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Couplers on HO scale trains

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Couplers on HO scale trains
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 1:43 PM
I'm a fairly new model railroader and I am confused by the different kinds of couplers in use on my engines and cars. Some seem to be the old type that Tyco used and some are knuckle types. To uncouple one type you use a Y shaped raised part on a track (which doesn't seem to work very well) and some apparently use a magnet. Help! Which should I use? Can and should I switch all my couplers to one kind? Any help would be welcome. Thanks, Rod
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Posted by BRAKIE on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 2:11 PM
Rod: there is no doubt in my mind that you should change your couplers to Kadees.These couplers look like real couplers and work flawlessly if properly install.You can not go wrong with these couplers.Now,to uncouple your cars/engines you will need to get the magnet that is use for these couplers.Instructions on how to install these couplers is included in each pack of couplers(2 sets of couplers to the pack)I will say it is easy to do.



Summerset Ry.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 2:20 PM
Hi Larry, I want to replace the trucks and wheels on my rolling stock. What brand should I lean towards? The trucks on the new Athearn kits are cheap plastic and I figured metal would be better. Thanks, Gerald
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Posted by CSXFanAlso on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 2:26 PM
First off, welcome to the hobby! I think couplers are like music, everyone has a favorite and has reasons why one is better. I would personally go away from the old X27 (I think that is the right number, they are the Tyco ones.) They don't couple well on curves and are not as realistic in operation as the Kadees or the other knuckle types out there. With new kits coming out, you should start seeing both the X27s and the knuckle types included. I have had limited luck with the new knuckle ones as they don't mate well on curves either. I personally replace all my couplers with Kadee #5s. They drop into almost every standard kit out there and they really set the standard for the hobby. Well, that's just my opinion on that. Enjoy the hobby!
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Posted by thirdrail1 on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 2:53 PM
The coupler type you are referring to was called the X2F. It was proposed as a standard design to be furnished by all manufacturers. However, the NMRA was not satisfied with its performance so never adopted it. This did not stop many of the manufacturers from adopting it as, since it was developed through the NMRA, there were no patent royalties to pay. The premier coupler in HO is the Kadee, which is available in many configurations to fit almost any draft gear. The McHenry, Accumate, and Bachmann EZMate are somewhat compatible with the Kadee. Kadees cost more, but they work better.
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Posted by BRAKIE on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 3:31 PM
Gerald: the Lifelike P2K 33" wheels is a good choich.I use these on my cabooses I use at the 2 clubs I belong to and have no problems.Each pack gives you enough wheels to do 3 cars they drop in place on the athearn trucks.There are other brands of metal wheels but,I perfer the P2Ks.To tell you true I used the athearn trucks as is on my freight cars,as most menbers of the clubs.But,1 club is going to vote on changing to metal wheels at the next meeting.It doesn't matter to me as I going to change them any how,as the old plastic wheels are wearing out from use.The metal wheels will add weight where it's needed the most at track level.Not to mention the shiny wheel treads and clicky clack.



Summerset Ry.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 4:22 PM
ROD, you have several choices(7),but the consensus
is the Kadee #5, succeeded by the new Kadee #58.
Go to for the MR review of the #58. Should you go Kadee,then also go to their site for the coupler conversion or the Walthers reference book that has
the conversion list.
Not all HO cars/engines use the #5(58)Kadee also makes the 20 series(approx 9 styles) & the 30 series(approx 9 styles) for different applications
If you go Kadee, you should also get a trip pin tool and a #58 coupler height gauge. The kadee site is
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Posted by BRAKIE on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 4:33 PM
Charles:FYI:The Kadee # 58 has be failing at the club mostly on long trains and slack action.The cars are not weigh to 20.1 problem seems to be in coupler facing braking lose.Why? don't know yet.



Summerset Ry.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 21, 2001 5:41 PM
Larry,this is the first I have heard about a #58
Failure, but there's always a first. I have Kadee's Oregon 1-800 # at another site. I will E-Mail it to you along with the coupler conversion technician's name. May I have your E-Mail address?
Chuck Walsh-Grand Rapids Mi
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Posted by snowey on Thursday, November 22, 2001 1:14 AM
First off, the couplers you're refering to are called X2Fs or "horn hook" couplers. These have been in use for many years, even though the design was never adopted by the NMRA (the National Model Railroad Association). you should change them all to "knuckle types" which both look & act more realistic. These are made by a number of manufacters, like Kadee, Intermountain, & McHenry. Kadee has been around for years, and some people say their couplers are the best. Since you're new, though, the first thing I would reccomend is buying some of the exellent model railroading books from Kalmbach. Also, don't let something like this dicourage you from the hobby. Even those of us who have been in it for years, run into problems. Whenever you have questions, or run into problems (and you will-we all do!) post a question on either this forum, or the one at the Alas site, at WWW.ATLASRR.COM That one is great! You can post something there once & sometimes you'll get an answer the same day. Sometimes, 3 or 4! Just 2 more things: good luck and welcome to the hobby!
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 22, 2001 9:53 AM
Thanks, Matthew. Rod
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 22, 2001 9:57 AM
Thanks, Charles, that's very helpful. Rod

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