QUOTE: Originally posted by dave9999 But to use the fact that you know Bergie on a personal level to make it appear that you have higher status than other members is somehow wrong.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Big_Boy_4005 The truth is that unless someone here says something to Bergie, he won't take action.
QUOTE: Originally posted by darth9x9 Don't worry Big_Boy_4005, [bow][bow][bow]I have been beat into submission by your bully tactics. [bow] I respect you and your stars. [bow] I have been assimilated. [bow][bow][bow] Now I have to move on to more meaningful postings and topics.
I'm back!
Follow the progress:
Bill Carl (modeling Chessie and predecessors from 1973-1983) Member of Four County Society of Model Engineers NCE DCC Master Visit the FCSME at www.FCSME.org Modular railroading at its best! If it has an X in it, it sucks! And yes, I just had my modeler's license renewed last week!
QUOTE: Originally posted by Roadtrp Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are. Whatever they are, I'm one post closer to having three of them!! [:D]
"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"
QUOTE: Originally posted by emeraldisle You know troops, I can't even believe that we're hashing this over again after what happened last time with Doogle. Da@&t Darth, you have alot of nerve coming on here as a new poster and flaming these terrific folks the way you have. This forum is, as has been said many times, not unlike a club, only in the virtual sense. I've never met any of these guys on here but I can tell you this, I would be proud to call any one of them my friend if I met them personnally. As it is, I have a lot of respect for each and every one of them, including the younger generation, that post here. If you don't care for this forum or you don't like the NES or any other topic, you have two choices, (1) ignore those topics which you don't care to post a response to or (2) don't come to this forum at all, you know the door does swing both ways and no one is twisting your arm to stay here. You are, however, welcome to stay, if you like and become a contributing member of this or any other forum topic, just, please, clean up you're attitude. These fine folks on here don't have to sit here, and be ridiculed by a new poster who hasn't the slightest idea of what this forum is all about. [:(!][:(!][:(!][soapbox][soapbox]
QUOTE: Originally posted by AntonioFP45 Well guys, Lot's of good responses but for me personally, I find much greater value in being able to give helpful suggestions as well as reading some of the super good ideas that I've seen on this Forum. I find the quality and thoughts behind posts and responses much more valuable and meaningful. BillMatthewson, I read your above response. You've got your act together and are mentally sharp, don't let "flamers" irritate you! CNW flamed me some months back and I responded "irritably". Since then I've discovered that one is better off ignoring flaming responses and to later continue helping the person that flamed you anyway. Sounds "Pacificist"? It's not, really, That person, in turn, perhaps out of guilt, will often respond supportingly to your future posts. [;)] In our personal lives, friends and family "flame us" on a regular basis. Hopefully, we don't continually torpedo them back. We forget about it and move on!" [:)] A while back Doggy flamed a few people on the TRAINS forum and was repeatedly "Blow Torched!". I haven't seen his posts in a long while. I would like to see him back. The people beating him over might have felt justified, but in the end we lose if he stops posting and leaves the forum altogether. While fun, star counts are bascially a bunch of electronically generated ones and zeroes on the computer screen. BigBoy4005 - with all due respect, you have good intentions but your comment about "friends in high places" and "sending in e-mail" while not meant to be, sounds arrogant. Makes you appear like you have a "big stick" when in reality the moderators checking these posts have the stick. Just an observation guy, nothing more. Cheers! And thanks to all my fellow modelers for the help in your posts and responses!
QUOTE: Originally posted by darth9x9 A question to all those that defend the stars: can you too post links of modeling work that you have done? I look forward to seeing all the great work that has been accomplished outside of this forum.
QUOTE: from a dictionary: Main Entry: fo·rum Pronunciation: 'fOr-&m, 'for- Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural forums also fo·ra /-&/ Etymology: Latin; akin to Latin foris outside, fores door -- more at DOOR 1 a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business b : a public meeting place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper) of open discussion or expression of ideas 2 : a judicial body or assembly : COURT 3 a : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion b : a program (as on radio or television) involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities
QUOTE: Originally posted by bill mathewson a message to Bill Carl- First of all. I am not initiating a flame war. I had considered just ignoring your cheap shot, but since you singled me out as an example, and initiated this rant, you have left me no other choice than to respond to your silly accusation. What initially crossed my mind is how I have been teased at posting lengthy replies at times, and yet now I am being nailed for posting some three word "replies" on the NES. I have to admit, I actually got a chuckle out of that. Then I thought about how I've often invested considerable time to research a response to a topic, so that my contribution is accurate, thorough and the best that it could be. Such a reply only earns a single post. So what ! However, there a few "flamers" on this Forum, as in life, that are judgemental and fairly miserable people hell-bent on finding ways to inflate their self-importance at the expense of others. Or they just worry about truly dumb things. The internet age has provided a means for twits like yourself to sneak up and blast people in 'cyber-space', and in general, conduct yourself far differently than you would in front of an individual, by hiding in front of your monitor instead. Your comment re: that I made meaningless posts to accumulate another 'star' is one of the most ludicrous - no, really stupid - comments on this Forum in quite awhile. That you initiated a new topic specific to that is even more so. I could care less about the 'stars' and don't particularly see the benefit of them. except that it demonstrates that one has spent a lot of time pursuing their hobby on the Forum. Someone posted that since "The Never Ending Story" and the "The Coffee Shop" aren't "about trains", perhaps posts there shouldn't earn stars on those topics. Who really cares, but it seems like an easy fix for Bergie to just implement such a change, especially if it will quiet you. You can even have my 'stars' to hang on your wall as little trophies. Had you ever just considered raising the question, perhaps even on "The Coffee Shop", as to whether or not 'stars' should be earned when posting on the two topics that you seem to think are meaningless and unrelated to trains? Or, if it was I in particular who had gotten under your skin, and worked you up into such a frenzy, you could have just emailed me directly, and presented your opinion to me. Were you a tattle-tale in school? You may have computer skills, but your understanding of people sucks. Suggest you read my posts dated 5/28 on the topic "nevermind", and see if any of that applies to you. I have been a model railroader for over fifty years and love this hobby and have met many fine modelers and train people all over the country. I have learned a lot from them, and I'm always eager and glad to contribute my experiences and knowledge when I can. I absolutely make an attempt to give back to this Forum at least as much benefit as I have received from it. I am on the Forum, as well as another, more than once a day, and it has become a mostly enjoyable journey, ecept for minor delays and derailments like this one. The NES has been a lot of fun and a creative escape for me as I expect it has been for those who frequently participate in it. If it isn't to your liking and you don't condone it, just ignore it and go on to another topic. For God's sake, get a life. This Forum has been graciously provided to us by the folks at Kalmbach, and I thought that it was to be shared worldwide, and not just cater to a few. It wasn't much fun this AM, however, having to waste my time replying to your silly little attack. BILL
QUOTE: Originally posted by SuperChiefFan I think thanks are in order to Emeraldisle for presenting 'NES' to the forum in the first place. It's harmless! I could hardly believe my eyes when I returned to the forum and saw that it had grown to over 200 pages. Clearly, it has it's place. I have to question something, however: why the continued bickering over the number of stars generated? I've always presumed the entire point of being here (in addition to learning, sharing insights and enjoying the comaraderie of others) was to have fun.