Nice pics so far.
Packers#1 - looks like your prior video wasn't very well received. Hopefully you'll take the replies to heart and see that there are better ways of doing what your trying to accomplish. If you learn from the criticism then it is completely negative. Both videos are pretty shakey. Anyway of getting rid of the shakes and saving us from motion sickness?
Driline's club's building looks good. It has that large size that some many industries on a layout lack. Too many times in trying to fit as many industries/buildings on a layout as possible we end up making the industries too small. It would take one of these small industries a long time to fill up a 40' boxcar let alone the fact that the boxcar usually dwarfs the building.
I just received a new camera as a combination birthday/Christmas gift (did I mention that I really love my wife?). Went out and did some railfanning while discovering the bold new world of "depth of field."
Hey, Ma, lookie at the view from out here!
"I am lapidary but not eristic when I use big words." - William F. Buckley
I haven't been sleeping. I'm afraid I'll dream I'm in a coma and then wake up unconscious. -Stephen Wright
Just completed my Flats project....let me know what you think.
just thought I'd post my latest update video.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
Just be glad you don't have to press "2" for English.
Nice photo Crandell
For one guy to have all those cool steam locos just isn't fair !
See my Web Site Here
Nice covered stairs and concrete on the ground at the base of those buildings..with the railings. Looks very realistic.
Grampy, beautiful image. Tack sharp...I wish I could get them sharp that way.
Here is a Sunday excursion in the highlands near Seneca Falls. N&W's trusty J Class #607 gets the honours.
jecorbett Driline WOW!!! I'd be proud of that too. I love the way the complex has been kitbashed to create the feeling of several annexes having been added over time.
WOW!!! I'd be proud of that too. I love the way the complex has been kitbashed to create the feeling of several annexes having been added over time.
I agree, that's a great large building complex; lots of details and interesting things going on. The covered stairway on the rear building - is that scratchbuilt or a kit?
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Driline Here's a couple of photo's from my train club's layout. This is probably one of the best modeled area's on the clubs layout. It depicts the John Deere Works in Moline.
Here's a couple of photo's from my train club's layout. This is probably one of the best modeled area's on the clubs layout. It depicts the John Deere Works in Moline.
Great pictures!
I've no picture this time, but a video: Harbor turn part II
Pueblo & Salt Lake RR
Come to us my videos my blog
I see great work from everybody so far. I hope each of you had a good Thanksgiving.
Here is a Heritage 2-10-2 with an eastbound train entering the bridge over the Mrs. Hippy River.
San Dimas Southern slideshow
All Alcos.
I have, actually...
Modeling the Rio Grande Southern First District circa 1938-1946 in HOn3.
Jeff W, I don't know if you are getting better at modeling or with the different camera it just look better, bet either way your stuff is looking very good!
David B, on fading have you ever tried sanding with a fine sandpaper something around 300 to 600 grit? After a dull coat you should not be able to see the sand scratches.
I hate Rust
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Time for a little Penn Central lovin'...
I weathered my new N scale ESM Flexi-Flo hopper with a combination of washes and pastel chalks with lots of Dullcote. Also added ACI labels:
I also was inspired to tackle a foobie MTL PC 50' gon. I wanted to warm up before I tried weathering my new ESM 65' PC class G26 mill gon. I added a COTS and ACI label per standard practice. This was a combination of acrylic washes and pastel chalks again.
Just for giggles and grins I also tried to do a subtle fade on an old MDC Railbox car using pale yellow washes and pale yellow chalks. I think it may be too subtle, but sometimes that's good.
Tyler, remind me to stick uncoupling picks in your foam next time I'm over! I'll bring a few thousand and make a fortress out of your layout.
Great work posted by everyone!
I psoted the vid link, but here's some pictures:
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
Great start to WPF! Love the John Deere facility. Very well done!
Here's another shot with a digital backdrop added:
I love the roof of the radiator shop. How did you build it?
here's an update video from me. I'll hopefully have pictures up soon. I think I need some sculptamold to even out the plaster roads though, but I already painted the lot, so that'll require more painting.
Hello Great work everyone.My radiator shop is just about done a few more odds&ends and it should be good. I got it set in place but it needs a fence and some trees.
have a great weekend Frank
Attached on the link below....status of an old housing complex. I LOVE wooden kits!
Those are some OUTSTANDING buildings, Frank!
Here's the project that has had operating sessions on hold...fascia panels with bill boxes, throttle ports, and the switch for my only reversing circuit. I have four of these, one for each town: Lebanon, Mascoma, Enfield (pictured), and West Canaan - all prototype towns in New Hampshire. I would have built a full fascia for only $20-ish more, but time was an issue. I can always add a fascia later if I feel it is needed. All it does is look pretty - and for me and my small operating crew, we can live without it...
The industry labels from left to right are LeBlanc Scrap, E&R Rail Interchange, Enfield Transfer, and Agrawal Paper. That shiny stuff is aluminum tape (really sticky stuff!) serving as a dam while the "water" in Enfield Bog dries.
Here's some from last weeks running session.
Terry and Edward meet at Wildwood.
Edward's N/B Train at Wauhatchie.
Bob's N/B Train at Wauhatchie.
Keith's S/B Train at Bridgeport.
Absolute Zero work done after the Turkey induced coma yesterday
Here a video of my H-5 pulling a coal Drag on Art Bormans Layout
during his Open House
Wow...I came on to post in Weekend Picture Fun, as it's been awhile since I've done so, and it's not up yet, so I guess I'll start it off (a first).
I was running trains waiting on the turkey yesterday....Here's a couple of shots of my Mike pulling a string of old time coaches up to the station on my in progress city scene on the patio layout:
Bob Berger, C.O.O. N-ovation & Northwestern R.R. My patio layout....SEE IT HERE
There's no place like ~/ ;)