Tyler, nice modules!
Joe, sweet ops plan
John, nice work.
Today, since we're off b/c of weather, I'm going to try to get some more ballasting done and maybe shape a hill. Also, going to get my Atlas track this weekend, so I can then wire the extension etc and have an ops session.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
ns3010 Wow, you got those other modules up fast! And that looks like the backdrop from the WRS, no? What material did you use for yours? I would like to add backdrops to mine, but my parents don't want me completely covering the window behind the layout. It would be nice if I could use something relatively lightweight that I could put up for photography purposes, but then store under the layout when not in use.
Wow, you got those other modules up fast! And that looks like the backdrop from the WRS, no?
What material did you use for yours? I would like to add backdrops to mine, but my parents don't want me completely covering the window behind the layout. It would be nice if I could use something relatively lightweight that I could put up for photography purposes, but then store under the layout when not in use.
Yes, it is. I'm recycling almost everything I can from the WRS. The backdrops are 1/8" Masonite hardboard (any other brand will do) but if you're looking for something for photography I'd recommend foam core board, or if you need something bigger than is available in foam core, 1" foam insulation.
Where's the yard on your new layout? It's not obvious to me.
Nice! Looks like we are all under serious construction. I managed to hydrocal the entire third module and stain it over the weekend:
Looks much better now. Now I just need to zip texture and apply scenery before my scenery clinic at the OT&W 2011 show.
19 Years old, modeling the Cowlitz, Chehalis, and Cascade Railroad of Western Washington in 1927 in 6X6 feet.
I haven't exactly come up with an exact operating plan yet, but it will likely be something like this:
-- Local BY-1 leaves yard and switches bakery, lumberyard, and team track.
-- BY-1 clears up onto industrial track. NJT EB comes through.
-- BY-1 heads West, and eventually into staging while it "switches industries on the west end of the line."
-- NJT WB comes through.
-- Train 401 arrives, swaps out cars at Andover Stone & Gravel, and goes back East as train 400.
-- NJT EB comes through.
-- BY-1 leaves staging and returns East before heading into staging and tying up.
Unfortunately, the two sets of stub-ended staging are somewhat of an inconvenience, but there's nothing I can do about that.
My Model Railroad: Tri State RailMy Photos on Flickr: FlickrMy Videos on Youtube: YoutubeMy Photos on RRPA: RR Picture Archives
Looking good, Joe! What will the operations be like?
ns3010 Tyler, how are you going about building your layout? I saw on your blog that you have the benchwork for the first module done. I'm curious about how you will continue. Will you get one module at a time fully complete before starting the next one, working on several all at once (for example, build benchwork for five consecutive modules, and then do track and then scenery on all five at once before moving on to the next batch), or do them all at the same time (get benchwork on all of them done before moving on to track, scenery, etc.), or even something else?
Tyler, how are you going about building your layout? I saw on your blog that you have the benchwork for the first module done. I'm curious about how you will continue. Will you get one module at a time fully complete before starting the next one, working on several all at once (for example, build benchwork for five consecutive modules, and then do track and then scenery on all five at once before moving on to the next batch), or do them all at the same time (get benchwork on all of them done before moving on to track, scenery, etc.), or even something else?
This weekend I worked on getting four sections (2x4 "modules") in place. I'm going to get all the benchwork down, lay track, and then work on everything else much like how I've always done things: whatever I feel like doing. This is a hobby, the only "work" I'm doing is getting this benchwork built so I can get to the fun stuff!
Here's a photo of what I accomplished so far.
Joe, nice trackplan.
Well, the C420 issue was also a directional issue. Flipped the loco, it runs fine. The 8905 also fixed itself on its own.
Sorry for the double post, but I have the trackplan:
And for a larger version, open this link, hit "Actions" > "All Sizes"http://www.flickr.com/photos/ns3010/5337599593/
EDIT: Just thought I'd ask this-
I have the trackplan drawn, I just have to post it. I'm leaving for practice now, but I'll try to remember to get it up when I get home. If not, I'll do it tomorrow.
Joe, nice shot and video. The feeder option is a good idea, but I've already ballasted that corner. It could be part of teh problem. The U23B issue worked itself out.
Tyler, ah benchwork; my dad and I spent a day cutting up the 4x8 to make the current benchwork.
In CSRY news, I have all the hills stacked. Now I jsut need to shape the foam.
STRAIGHT LUMBER MY FOOT! Oh, that part about my foot was me dropping a two-by-four on it.
...oh hi. I've been building benchwork. Can't say it's my favorite stage of building a layout. Looks like you've gotten past that stage, Joe! Do you have a trackplan somewhere so we can see the full design? It looks really nice!
Sawyer, sometimes problems like those can be weird. For example, a few weeks ago, I had one bad joint that always derailed the locomotive going one way, but it would be fine heading the other direction. After some tweaking, it turned out fine.All I can tell you is to check your wiring. It probably wouldn't kill you to add an extra feeder where that C420 hits a dead spot, so try that and see how it works for ya.
Well, I finally have a progress photo. And even more shocking, a video!
John, sweet cars man! sounds like a full class load.
Joe, glad to hear the loco is coming along well and the main is up. that sucks about spending though
I myself will have some more progress next weekend because of two things:
1) it's a 4 day weekend
2) I'll finally have the Atlas code 55 flex.
My plans are to first get the extension running, then shape the hills. i have some more foam cutting i'll do this weekend, and may ballast a little more.
I've had two weird electrical occurences so far. My c420 will stop dead at one specific spot on the track. only that spot. and it's the only loco to even HESITATE in that spot. and my U23B #8905 stalls going one specific way through a turnout. all 3 other configs are fine. so, a couple of weird occurrences. We'll see if the c420 still pauses today
Woah, those are neat little cars!
I'm also making progress, flipping between projects:
PL42AC- For whatever reason, I was looking through the envelope that the decals came in, and I found a set of smaller NJ Transit logos. The ones attached to the main sheet were way too large, but I thought they were the only ones, so I just put them one. When I found the smaller ones, I just put some Solvaset on the large ones already on the model, scraped them off with a pin, and then put the new ones on, which look much more normal. I still have to finish up touch up paint, so I'll have photos once its completely done.
Trackwork- Today, I went to the LHS and grabbed 10 more sections of roadbed and 5 more pieces of flextrack. I already got three more sections of roadbed and a piece of flextrack down. I need to get 1.5 sections of roadbed and 3.5 pieces of track down, and then the main will be complete. After that, I will be done for a while. I am now past the point of being broke and cannot afford to buy anything else for a long time. I will likely have to wait until I start working again in May.
I finished another Kadee car kit yesterday, effectively doubling the length of my logging equipment exclusive train. It now looks rather substantial, lol. Here you go:
Hey All!!! Seems like you're enjoying your Xmas presents and much needed work time.
I am getting used to my new educational life right now. It was decided a while ago that I would dump half the classes in EPGY and replace them with better ones at the local university, Utah Valley University, or UVU. I spent the whole week in between Xmas and New Years in Denver. Sadly, I didnt go on any of the D&RGW tourist railroads, but I did go to Caboose Hobbies (awesome place BTW). I also worked a bit on the layout, having solves all current electrical problems to date. I plan to lay the last few feet of track soon, and begin scenery as well
G4 out.
Ok, so I looked back at my current financial situation, and decided that I should put off the Comet V purchase.I got $50 yesterday, so I'll be able to get all the track and roadbed I need to finish off the main loop. I'm hoping to make it to the LHS sometime this week.After that, I may not be able to buy anything else until at least May, once I get back to my summer job (I say May because I will likely be working weekends, depending on when we open back up for the season).
However this could all change if and when my parents pay me back the $250 I loaned them...
Yes, happy 2011 everyone!
GG, awesome man :D
sweet gifts guys!
I posted my gifts in another thread, but the headliners were a ME turnout, highball ballast, and a B23-7.
I've repainted three of my locos; the paint scheme turned out ok; I HATE the yellow though! but the blue looks good! So I'm going to design another paint scheme, we'll see how it looks. 2D don't always transfer to 3D
Nice videos guys. Youtube finally allowed me to watch them...
If I get some $$ on New Years, then I'm gonna get some track and hopefully finish up the main, and then I'll go ahead and finally buy an Island Model Works Comet V kit. Unfortunately, they're expensive, so I'm only gonna be able to get one or two at a time for a while. Hopefully it will be a much easier project than the PL42 is turning out to be...
Oh, and BTW, I'm going to finally get a trackplan up for you guys to see. I know I promised it a year ago, and I never drew one, but then it ended up changing anyway, so I'll just show the new one once its all drawn up.
well I didn't get this for Christmas (I ordered it myself), but I felt like sharing some pics of my new locomotive anyway:
I've been wanting one of these for a long time
Edit: Here's a video I just uploaded of it: http://youtu.be/6n-JdxifFVE
Cape Vincent Southern Railroad
HO scale Horseshoe Curve in 5’x10’
My YouTube
Chessie Sys. 3022 TrainManTy: Stupid N scaler. Agreed.
TrainManTy: Stupid N scaler.
Stupid N scaler.
For Christmas, I got a drive and decals for my PL42. I finished the decaling, so now I just have to do touch up paint before its done.The drive is very smooth, but I have a few bones to pick with it.1- There's a huge block where the fuel tank casting is supposed to go. And you can't remove it.2- The sideframes that come with the drive are just stock, but the shell came with correct castings to replace them with. There's no good way to attach them. On another forum, someone suggested using styrene rod, so I'll have to get some of that and some CA and try that.
Also, on Sunday, in the middle of the blizzard, I went to the LHS and grabbed some turnouts and bumpers. I've completed track as much as possible for now. Once I get some money (I'm thinking I'll get some on New Years), I can buy more roadbed and flextrack so I can complete the main loop.
TrainManTy Stupid N scaler.
Modeling New Haven despite what his user name says...
Christmas presents are so much fun!
dang, no activity for a while. gotta love school...
finally got some progress to report. here's the vid
Joe, that sucks, but I hear ya on being really busy at times!
in other news, I've been painting several train drawings in MS paint. I have a B23-7, U23B, and a C420 (need to update that one though). I can't share them though because they're Michael Eby drawings.
Yeah, so I still haven't called Atlas about 1002...
I've been so busy, and I won't have time to call them tomorrow either. Hopefully I can finally call them on Tuesday...
I updated my website with photos of the Company Xmas Tree:
ah, my b Joe.
Well guys, 1 week till Christmas! I'm excited for both the holiday, and honestly also the gifts because then I can hopefully finally make more progress on my alyout