I finished up detailing a Kato F-7. The basic paint and some of the details were done by Tim Adler, but I added the grabs, grilles and most of the lettering.
I've also got this old gem in the shop to work on. It belongs to the Western Maryland Ry. Historical Society, and was donated over 20 years ago. I've got to work out some kinks in the front engine to get her back into regular service. I reworked the pilot to have more of a WM appearance back in the day, and I'm going to undertake building a proper cab for her once I get her running again.
So, what have you all been up to?
Route of the Alpha Jets www.wmrywesternlines.net
Well, I've been putting in a new scenic area that's gone untouched for the past few years. Here's a eastbound NS unit train coming out of Sand Patch tunnel into the new area on my Allegheny & Cumberland .....
Thanks for starting things off this weekend with a couple good photos. Love the steamer on the TT and your F7 photo with the good looking structures and scenery is nicely done to.
I only have my bridge through the canyon scene and have posted it many times so I will hold off until I get more scenery done.
Then again this photo is new. I had a visitor that helped me with the white ballance on my camera. I didn't even know it was adjustable.
Lee: Great work, as always --I especially like the kit-bash on the WM Challenger. Always thought those were particularly handsome steamers. Have you checked with Precision Scale in Montana to see if they might carry an N-scale all-weather cab? I know they carry quite a few N-scale super-detailing parts. Might be worth a try.
Outdoorsfella: Scenery's looking REALLY good!
John: GREAT bridge! I love curved viaducts!
Well, haven't contributed in a couple of months, so here's a couple of shots from train-watching on Yuba Pass. The first is Rio Grande challenger #3704 with a priority train of mostly California produce. The yellow striping on the front sand-box is an experiment to make the loco more visible at grade crossings. The Challenger is a Westside model.
About an hour later, 2-8-8-2 #3508 comes trundling by with an eastbound drag freight. Yah, I know the loco looks a little bright and shiny for a drag loco, but I just bought it two days ago and haven't hit it with the 'weathering' powders, yet. It's a new Proto2000.
Tom View my layout photos! http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/TWhite-014/Rio%20Grande%20Yuba%20River%20Sub One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
Nice steamer above, Lee. Very nice. Your painting of the diesel has turned out very well. Far beyond my capabilities. Also, the scenery in the photo by outdoorsfella is really very good. The rock face turned out well. The rest of the greenery is also quite natural. The ballast job ain't too shabby, neither.
[edit- added] John and Tom both posted while I was composing my post, so I have to add that they are also excellent examples of modelling. I always enjoy their contributions.
I am too busy with other priorities this time of year, not the least of which is keeping a substantial garden and property from succumbing to a drought this year. So, I had time a few nights ago, late, to take a photo. Two competing railroads run their varnish past each other in this meet in the highlands above Seneca Falls.
I gotta get back in the diner. But it won;t be this week:
That's a 1:1 scale of where I'm gona be until next Wednesday, On the IN State Fair Train. I can't find the pictures I shot on the Naptwon layout of the HO scale model I'm doing)
Wow all this Heavy Steam has me drooling !
Nice stuff guys !
Great Picture John
White Balance adj really helped
See my Web Site Here
Thanks Terry, I now have even more pictures to choose from when taking photos and thats OK with digital.
Tom, I know we both live in California but its to bad there is so much real estate between us. I would love to visit.
Well it looks like this week is themed in steam so maybe I best take a shot of my one steamer to keep with the theme.
Great photos everyone. i'm stuck at the beach so I can't take pictures of my c-liner or h-15-44 all finished up, but I'll do that this weekend.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
I've been taking some photos, trying to play around with the best setups to enter Model Railroader's photo contest.
As an evening thunderstorm clears away, Train 403 heads west around Mascoma Lake.
- F/36, 2.0 seconds, at ISO 320. Light is provided by layout track lighting and a photo lamp with a difuse filter. (Actually, it's an old reading lamp with a floodlamp bump that I'm holding a piece of paper over, but it serves the same purpose!) The stormy sky was added in Photoshop.
#9423 leads 402 past Mascoma Lake.
- F/36, 4.0 seconds, at ISO 640. Light is just natural layout lighting, track lights.
Train 403 passes Kimball Scrap in Enfield, NH.
- F/29, 5.0 seconds, at ISO 100. Again, light is just the standard layout lighting.
Very nice work, everyone.
Hudson relegated to freight duty.
Wow! Great model work by Lee, Oudoorfella, Spidge, Twhite, Crandell, Tyler, and DJ.... Also, Flashwave, that's a neat old NKP Geep... Also, Sawyer is at the beach (Don't watch too many girls, Sawyer)
My photo has C&S 700D in Prairie View.
Heartland Division CB&QAlso, Sawyer is at the beach (Don't watch too many girls, Sawyer)
Also, Sawyer is at the beach (Don't watch too many girls, Sawyer)
lol, I won't.
Speaking of girls, how about a pic of my ATSF 6330? I think I've posted this before, but I can't remember. Took it on a REAL sunny day, and the lighting went kinda screwy.
Packers#1 Heartland Division CB&Q Also, Sawyer is at the beach (Don't watch too many girls, Sawyer) lol, I won't. Speaking of girls, how about a pic of my ATSF 6330?
Heartland Division CB&Q Also, Sawyer is at the beach (Don't watch too many girls, Sawyer)
Speaking of girls, how about a pic of my ATSF 6330?
HAHAHA! You know it's time to take a break from MRRing when you say things like that!
Anyways, this is what I've been doing lately.
That's a bachmann USRA light 2-10-2 that I've been "Canadianizing". The most recent thing I've done was cutting off the steam pipes from the cylinders so I can make new ones as the original ones don't come up far enough on the boiler. The new rear truck is actually a pilot truck from some other engine that was in somebody else's scrapbox. Now that I have a torch, I have started to bend my piping for the FWH system.
Lots of steam this week, you could probably get a sauna going if this keeps up.
I got some new acquisitions this week:A BLI NW2 with sound and DCC.
Some cars that came with it.
I'm not changing roads or eras, I just happened to get a good deal on the NW2. I may end up repainting it for BN if I can't find a BN to swap it for.
Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....
2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.
BigBlueConrailPacker is that SW an Athearn?? It looks good.
It's a Broadway limited with QSI sound/dcc
Here is my custom painted Iowa Northern Railway GP38-2. Just finished it this evening...
twhiteAbout an hour later, 2-8-8-2 #3508 comes trundling by with an eastbound drag freight. Yah, I know the loco looks a little bright and shiny for a drag loco, but I just bought it two days ago and haven't hit it with the 'weathering' powders, yet. It's a new Proto2000.Tom
Obviously the hobby shop is on the way back from FedEx!
Here's one you guys haven't seen. This is my G scale train in the den that I built from scratch using 562 individual ties 3/4" x 1/2" x 6"! 20 brackets. blah, blah, blah. It was fun combining my love of woodworking and trains. It's in my media room. I also build my own high end speakers. The walls are painted dark to keep the reflected light down and it's actually darker than this shows.
San Dimas Southern slideshow
Good to see that there is another 3801 locomotive in the world. The one from down under is a well known steamer that is currently undergoing a replacement boiler.
Here is a photo at central Sydney, the second loco is another 38 class non streamlined and is the last of the 30 built class.
There will shortly be available models of these famous locomotives, both streamlined and non streamlined and available with sound.
Todd McWilliamHere is my custom painted Iowa Northern Railway GP38-2. Just finished it this evening...
Nice clean paint job. No smears or drips And best of all its IOWA!
Some really nice photos this week. Here is my entry for the weekend. The shot is of an F40PH pulling into the North Hawks Ridge station on my freelanced layout. The background was added with Photoshop.
Hawksridge Some really nice photos this week. Here is my entry for the weekend. The shot is of an F40PH pulling into the North Hawks Ridge station on my freelanced layout. The background was added with Photoshop. Snip
Nice looking loco Who makes it ?
The locomotive is a Kato F40PH with sound and DCC. I purchased it a few years ago at my LHS. The locomotive is a smooth performer with great sound (I don't recall the the company that manufactures the decoder but it was factory installed). The Amfleet V passenger cars are by Walthers.
This is what I did today:
I finished most of the FWH piping on the engineer's side. The green stuff is the lagging on the larger pipe which is a thin strip of masking tape wound around the pipe and secured with CA. It's not perfect but for my first time ever doing something like that and my first ever project period, I am quite happy with it.
As always I am impressed big time by so much of the work shown here! Some great modeling, and some great photography!
I am starting to get the required photos for the NMRA Scenery Certificate. Every time I take a photo and take a good look at it, something jumps out at me that still needs to be finished. This is the service area at Hopewell showing the ice house up on the hill and the mountain behind it. There were 2 things that I saw right off that need to be done. Both on the Coaling Tower..... (There is actually a 3rd. item, but I photoshoped that out.)
If anything else jumps out at you, let me know as I would rather correct it before the judges arrive...... It is August 1925 on the SLOW located somewhere in the Finger Lakes region of NYS.
The town of Hopewell Junction:
And finally an area where I am finishing some scenery. I didn't notice the jar of ballast sitting there or the small plastic cup when I took the photo.......
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
A friend of mine and myself went out on a mill hunt and found a more than a few modeling ideas to toss around. A couple of them are
and this scene---which he is looking to put together----we only got this one for now---this is the back end of downtown Paris ON. All those buildings are right at the riverbank. I lived in an apartment that had the balcony right over the river----
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
AndyManCNR This is what I did today: I finished most of the FWH piping on the engineer's side. The green stuff is the lagging on the larger pipe which is a thin strip of masking tape wound around the pipe and secured with CA. It's not perfect but for my first time ever doing something like that and my first ever project period, I am quite happy with it.
I like that lagging, being a big Elesco FWH fan myself. One thing I was thinking about, that might save you some work the next time you need to lag some piping: Go down to the local guitar shop and get some 'flat-wound' Ernie Ball (or comparable brand) guitar wire. The winding on the wire looks exactly like lagging, and the wire is quite flexible. I would say probably .0020 or larger, and there's enough length to probably do the lagging on quite a few locos. Just a thought, understand.
That's some really NICE work, BTW! I hope you post photos as you progress on that loco. And BTW, where did you find that all-weather cab? That is really SWEET!
Really nice work guys. There's some great close-up shots this week. Don't have pictures this week. I'm in a serious project the past month in the train room right now and it looks like a hurricane went through the room. As soon as i get the scene done they will most definetly go on here.
I'm doing the hardest section of the layout right now. I have a crawl space with a 3' x 3' area to work in. Once the hills go in, I'll never be able to do any detail work in that particular area anymore. I also turned 50 last Tuesday and my body is telling me so. It's hard getting into the crawl space so all my tools are piled up where i can get to them without having to make too many trips back and forth through the crawl space...What a mess!....chuck
I started a string of painting / weathering projects in early spring to work on my airbrush techniques and to get more rolling stock lettered. Here's the first project, an Athearn blue box Baldwin S12. Nothing fancy, no detail added, no masking - just paint and decals.
Here it's pulling a couple of empty hoppers (project #2) from coal dealer.
George V.