I'm 62 my son who 18 almost 19 both read MR we been reading it about 3 years now . Are cats some times get caught knocking down MR out off the book shelf and laying on it .So maybe they are try to read it too .
~ Tim .
To see photos of my HO scale / 1/64 scale layout and diorama photos base in the present day . http://www.flickr.com/photos/icr140/
I just turned 52 the other day and retirement is fun, once you figure out what to do with it.
Johnnny_reb Once a word is spoken it can not be unspoken!
My Train Page My Photobucket Page My YouTube Channel
I'm 25 and have had a subscription for 5 years. So I guess I, among others, are bringing the average age down.
trainobsessed I'm 13 years old!
I'm 13 years old!
I'm 54, wanna trade?
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
As I'm in the habit of posting, an ounce of experiment is worth ten tons of opinion. The MR staff must agree. My May MR included a questionnaire (business reply postpaid) which included age and tenure in the hobby among the questions. Depending on the accuracy of the sample they get, once they correlate the date they will be able to give us an `official' figure.
I'm willing to wait. I'm still a couple of decades short of my parents ages at the points where they stopped counting.
Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - MR reader since 1948)
I'm 30 years old and have been looking at pictures/reading MR for 25 years. I go so far as to buy old back issues prior to 1986 before going out to sea so I have something "new" to read while I'm gone. The hard part is rationing them and not reading them all at once.
Modeling the Fort Worth & Denver of the early 1970's in N scale
trainobsessed I'd guess I'm the odd ball. Every one else has said the real average some where in the 50-55 range, and I'm 13 years old!
I'd guess I'm the odd ball. Every one else has said the real average some where in the 50-55 range, and I'm 13 years old!
Soooo...someone on the forum has to be at least 92 for this to work out. Okay, fess up! - Whoever you are...
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
Sir Madog jalajoie: In 1960 I was 21 I am now 71 that would make it 84 today. Your guess Sir Madog is very good. Wasn´t a guess - I just added those 51 years from 1960 to 2011
jalajoie: In 1960 I was 21 I am now 71 that would make it 84 today. Your guess Sir Madog is very good.
In 1960 I was 21 I am now 71 that would make it 84 today. Your guess Sir Madog is very good.
Wasn´t a guess - I just added those 51 years from 1960 to 2011
Without a "cackalator"??
See pictures of the Clinton-Golden Valley RR
Well, I'm 24 and have been reading since I was 14. Didn't really get into MR seriously until I was around 18, though - about the same time I switched from HO to N.
The Location: Forests of the Pacific Northwest, OregonThe Year: 1948The Scale: On30The Blog: http://bvlcorr.tumblr.com
TA462 MAN, I'm always below average, lol.
MAN, I'm always below average, lol.
I'm 21, and have had a sub from 2006 until 2011. So from when I was 16 till now
Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....
2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.
jerrylWas looking thru the Dec. 1960 issue which said that the average age of MR readers was 34. Does anyone know what the average age is today?
I am 66 now and I was 0 when I was born, so my average age is 33. Slightly under the Dec.1960 statistic.
I'm 49 and been reading MR for most of the last 40 years. And I inherited my uncle's remaining collection of MR and MRC dating to the late '40s early '50s.
Lots of good stuff in the old issues. And plenty of good stuff in the new ones, too. I'm of the opinion the quality of the magazine is on the upswing.
I'd guess your average hobbyist is right around 50, maybe a little older. A person should look and see what the average age of an American was back in 1960, compared to today. The nation has aged, and I think that has a good deal to do with today's model railroaders being older. The other part of the equation is that even people my age didn't grow up with the close attachment to the railroads that our predecesors had. Hence, less "in-born" fascination with railroading and fewer young model railroaders.
The average age of MR readers in my house is 49. It's easy math when there's only one to figure.
Springfield PA
I'm 30 just subsribed for 3 years. I bought issues of MR before that off and on untill I decided I wanted to really get into it. I've loved trains since I was about 10 and have been playing with little sets up untill about a year ago when I finally decided to get serious and do a nice layout. And so the planning and the trying to convince my wife to give me part of the basement started. Now I have a layout started (not as big as I wanted) and having fun doing it.
tstage Sir Madog: OMG Tom, you´ve just turned me into Mr. Average! Welcome to club, Ulrich! You can sit next to me... Tom
Sir Madog: OMG Tom, you´ve just turned me into Mr. Average!
OMG Tom, you´ve just turned me into Mr. Average!
Welcome to club, Ulrich! You can sit next to me...
Me too! I'll be 54 this month. Started buying/reading MR in 1967, been a subscriber since 1969? - still have them all and then some (back to about 1950, fairly complete). And my MRC collection is similar but not quite as complete.
From what I see, the average age in the hobby today is older, but we have fair amount of "new blood" in out local group. There does seem to be a number of late 30's to early 50's guys entering or re-entering the hobby.
I just look at the pictures, does that count?
Whoops!!! Wrong magazine, sorry.
EDZ BRAKIE: tstage: I would guess in the 50-55 year old range. Tom I'm 63 and been reading MR for 55 years... Wow, that must be a HUGE MR issue you're reading!
BRAKIE: tstage: I would guess in the 50-55 year old range. Tom I'm 63 and been reading MR for 55 years...
tstage: I would guess in the 50-55 year old range. Tom
I would guess in the 50-55 year old range.
I'm 63 and been reading MR for 55 years...
Wow, that must be a HUGE MR issue you're reading!
Yup! Over 2500 modeling articlles, 5000 reviews and 2400 layout articles.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
BRAKIE tstage: I would guess in the 50-55 year old range. Tom I'm 63 and been reading MR for 55 years...
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." -Aristotle
I'm 68 and have been a subsciber since 1986. Was reading it off and on as I bought them for 20 years or so before that.
The DINGER line Free Lance Steam to Diesel
I'm at the big 70, been reading the rag since 1950. And just renewed again.
Johnboy out...........................................now to find my glasses
from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North..
We have met the enemy, and he is us............ (Pogo)
Sir Madog OMG Tom, you´ve just turned me into Mr. Average!
tstage I would guess in the 50-55 year old range. Tom
I am 36 and have been getting MR for a year
Of course, guess I reacted too fast.
Jack W.
jalajoie In 1960 I was 21 I am now 71 that would make it 84 today. Your guess Sir Madog is very good.
According to those, who permanently kvetch about our hobby dying, it must be 85 now.