Well, lets get it on!!!!
Howdy, this is an Athearn HO Trinity KCS hopper. I saw the prototype on a trip with my cousin & we liked the paint scheme, & I got a couple. It has been weathered, as if it was stored on a siding for a while, pulled out, & put into service for the 'grain train' season! The additions include cut bars & train line hoses, some airbrushing, powder streaking, & a wash on the PE walkways. Although my experience has been that powders 'tone down' under DullCoat, this one stood strong & is very vivid, almost too much so for my liking.. -Well that is whey I got two, I guess..Enjoy!!
PS: Question, what is the deal with the bluish painted truck bearings? I painted them on a couple trucks after the sighting, but don't know the real purpose of that treatment, please help me understand??
Here are a few more cars that I have just finished!Walthers 4160CF Two Bay Airslide, lettered with Microscale Decals.I found this car in an Article in Rail Model Journal that is on the following website: http://www.trainlife.com/, they have full copies of various years of Rail Model Journal and Model Railroader magazines. I used a Front Range single door car and substituted the door with a panel side door from a Robbins Rails PS1 boxcar. Letter with Herald King Decals, I had the decals but did not know what car to use until I found this article.This is a Details West FGE RBL No. 700 Kit, painted Big Sky Blue and lettered with Herald King Decals. The cars were painted Big Sky Blue as the cars were leased by General Foods for their service as the EL was bankrupt at the time and General Foods did not want to lose the service of these cars. Big Sky Blue was General Foods corporate colors.Thanks for looking!
Rule 1: This is my railroad.
Rule 2: I make the rules.
Rule 3: Illuminating discussion of prototype history, equipment and operating practices is always welcome, but in the event of visitor-perceived anacronisms, detail descrepancies or operating errors, consult RULE 1!
Chad.........The blue caps are a Class K bearing 6.5 x 9. The older cars (class F) used 6.5 x 12. You couldn't use the old bearings on the newer 286k freight cars. The blue is to show they have been changed over. In other words.......They are just a better bearing.
I'm redoing my layout again, and hopefully this will be it for awhile.
From this:
To this:
Now this: (which I still need to do some things to the layout)
"Rust, whats not to love?"
Hey, Thanks man, I'm still learning, a little everyday! I didn't know if it was a visual aid, or some new heat sensitive paint or what! Thanks!
I appreciate the info!!
Your work looks tremendous! (-as usuall!!!)
Nice Work Robbie
I visited a couple of layouts last weekend on the Houston Home Layout Tour
Here's some video of Mike Spoor's CB&Q that takes up the whole 3rd floor of his home
He's been working on it since the 1980s
It's a fully signaled layout with sections of 3 main lines that the prototype had
also notice some of the very well done transition scenes from foreground to backdrop
See my Web Site Here
Chad nice job on the cars
Roobby looks like the fun part is getting ready to start.
Not much from me I let my little girl take over before bed.
and I tried to make a video
Have a nice day Frank
one more try
Good work from everyone. K4s No. 1361 over Hammer Creek. DJ.
DEER!!!No, John Deere! In HO!I got my order of Wiking JD 8530 tractors!They are mounted on an Intermountain 60ft TTX flat that has cut bars & was weathered. The JD's had their Euro nose 3pt.'s removed & chained down with Lonestar chain downs, which were trimmed & modified as necessary.Enjoy!
C&O FanHere's some video of Mike Spoor's CB&Q that takes up the whole 3rd floor of his home He's been working on it since the 1980s
Thanks for sharing the videos of your layout tour, there is a lot of great modeling there. One thing about this one, it's good to see he is not done after more than 20 years of work; it gives me some hope for the slow progress on my layout.
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
We've been working three evenings in a row. A new elevated highway and working signals now. The signals are activated by a microswitch connected to the swith throw bar, keeping electronics to minimum!
Proudly modelling the Quebec Railway Light & Power Co since 1997.
Nice to see some signals working!
Grampy, a fine O. Winston Link-like image. I have a calender on the wall with his work this year.
Here's one of my recent image projects. A Pennsy Duplex Q2 roars out of a tunnel, churning up the grade on Seneca Hill. Funny, it was summer when they entered the tunnel.
Couple of Accurail boxcars.
This was taken last winter.
My newest acquisition. A BAchmann DCC OnBoard GP38-2. It has yet to be patched for the L&A.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
ChadLRyan DEER!!!No, John Deere! In HO!I got my order of Wiking JD 8530 tractors!They are mounted on an Intermountain 60ft TTX flat that has cut bars & was weathered. The JD's had their Euro nose 3pt.'s removed & chained down with Lonestar chain downs, which were trimmed & modified as necessary.Enjoy!
I can't argue with anybody who is a fan of the green and yellow. In my case I have collected a certain number of the ERTL farm equipment models. Of course ERTL products are 1/64, or S-scale. So to resolve this little discrepancy, I simply switched scales! Got rid of all my old trains, got new trains.
Some people might think this extreme, but I don't think so...
I have figured out what is wrong with my brain! On the left side nothing works right, and on the right side there is nothing left!
Just running trains...
Pueblo & Salt Lake RR
Come to us http://www.westportterminal.de my videos my blog
Ah...... The Weekend! And of course, WPF!!! Nice start folks!
I have finally gotten to the point where I could put the Quarry back onto the layout. I did a little test fitting of some of the items that will go there. I also found that the roof on the crusher building has warped. Probably from the type of cement I used on the roofing. Even though the plastic was painted, I think it has eaten through and warped the roof... I can be easily replaced and next time I will use a different cement to hold the roofing on....... Nothing has been glued in place at this point...........
This is the area as it looks tonight:
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
I did a little scenery
I said it was little...
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg
SP&S Oregon Trunk
Bliggity Blog updated... Here's a sneak preview...
Have a great weekend!
Route of the Alpha Jets www.wmrywesternlines.net
Great start to the WPF as always!
Southbound Cartersville Local is holding the main with a red signal at South Emerson, GA:
It was also picture time here! Model Railroading, photography, PhotoShop all combine to give me tons of entertainment:
My railroad is a fictional line started in the late 1800's east of Baltimore serving the steel industry and has stayed alive (barely) with off lease equipment and a revival of the Northern Central Railroad that it interchanges with.
Having been in a model railroad slump for a while now, I needed to do something to get myself moving again. It happens- but good to say that I am kicking back into gear!
Mike Habersack http://rail. habersack. com
Maryland - the land of pleasant living...
My Swiss friend Pascal is building a modular layout based on the famous Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon Railway in Switzerland. His layout is focusing on landmark scenes of this line, such as the Blausee-Mitholz station with its Swiss Chalet style depot, the Bietschtal and Kander bridges.
With his permission, I´d like to share some views on this outstanding model work.
The layout is far from being anywhere near a finishing stage, but the amount of detail is already stunning. A real challenge will be putting up the working overhead catenary!
I just got another new excursion train. The 20th Century Limited full set with AB units.
CEO- Mile-HI-RailroadPrototype: D&RGW Moffat Line 1989
A freshly painted SW1200 in E-Street Yard,
Regards Jon.
Been pecking away trying to find a new layout plan. While I have yet to find away to stuff everything into the plan I want, this one maybe it.
The line with all the bridges will be elevated to clear the other two lines.
I hate Rust
How'd you do that Jeff; I like that Tree!
Oh ya, this version is a lot better than the other ones you posted. Is that a helix down at the bottom staging? Or just a circle loop?
Magnum019 How'd you do that Jeff; I like that Tree! Cary
A couple of Gensets on the workbench