Just came across a couple of old Digitrax manuals, opening bid is $24.95. Plus $5.95 to ship them! Umm, hello, you can downlaod those FOR FREE from the Digitrax web site. It does NOT include the out of print Big Book of DCC which seems to draw high bids even though it is out of date in many regards.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
Visit my web site at www.readingeastpenn.com for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.
Let's wait and see who's the first to report that they got this fabulous deal on Digitrax manuals and we can all have another good laugh.
Touche David.
It's possible someone wants the original printed booklet.
I know I've purchased some old Nintendo (NES) manuals for games that I have. A few can be found online and thus can be easily printed onyour own. But sometimes you want the orignial to increase the value of your set. Not sure how much this works for Digitrax though
Matt from Anaheim, CA and Bayfield, COClick Here for my model train photo website
Southwest Chief It's possible someone wants the original printed booklet. I know I've purchased some old Nintendo (NES) manuals for games that I have. A few can be found online and thus can be easily printed onyour own. But sometimes you want the orignial to increase the value of your set. Not sure how much this works for Digitrax though
The only way I can see someone getting the hardcopy is that they may not have a stable platform to download from. And there is that idea that paper does make some things more valuable-----
This may be more of a random factor
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
I do a good, honest business on Ebay. I try to be helpful with questions, I don't know everything, but I can pick up on someone either getting a bad deal or not doing good business. I like to make money but I don't like to do it at the expense of credibility. I see a lot of people over paying for Lionel items, I mean not everything is a classic... but manuals, come one... most manufacturers will send you a copy of a particular manual free or for a small fee... More and more can be downloaded for nothing...
Squirrels everywherre.
Hey one mans trash is another man's treasure I guess. Is it any different then the Lionel guys paying $50 to $75 for an empty original box? It's only worth something if someone will pay you for it.