If you think about it, if the world explodes into micro-particles and we are floating in the vacuum of space, it might be a little difficult to glue an air horn on a GP7. I could be wrong. Some of you are pretty resourceful.
But zero gravity air horn application should be a different thread. In fact, the whole topic of zero gravity anaerobic model railroading opens up a lot of good discussion topics.
Of course, if the world were to explode it would be 10 years before Western Pennsylvania hears about it. I have 12 years good left before I have to think about it.
Good luck to the rest of you.
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
Even more imporant: Will the IOC have it coordinated and choreographed with the extinguishing of the Oympic torch?
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
Since it's suppose to happen just before Christmas, should I even bother writing a letter to Santa or leaving a copy of the list for my wife (never understood why she needs a copy)?
No problem for me. I've got it all figured out. When the Aztec Calendar expires in 2012, I'm switching to the Playboy Calendar.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
I have to keep that date in mind when it comes to renewing my subscription!
Well, since my MR subscription is good until 2013...
"And the sons of Pullman porters and the sons of engineers ride their father's magic carpet made of steel..."
Who cares? I model the Transition Era.
This would only be a problem if you've pre-ordered from BLI.
MisterBeasleyThis would only be a problem if you've pre-ordered from BLI.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Chip, I think it would bite the big one. For one thing, I am a sound guy, and steamers don't chuff in non-atmospheric conditions. They can puff, but they can't chuff. I'd have to install a wireless transmitter and use headsets in my space helmet. Of course, I wouldn't have to move at all since the engines would just spin in place....and that's if they stayed oriented like they were 'on' the rails at all. Things tend to drift apart in space.
Entropy wins by the way.
selector I am a sound guy, and steamers don't chuff in non-atmospheric conditions. They can puff, but they can't chuff. I'd have to install a wireless transmitter and use headsets in my space helmet. -Crandell
SpaceMouseOf course, if the world were to explode it would be 10 years before Western Pennsylvania hears about it.
I was originally from western PA... I see you're from Indiana. I haled from Washington, Pa. I can't say it is any improvement based on my last trip back there. Indiana, Pa is really a very nice area - used to travel quite a bit in that region especially the Conemaugh line.
1-20-2013: The End of An Era Error
Suppose, instead of being blasted into ground foam by some cosmic cataclysm, that time simply turned around and went the other way?
Within a few years, we'd be rid of Conrail and Amtrak. Fallen flags would rise again - the Pennsy, the NYC, the Santa Fe, the Milwaukee Road. Like magic, roofwalks would re-appear on the tops of boxcars. And then, someone would re-discover The Steam Engine, and diesels would go back to the future where they belong.
The Caboose shall rise again!
Think of the wonderful past that lies ahead of us. Instead of waiting for politicians to allocate millions of dollars to study mass transit and high-speed rail, we would see it being built, or rather un-removed, right before our eyes. A vast Interurban system would spring up, freeing us from the tyranny of the automobile, and intercity passenger service would run at a hundred miles an hour, roaring through the night behind Challengers and Hudsons, faster than the so-called "high speed rail" envisioned by the small-minded bureaucrats of Washington today.
Eventually, tranquility will return to the countryside once more, as we return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, and put the Industrial Revolution ahead of us, or is it "behind us?" Yes, in a couple of hundred years, trains will be only dreams. But, we'll get back to the era of the Romans eventually, and we'll be able to finally settle the question of whether or not Standard Gauge is really the tail-to-tail measurement of a couple of chariot horses in Caeser's Legions.
The hobby has a great future, uh, past, uh, well, that's why they call this a paradox, right?
If the world explodes, it will do quite a number on those super-delicate plastic models with 1,000 separate details. Better stock up on Athearn BB if you want to keep your railroad! And maybe some Mantua/Tyco steam engines. I bet those will last through a worldwide explosion.
I'm always amazed at how gullible people are with these kinds of things. The Mayans made a long calender to replace the short ones that had come and gone in the past. When 2012 hits, it will only be the end of a cycle, and the beginning of a new calender. And apparently, it's more likely they thought something super good was going to happen. Could it be that the Mayans predicted the end of the recession? Oh well, this is a pretty good page on 2012.
Come back and ask me that question on 12-"22"-12.........I'll have the correct answer for you.
Raised on the Erie Lackawanna Mainline- Supt. of the Black River Transfer & Terminal R.R.
Kinda reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode where Burgess Meridith finds himself as the sole survivor in a devastated world. Being a non-sociable type, this is fine with him, especially when he finds an intact library where he can indulge in his favorite pastime - reading. Then he breaks his very thicjk glasses and can't see.
"It's not fair"!!!
OTOH, I think you're asking the wrong question.
The more apropos question is will the end of the hobby affect the world?
SpaceMouseWith all this talk of doom and gloom, I thnk someone should point out the bright side.-Track cleaning will become obsolete-No one will be complaining about Malcom Furlow’s layouts.-Everyone’s structures will be weathered like George Selios’s.-There won’t be any equipment made by the Chinese.-You won’t have to worry about switching to DCC.-Cat’s won’t pee on your layout and mice won’t nest in your tunnels.-N scale won’t appear too small.-Your engines will have exactly the same number of rivets as the prototype.-Your neighbor won't poke fun at you for not being able to reach the turnout in the corner. -No one will be running Tyco cars.-You’ll finally get to meet John Allen.
It will also answer - once and for all - the question if MRR'ing is a doomed hobby.
I wouldn't worry about gluing air horns in space. The whole hobby will be moot point since the whole "trains on rails" thing doesn't work very well in zero gravity. Discussion closed.
All I know is that God is a big time Model Railroader, I mean why wouldn't he be? Wouldn't you be if you were God?
When you pass through the Pearly Gates the type of accommodation you end up with will depend on your modeling skill, and how much help you'll be with his layout. I know I'll be sleeping in the woodshed.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
MisterBeasleyintercity passenger service would run at a hundred miles an hour, roaring through the night behind Challengers and Hudsons
But, wouldn't the trains be roaring through the night in reverse at the head of the Challengers & Hudsons?
"I am lapidary but not eristic when I use big words." - William F. Buckley
I haven't been sleeping. I'm afraid I'll dream I'm in a coma and then wake up unconscious. -Stephen Wright
SpaceMouseIf you think about it, if the world explodes into micro-particles and we are floating in the vacuum of space, it might be a little difficult to glue an air horn on a GP7. I could be wrong. Some of you are pretty resourceful.
I'd recommend gluons, but use the slow setting ones.
Ex-Southern 385 Being Hoisted
The world is ending in 2012????
O dear, whatever shall I do????
I'd better buy that expensive Loco I was looking at....ON TIME PAYMENTS!
I've heard all the theories about December 21, 1012 and the Mayan "calendar" and all the other cultural documents that seem to "agree" with it.
I will believe it when I see it.
ANd yes, I would say the hobby has a chance of dying if hte world ends then. OH MY!
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
Funny thing, last Nov. 11th I bowled my first 300 game (in my 38th year as a league bowler). That night when I got home and was eating, they had something on TV about the 2012 end of the world. Having bowled a 300, it didn't really bother me the way it would have before.
BTW this isn't new (the 2012 stuff), it was discussed in one of the Von Daniken movies in the early seventies...except they did the math wrong, and said it would be in Dec 2011.
In 2012 I will be offering to buy all MRR loco, cars etc at 10% of their value. Why not sell it and use the money tu buy a space suit or a final case of scotch or similar.
Springfield PA
selectorI wouldn't have to move at all since the engines would just spin in place....and that's if they stayed oriented like they were 'on' the rails at all.
Time for Lionel to bring back Magnitraction
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Hamltnblue In 2012 I will be offering to buy all MRR loco, cars etc at 10% of their value. Why not sell it and use the money tu buy a space suit or a final case of scotch or similar.
I'm afraid that if you wait until 2012 all the bargains will already be gone. All those sinners posting above have the incorrect date. According to a rather large billboard-type sign I saw on the side of a truck rolling through Exton last Wednesday, someone is coming looking for us on May 21, 2011, and the end of the world is October 21, 2011. See http://www.ebiblefellowship.com/may21/index.html
Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age... In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. There is nothing in the prophesy about the Earth being destroyed.
So it is entirely possible that model railroading will still be here but WE won't. ROFL.
Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow
Phoebe Vet So it is entirely possible that model railroading will still be here but WE won't. ROFL.
So the cats will evolve to a new species and decide that those contraptions their fathers thopught were toilets or bedsprings were actually kinda fun. Then they'll see threads about how not to shed on the layout...