The problem with novelty names is that the novelty soon wears off.
John Allen is reported to have said he wished he'd never chosen the novelty name of "Gorre and Daphetid Railroad" for his railroad as the novelty soon wore off. His problem was that the G&D became famous as the G&D so he was kind of stuck with the name.
Roger T.
Home of the late Great Eastern Railway see: -
For more photos of the late GER see: -
I have always enjoyed playing around with novelty and humorous names for industries and businesses for my layouts. A few minutes ago I wandered back into the bedroom where my wife -- who was in deep examination of the inside of her eylids -- had T.D. Jakes up on the tube. He was talking about the Amalekites and I thought that there was another (novelty) name for a layout industry: Amalah Kites. Hadn't thought about that one before. I will probably locate Amalah Kites in the West Virginia community of Sinister Bend . . . . . . . . . . and for those of you acquainted with heraldry you will know what a Bend (or Baton} Sinister is; for those of you not into heraldry you can google it.
From the far, far reaches of the wild, wild west I am: rtpoteet