Evenin' folks..........
Flo just a cup of decafe for me tonight. Still full from a great Ziti Dinner at church.
Vincent, time was when I would have done the same thing. I was probably very lucky to have survived it....... At this point in life, I follow the adage a principle I worked for many years ago had on the wall in his office: "When Arguing with an idiot, make sure he is not similarly occupied". Glad you are safe!
Garry, the photos are of Red Whitman's On30 Aspen and Western RR. It was featured in O Scale Magazine in August of 2009. Definitely a fun layout. Some great modeling, and a bit of "tongue in cheek" as well. Red is also a very nice guy and fun to be around. It is one of the Gems we have in my NMRA District. There are several more here.
Dinner/Talent Show is over for another year. Went very well. We ended up with twice the people we thought would be there from the sign up. Our Deacons now understand a bit more about "The Feeding of the 5000".... They did it and still had some crumbs left over. This was the biggest turnout I think we have had in years. There is a lady ion our church who is the "Designated Photographer". Her husband is a retired Music Teacher (we worked together for many years). He came in (he was in charge of the program) and was quite upset as his wife was sick and couldn't be there tonight. He said he was hoping someone will come with a camera and be willing to share photos with the church, unless we knew of someone who has a good camera and would be willing to do THAT for him. I tell him I know someone who has about $4,000 of photographic equipment and might be willing to do it. He asks if I have his phone # and if it is too late to get him. Some others are now laughing knowing I am talking about myself..... I tell, "No problem, I'll run home and get it". He looks at me and says, Oh, I wouldn't have you go home and get yours. I laughed and said I will be right back. So I ended up taking a bunch of photos for the church tonight.
It is still 74°F outside as I type. Got up to 81*F with approximately 110% humidity. No rain though. Rain all around us, but Geneva.... No rain! They say we are going to get .5 to 1 inch tonight. Can only hope. We are very dry!
[edit] Hey, I got the top! Just about get the credit card payed down and I get the top.......... Order up folks.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
Good evening...
SAWYER: Nice pics. I thought the heavy dose of yellow was from an attempt to model a drought... An el-cheapo lighting solution suggestion: clamp-on work lights. I'd start out with a pair of them positioned at 45 degrees to each other. The last time I bought a pair, I don't think I gave much over $5. I did manage to get the "wrong" shades for the bulb holders (big box "farm" store with the clamp/lamp holders in one bin and several other bins of lamp shades for a lovely "mix and mis-match") but, they did the job just fine anyway.
MORGAN: Sorry for your loss, but at least he's found peace. Here's hoping you and your family are able to find comfort and strength.
Welp, today ended up as mow the pasture yard day. The spark plug "boot" stayed put the whole time. I still don't know how Loving Wife got it to do so... Now the yard looks almost decent again. Good thing I attacked it when I did. We had a soaking rain not long ago. Naturally, a head-start for the grass and weeds (mostly weeds) in their never-ending quest to deprive me of RR time by sprouting and regenerating!
But now, it is off to the RR room. Perhaps to paint, or put up the 2nd (and last) set of blinds, or just cogitate/ponder/dream.
The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!
Hello again Diners: The trip into New Brunswick was wet going, perfect coming home, and awesome in the between trips content. PTL! On driving standards -
by Jeff Oh but of course! Everybody just keeps getting in his way as he flies along at 20-30 miles over the limit.
Morgan: Praying for you all through this time. What Keith said is powerful, true, and worth heeding. You'll all miss your dad, but you have memories, and each other too. Loved the Facebook quote, but I see that Ulrich looks deeper than the surface of things, and he's made a huge point as well! Great to see you back in, and Congratulations on the Trainman thing.
Sawyer: Nice work on the scenery. What is that yellow anyway? My yellow stuff is not-yet-painted sawdust/white glue foamboard cover stuff.
I shoulda brought the desk lamp over. but anyways...
Think I'll give this one a try: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000SNA3HE/ref=ord_cart_shr?ie=UTF8&m=A3NUNNXXHUJDMF Any thoughts and/or suggestions?
Keith: Thanks for your reply to Morgan. I trust the Mods have by now caught the flavour of this particular Forum Topic. As I see it, to put it in mrr terms, it would be like being kicked off for answering a question - or better, a request for help - with a N Scale-related answer, and objectors to that being convinced that HO is the ONLY scale anyone should model in!
Maybe one with Mallard or Flying Scotsman.
Ray: for your clinic success! Sounds like a all round good event - and the Deacon's do as well!
Todd: That's grand news about Andrew
By Rob ***Todd, are you kidding....$10 for all that? You dog! Looks like you should be making Dinner for Brenda for the next week. What a great catch. Rob
Then I must pick some Rhubarb...
... but no dabbling around with my layout plan, either.
I have declared my layout plans to be final -
Jeff: A power bill of $120, now that would be a pleasant surprise around here! $72...in my dreams.
BTW, Keith wasn't in today....anyone heard from him?
Time for bed. Good night all, and God Bless. Prayers continuing for all in need of Healing, Comfort, Prosperity and Peace.
"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.
Today went by rather quickly. I spent most of it in Toddland (of which I'm king) where I was doing something almost continuously, yes staring and thinking also, yet when I stand back and look.... doesn't seem like much was done at all. Oh well, better this way than hurry just to get it done.
The creek scene is coming together pretty well as some dirt is added the appearance, naturally, is changing for the better. Never did mix up some plaster to add to what I have, so we'll see when that happens.
DerJohn- THIS was an event of a lifetime for me. All the times she's drug....er... I mean of all the garage sales we've gone to, I've never seen train stuff. A few consignment shops selling TYCO as antiques for 50 bucks or better but no bargains. I'm counting this as my event to talk about even though it wasn't me who bought it.
(yaaaawn cough) Took some of Mom's Magic Spring Tonic so maybe I can sleep some tonight. Tired.
Prayers for those in need. Which, as has been said, is all of us for one reason or another.
Central Illinoyz
In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.
I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk.
"Oh Jeanne~.. you see what Todd's wife Brenda bought him?" .. lol.
Good show Todd.. way to go Brenda.. lol. Todd.. don't under-rate those latex molds there.. I believe thats exactly what I've been using.. I'll probably go back to see if there are numbers of them moldes of yours.
As for me.. the weekend blew by.. you know.. one of those.. "Don't tell me its already Sunday.. What ..? Dinner tonight with our son and his girlfriend? Lobster?.. oh OK~" "Was there a memo on this?" "You did tell me about this.. right?"
Aside from the weekend.. if you haven't heard from me.. I've been working on the layout.. my motto.. no matter how little no matter how much.. everyday I shall work on it.
But today.. I took on the decals.. another story in itself... and of course I've learned something.
"DON'T" lol,.. nah.. it worked.. and came up with my own application approach. Truly boring unless you always wanted to know ALL about applying decals or in the middle of trying to do it.. with decals breaking.. flip flopping.. can't even see which was the applicating side.. where's my magnifying glass.. and remembering somewhere along the line of someone telling me.. .lol.. I think it was Chris.. saying.. "Don't sweat it".. oh yeah. I also remember Der John saying.. asking.. me about 'lining up lines.. and how was I to do it.." Well John .. at that moment.. I was planning on using a pencil.. and marking it.. but in truth. I go by the 'eyeball' and to line up everything perfectly.. I dunno~.. seems to me too mechanical. eh?.. to each his own I guess... but for me.. I just had to see it with the 'Naked Eye'.
Lol.. but in short.. (as I look at the pics)(before I type) its seems ok.. I made room for other things.. like taxis double parked.. and .. we'll see later.. this was plenty hard for me. I also didn't necesary liked.. totally solid line either.. and broke it up.. 'just to see~'
But whats really exciting for me this weekend.. was.. of course.. going to the Hobby Store. And I go to 3 total. Two out of the three.. always have discount tables.. truly a fun time. So I come up to this.. B&O Diesel.. well I guess it is.. looks like an older type.. really cool looking.. can't say I've seen the type.. wow.. the price.. $12.99.
Hmm.. no plastic Top for the case.. the rest of the case is there.. cracked a bit. heavy.. its an engine. For the price.. I'll take it.
I get up to the cashier.. and ask.. so whats with the Engine here.. why is it only $12.99?
" Oh.. that~ yeah.. well~ .. Thats been dropped. Don't know if it works.. shattered the top off of the case.. so I'm selling it for the price of a Dummy engine" "And I don't know if it works.. and I don't want to know"
.. LOL.. "I'll take it!"
Now you decide.. considering .. everything.. and there are no busted pieces of the engine.. on the outside..
Would you buy it?
Working or not.. "Sold~!" I like it.. what ever it is.
Keith - it is a Modelpower Alco RSD-15 with low nose Santa Fe owned 50 of those. A nice looking loco, photographed in front of a spectacular background.
Good Morning Everyone,
well, already Monday again. And a wet one, too! Flo, I´ll be going for a light breakfast today - just some coffee and a bowl of cereal, please.
Nothing planned for the day -just the regular Monday run to get the groceries and putting the week´s ration of gas into the car. I hope there won´t be any "surprises".
Have a good one!
Good....mornin'. Ladies? Ya got any of THAT "sleeping medicine" TODD is using tonight??? No? OK...RBF then, please 'n thank-you.
KEITH: See Pally! I told ya not to sweat them decals! Looks pretty durn good from here! As for the loco, THAT there looks to me to be some kind of ALCO product. Seems like a "safe" gamble to me... IF it looks good cosmetically, the inside, I would think "should" be OK. Then again, a wire could be broken off it's contact, drive shaft dis-aligned, and/or a cracked gear somewhere. I doubt it would be anything "fatal," and the other N-sane scalers here could probably talk you through whatever internal surgery it would need. IF it does have fatal internal injuries...well, nothing wrong with having a dummy in a loco consist.
I've just spent the last 2 hours sorting a box of old trading cards: Star Wars blue, red, yellow, orange, and green series bubble gum cards, M*A*S*H cards, Battlestar Gallactica, and a pile of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I've got 'em sorted/organized and bagged for Loving Wife's "mother of all garage sales" next month. A quick look at eBay (at least on the Star Wars cards) tells me they ain't worth squat. So...if they don't sell, I'll take 'em to a geek store and plop 'em down on the counter. "Whaddaya give me for the pile?" Kinda like a trip to Half Price Books with a box of books to "sell," and then realizing you only get a nickle on this one, a dime on THAT one...
Rerun and I have identified some buildings (HO, of course) THAT I've had going back to 1986;as "surplus." I don't want to screw around with the eBay nonsense... but also doubt they'd sell in the "mother of all garage sales (unless BRENDA stops by...)." They are: a Magnuson (I think) resin 2-story/2-bay fire station, Design Preservation Models (DPM) Cutting's Scissors Works, DPM Laube's Linen Mill, DPM B Moore's Catalog Showroom (I think), DPM small 2-story with recessed entry (decorated as "The 400 Club) with CNW yellow and green trim tastefully applied, and a water tower (mfg. unknown). All are assembled and painted. Some have even been repainted a time or two. I did NOT attempt any mortar effects on these...but some do have "vines" as well as "windows" made of either tape or film negatives. IF anybody is interested, I can grab some pics of 'em, and would be willing to w**k out some kind of deal. Mostly, I need to move 'em out as they are taking up valuable space and have no assigned role on the progressing future layout.
Speaking of Rerun, he is insisting it's bed time. Almost 0100...he's probably right. Oh, and seems he's found some "night medicine" for me as well...
G'night, best wishes to all...and here's hoping for a good and SAFE day.
Mixed baby green salad, please.
***Keith, I had 3 of those in N scale myself once. Sold them to buy more steamers. Kinda miss them now as they are very interesting looking locos. Had the same paint scheme as yours, too. So, does it run after all or not?
Drilled some holes for lighting some buildings on the wife's (HO) layout tonight. Also base coated the tiny pond. Then set in some retaining walls. After looking at Keith's work, my walls should come tumbling down until something a little more convincing can be made. Mine look like #*@^ by comparison.
Bill Tidler Jr.
Near a cornfield in Indiana...
2 NYC oil cans, Bachmann 70 ton switcher w/DCC, 8 tank cars, 1 gondola, several pounds of rusty metal, several piles of steam era scrap, 2 chooch gondola loads. The tank cars all have knuckle couplers and the 70 ton switcher is new in the box. Spent $100.
BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret) L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes
Good Morning
Nice and dull dull dull. And coolish---going to be 19C for a high
Got back from a good morning walk around the neighbourhood. Oh, yesterday found a yard sale just down the block from us'uns. Ended up getting a couple of HO scale ATLAS RSC11's for $10. Heeheehee These'll do just fine for the HO club layout
Chloe, I'll have a toasted bagel and a coffee in a Burlington Northern mug please----I'll be at the RC watching the place wake up
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
Good morning all. Coffee please. Showers and thunderstorms likely, mainly after 1pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 74. Well, I'm awake. Didn't sleep well again, even with the Spring Tonic. Oh well it's short lived. Always is. Last night it seems to be drying up a bit so I think tonight I may get a bit more sleep.
Church books this morn work this afternoon. Yard needs mowed and the brush needs cleared from the brambles. Doesn't look good for MRRing today but you never can tell. uppose to storm after 1. Should be quick at the Church being it's the first week of the month.
Lee- Apple, hmmm. What do you mean rusty metal and steam era crap. Gondola loads? Or just what you said . If so whatcha gonna do with the rusty metal? Sprinkle it around the trash cans for the neighbor you were having trouble with a while back?
Barry- Boy, I wish your neighborhood was closer to me than it is. This was the first time we've seen train stuff in a garage sale for yeeeeeears. You must live in a train infested neighborhood. Any houses for sale complete with well paying job?
I will be walking around Williamsville on the 15th this year. Cleanup can wait til afternoon.
Have a Great Day!!!!
Mornin' everyone!
Zoe could I get a bowl of the apple rhubarb crunch to go along with my dark roast coffee (in a FGLK mug)? What? Yeah, for breakfast. You know fruit is always good for breakfast! Huh? Well I usually out some sugar on my cereal, what's the difference?
Mornin' Bill!
Oh, Kieth! I think they them thing's, ah, Diseasals. Yep that what it is it a Diseasal!
A very gray day outside, still quite humid, but only supposed to get up to 71°F today. Currently 66°F under partly cloudy skies. Got a little rain last night, but not a whole lot.
I'm hoping to get back down to doing stuff on the layout this week....... Have to do some banking today, pick up an Rx, do the treasurers report for the MLK Committee, and finish the agenda for Deacons. Lots of evening meeting to be at all week long.............
Best get at it I guess.
Good afternoon Diners: not too busy in here today, two hours and counting since Ray was in. I'm on hold with a credit card company trying to report a pishing email. The mail brought the third of 4 modern tank cars I Bayed for near the end of April. It's a Roundhouse 50'. Has been built up from the kit , is missing the brake wheel, and one of the weights is lose. I've been able to juggle that into its seating. Can't get at it to glue it because the builder kindly welded everything shut.
Keith: those lines worked out really well - I find eyeballing things works OK for most hings, but not for track, unless I can get right down at eye level, which on this layout isn't in too many places!
Well, pishing is all sorted and forwarded to their online fraud squad; and I've a stand to build for Kris. She's doing a craft demonstration this coming Saturday, and needs to be able to hang up what she's working on while she works on it.
I'll have a peppermint tea and a cookie to take out please and thanks.
Italian Roast Coffee in a SOGGY SOUTHERN mug, please.
***Lee, a fine haul there.
***Der, that's the inherent risk of playing on the-bay. Surely YOU can fingure out how to fix it up if anyone can.
Tuckered out today, yet determined to get something done in the train room, however small.
Cheers! Rob
"Coffee Please~!"
"Woot".. lol.. Chris..~! lol.. "KEITH: See Pally! I told ya not to sweat them decals! Looks pretty durn good from here! As for the loco, THAT there looks to me to be some kind of ALCO product. Seems like a "safe" gamble to me... IF it looks good cosmetically, the inside, I would think "should" be OK. Then again, a wire could be broken off it's contact, drive shaft dis-aligned, and/or a cracked gear somewhere. I doubt it would be anything "fatal,"
Oh yeah.. sure.. what a mess. LOL.. Jeanne took off outside in the back.. she said.. "You're on your own, I'm gonna go pull some weeds" Even my faithful dog who is always at my side.. took off in the back and did some 'Sun Tanning'. In short.. after going through a few stripes.. and I do mean a few~ the decals were sticking to my fingers.. breaking.. twisting and the sorts. But in short.. the decals did come with instructions.. and it was a 'basis' from which to start.. but in the end, I used the 'Party foam' for fingers and tools... and believe it or not.. it works.. ITS ALIVE~! ALIVE ~! I TELL YOU~! Yep .. that there um Party Foam.. you can use it as a squeegee... no kidding. Acts and works just like a squeegee..lol. Desparate times for desparate people. Necessity is the Mother of Invention.. lol.
Chris.. Safe gamble? Better than that.. I don't have one like this.. its very nice... and if it works.. more the better. I do want you to know.. when I got back home I really examined it. Lol. I tried to imagine the 'point of impact' and looked for the secondary points as well. The thin plastic film that the Loco is formed to.. well that had stress fractures.. running horizontal.. as if the weight of the engine.. went into that thin plastic absorbing the impact. Had it fallen flat.. on its side I really don't think I'd see the breaks in the thin plastic. I can only imagine the Top of the case was shattered. I also got the feeling the owner.. he didn't want to know.. it wouldn't make any difference. No matter what he would have to still sell it as a 'dummy'.
Now of course.. I could do as Rob asked.. lol.. Does it work? Plug it in.. turn it on~ lol. I dunno.. it just doesn't matter at this point. If I had track hooked up.. I would test.. but then again..
If you remember .. Oh.. Jerry.. leaned back on his recliner.. whiped out a display case.. well one week later.. I dropped a Shay right out of the case.. I think it was Jeff who filled me in back then. Well even when I had track hooked up.. I just didn't want to know about the Shay.
Rob, AS far as you liking steamers.. me too.. I love em. Some day.. I might do a WPS contribution of my steamers.. a few.. nothing too special.. but its my kind of collection of steamers.. that I have found unique.. and my kind of steamers.
Although, I do not have the Cab Forward that just came out in N Scale. Nor do I see me getting one.. this terrible word comes to mind.. and I've never mentioned and most people try to avoid mentioning the words..
Plummet Zones Frightful isn't it? To see a CabForward going over a plummet zone.. ah leaves my mouth open. Anyone care to post a pic or two of a Plummet Zone.. and the un-intended guardrails.. so to speak? So as I build this layout.. I'm wondering.. hmm.. Rocks.. Houses.. and trees shall be my guard rails to fight the .. PLUMMET ZONE~ lol.. Frightful.. simply terrible.
Der John.. nice to see your threads.. I enjoy following yours.
Ulrich.. I sure hope.. you post pics of your layout buidling.. blow by blow.. I wanna know.. enquireing minds want to know. I would guess you building this thing.. you got your own methods and ideas.. I hope you share your building techniqes.
As for me.. believe it or not.. I shall be laying trolley tracks.. and whats so special..? I'm trying to match the cobblestone with the tops of the tracks. Clearance should be no problem as to the relationship of wheels and tracks.. that is, wheels running on the inside of the rails.. well thats should be the only clearance I'd have to worry about.. so I would guess.. some party foam right up to the outside of the rails.. would be fine. On a side note.. I'll be using black party foam to help hide the whiteness of the inside cracks. Another challenge for me... lol yeah.. I love it~
Jeff, I got up this morning expecting to see some pics.
BlazzinJeff, I got up this morning expecting to see some pics.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Apple Rhubarb pie, you gotta try it!
AmanaMedicSAWYER: Nice pics. I thought the heavy dose of yellow was from an attempt to model a drought... An el-cheapo lighting solution suggestion: clamp-on work lights. I'd start out with a pair of them positioned at 45 degrees to each other. The last time I bought a pair, I don't think I gave much over $5. I did manage to get the "wrong" shades for the bulb holders (big box "farm" store with the clamp/lamp holders in one bin and several other bins of lamp shades for a lovely "mix and mis-match") but, they did the job just fine anyway.
as to the drought, let's just say North branch is reluctant to pay water bills.....JK. I'll be mixing it in w/ other colors etc, but it's a good base. Clamp on work lights eh? would they be at Lowes or Home Depot?
John, the yellow stuff is yellow turf from life-like. That bigger lightbulb really makes a difference...DERN I want to get this lighting situation better!
Well, at school it seems everything is getting compressed down into the remaining 4 weeks, so my brain is pretty much ready to splat agaisnt the sides of my head lol.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
Packers#1as to the drought, let's just say North branch is reluctant to pay water bills.....JK. I'll be mixing it in w/ other colors etc, but it's a good base. Clamp on work lights eh? would they be at Lowes or Home Depot?
I still think it makes a good drought scene, here's what Cedar Rapids, Iowa looked like in July of 1988.
Andddddddddddddddddddddd, from Home Depot: Designers Edge 8.5 In. Incandescent Clamp Light
Model # E-245 Internet/Catalog # 100664506
Guess the price has gone up in the past 8 or 9 years... One would light up a scene pretty well, but using two of them at 45 degrees to each other helps knock-out unwanted shadows. They'll take up to a 150 watt bulb, and put out quite a bit of heat in the process. The downside? You'll get a yellowish cast to the pictures/video...but you're already getting THAT with the desk lamp. It's a side-effect of incandescent light bulbs. You might want to play with the white balance setting on your camera.
El-cheapo studio lighting!
Chris, we get scorched every summer anyways so it'll sometimes get that way anyways. and during the winter a lot of lawns turn yellow. and the white balance would take care of that cast anyways; there's an incandescent white balance setting
Packers#1and the white balance would take care of that cast anyways; there's an incandescent white balance setting
HELLO!!! Is anyone home? Just wondering whether chloe has any company tonight!
Anyhooooo----this one is going to Have a g'night
blownout cylinderHELLO!!! Is anyone home?
Huh? What the heck was that!!! Oh just you Barry. Guess I dozed off.
Flo, I need a refill of decafe please. Well, earlier this evening the MLK committee gave 4 great HS Seniors a total of $6,000 toward paying for college next year. The tough decision was a young lady who was easily our top choice but already has a full scholarship to a well known small private college. Unfortunately she would lose about the same amount of money in aid from the college as we would give her. So we opted to give the $ to students who would better benefit from getting the money. We are going to give the young lady a special recognition instead. This is a young lady who i have known since she was an infant, taught for a year (music) when she was a 2nd. grader (she stole my heart back then) and I have watched become a lovely, poised, and gracious young adult...... THAT didn't make the decision a bit easier either. Oh well, she will do very well in life.
I actually did make it down to the train room for a few minutes (it was 65°F down there and felt gooooood!) and got some braces glued in place for the new Quarry. Did THAT while the washer was running. Never did get back down there to hang up the wash......
Have to get up early tomorrow to call the guidance office at school to make arr..........................
Shhhhhhh BARRY! .... You'll wake up Duke.
Our lake keeps getting higher, and now it is as high as the highest we have seen it which was 2002. Shelley's sisters in Nashville. were affected. In nashville, the Opryland Holel was evacuated. Grand Old Opry is close to the hotel. A replica of Elvis's guitar floated away from the country & western musicians wax museum. A train load of 500 people on an excursion was stranded.
The sun came out today. Finally.
Hi Gang,
Zoe, I see you are working alone tonight. Where is Vinnie hiding out??
I'll have a toasted BLT and a Dr. P. Thanks.
GARRY, I was just watching the news about the flood there and telling my Wife that you live on the Cumberland river and that I was worried about you. So, Please tell us how dry you are and if it is going to stay that way. How close are you to the river?? They were saying it has come up eleven feet....... I've seen your pictures looking out at it but it is hard to tell the distance by that.Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your neighbors.
LEE, that is some haul you made. You fellas under the lakes there sure get lots of train shows to attend. I am envious.
JIM, Glad you had a good trip and visit to some layouts. We hope that will spur you on to get that pike of yours up and running. By the way, did you meet any nice young ladies along the way that you haven't told us about??
Keith, You are impressing us with your great modeling and unique scenes. Sure like the amphitheater and roads.
JERRY, Those are some great looking trees you have put together, your Illinois Southern has come together nicely.
CAJUN RYAN, you must really be busy, we sure haven't heard much from you in quite q while. How about firing up some more of those Great Train Recipes... They were wonderful. My wife has made a few for me.
Time really flies. I have been back from Grande Prairie a week already. My son came through his surgery well. He had a couple of really tough days but managed to get back to work some today although taking it much easier than he normally would. Thanks for your thoughts.
Time to get horizontal for awhile, it's been a long day.
Johnboy out......................for now
from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North..
We have met the enemy, and he is us............ (Pogo)
Orange Juice, please.
Spent 5 or so hours this evening in the ER after FIL had a seizure. He is fine now and back at the assisted living facility. My wife is already fast asleep. Just finished all my farm chores in the dark I would have normally done earlier. I'm beat.
Did make time for a quick first poor of the wife's little (HO) pond. It will be done on the second poor...it is that small.
Good Night, Y'all.
Good Morning,
Zoe, make that a hot black tea for me, please. I am coming down with something nasty, my nose is runny my throat is sore. Must have gotten it while watching trains the other day, when it was nice, but cold outside. So it will be a day on the sofa, neatly propped up and covered with a blanket to stay warm.
Yesterday saw me spending a lot of time in the internet, searching for a solution how to control the turnouts on my layout. I cannot afford any switch motor and wiring is also not really my cup of tea. I still have an issue with soldering - just too dangerous for me - you know, burned fingers As I have only about 4" between the track level and the door forming the base of the layout, I was looking for an inexpensive manual turnout control. Those Bluepoint controls are too big and to expensive, in fact, more expensive than a motor. After a long search, I found a way employing bowden cables and connectors in the R/C airplane modeling sector to be a suitable substitute, bringing down the cost of a turnout control to less than $ 2 -another boost to my "modeling on a shoestring budget" venue.
Well, I´ll be heading for the sofa - you all have a good one!
Backlit billboards in every scale. Very cool illuminated graphics.