Hi some friends and I operate a "O" scale Hi-Rail display layout in a local mall. The layout is 24' x 55' multi-level. It is historically based on the area of the layout, the Anthracite Coal Region circa the steam era. We run conventional, DCS, and TMCC. We recently took on additional space in hopes of generating more interest / membership by opening up to other more popular scales. We have room now for HO, On30, N or 2 more scales / layouts. We are laid back. All we ask is that you try your best, are open to learn, and put in some time every month. We meet once a week and are currently open to the public 2X a month.
We are open to all disciplines, if you like carpentry, structure building, wiring, painting, track laying, you name it, we can really use your help. We are also open to people who are interested in the history and heritage of our area. Coal mining, Railroads, mainly the Reading, PRR, and Lehigh Valley. We have the beginnings of a website at Anthracitemodelrr.com it has a long way to go. We also have some video on Youtube. Search for Frackville plus model trains.
We are located in the Schuylkill Mall Frackville PA. Conveniently accessed from Interstate I-81 and State Road 61. You can bring your significant others and they can shop or dine while you enjoy your hobby. If you've always wanted to work on a larger layout than you have room for, this is your chance.
Please email us at malltrains@gmail.com for more information.
Thanks for reading. We hope to hear from you. Dave, Wally, Caleb, Jim, Jim, & Jim