I ordered some Bullfrogs from FastTracks some months back and in what seemed a reasonable time received my order--with a bonus. Included in the package was what appeared to be an HO template for making turnouts. I e-mailed the folks and learned that someone in Australia with the same name as mine had placed an order on the same day, and elements of both were confused a little in the shipping stage (the shipping department sees the name, picks the stock off the shelf, etc.). I'm pleased to say I had the good sense to look at the retail price of the "free" template I got and shipped it back to Canada; my postage cost was almost immediately refunded by the FastTracks folks.
I've really enjoyed assembling and installing my Bullfrogs (I've thought of sending in a few tips for optimizing performance), but there's more than a superior and economical product involved; I think the company, large or small, is one of integrity of the sort we prize in the hobby.
Michael Penn Moore
(and imagine if that OTHER Michael Moore were a model railroader; we might see some interesting videos!)
Michael, I believe they have a forum at Fast Tracks of a sort that would probably benefit from any tips you would care to publish.
I purchased some track laying alignment tools from a guy in Turkey thru Ebay. I really like the design of these tools. He was up front that shipping would take 2-3 weeks. He shipped within 2 days of the order. Today is 3 weeks without recieving them. I also read somewhere in the last week that because of increased security screening in the US that it may add 2 or more weeks until delivery. I accepted the risks when I ordered from overseas. I will find something else to work on until they show up. There is always something else that can be done.
I am interested in finding out more about these tools. What is the sellers name?
I attended Tim's clinic this afternoon and a few things were explained. It is a small company where most items are made to order. Many of the tools are made by outside companies for Fast Tracks.Also as mentioned, everything in one order is held until all items are available to ship and then they are sent out. .
The big problem for them right now is getting the rail from Micro Engineering. ME has had a serious personnel turnover resulting the loss of the one few people who knew how all the stock is inventoried.
The seller name is : aaronyam. His Ebay store is: A1 Hobby Shop. He has a 99.9% satisfaction rating with more than 3000 sales in 2010. He is actually located in Istanbul, Turkey. If you buy the 4 or 5 item pack the shipping is free. I found him looking for track alignment tools in the Ebay search bar. He also has the option to pay in different currencies including the dollar. Hope this helps.
I am not associated with him.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad