Did they go out of business? I sure hope not. I have been unable to access their website for about a week.
After seeing this, I checked on their website as I have ordered a lot from 1st Place in the past. I didn't have any problem accessing the site. I'm not sure why the site wouldn't be working for you, but you might try deleting your browser cache and then attempt to go on the website again.
I did what you suggested. I guess my computer doesn't like the site anymore.
Update. I used Google and clicked on the freight car link. It worked which is quite strange.
Are you using a firewall? If so check to make sure it will allow that site. I use a Computer Assoc. security software package and it will sometimes block sites until I add them in the security area.
You have to type in the company name as all one word -- http://www.1stplacehobbies.com
Sometimes that will happen to me. My 'puter will get some millivolt amperage up its chip or some such thing and not allow something that I've never had a problem with before. A way around that has been to download Mozilla Firefox, run it, and go from there. A lot of times Firefox is even faster than your 'home' provider. Just a plan 'B' if ya need it.