handling...
Atlas GP40-2, as DM&E 4008 (ficticious number) but stylistically correct..
Thanks for the lookover!
Beautiful work!
Have you had a chance to do a "how to" on the waterfall? If so, how do I get there?
Thank you,
Rule 99
Kind of a shame how the WPF threads seem to have taken a back seat to the Show Me thread. At any rate, here's what I've been working on lately:
A local rumbles across across the bridge past the station at Ambry.
"I am lapidary but not eristic when I use big words." - William F. Buckley
I haven't been sleeping. I'm afraid I'll dream I'm in a coma and then wake up unconscious. -Stephen Wright
Some Plasticville structures I acquired recently.