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Elliott's Trackside Diner XI

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, April 27, 2009 8:19 AM


Todd, in the 21/2 car garage that will only park 1 compact car!!Laugh



Central Illinoyz

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Posted by grayfox1119 on Monday, April 27, 2009 8:45 AM

 Good morning, ahh that coffee smells soooooo good this morning, and smell of that bacon on the grill.

62F here now under clear skies and steadily climbing into the upper 70's today. I wish I could report progress on my layout, but with April ending on Thursday, I have only 4 days remaining to get the rest of the brush from storm damage up to the burn pile for final burn tomorrow unless we get the "red flag warning".

I was able to upright one of the Colorado Blue Spruce trees that was bend at 60 degrees due to ice loading back in December by using a rachet come along anchored to a huge Maple tree, I hated to lose that nice 30 foot tree, looks like it will be Ok.

SWINE FLU: I noticed in the paper this morning that the area where ED lives is one of the areas where the outbreak has hit. He is on his way to Newfoundland via Texas and Texas also has been hit with this flu strain. And much to my surprise so has Nova Scotia!!!!!!!! The flu season normally ends in April here in the States, so they are telling people if you have ANY flu-like symptoms at all, get to your doctor IMMEDIATELY! The people who have died in Mexico had not gone to seek medical attention right away, people who had, recovered from the flu. And it is hitting healthy, strong people!

RAY: Glad to see the NCE decoder is working for you, I like their products. And you don't live all that far from their factory do you? They are in Webster I believe?

MID-West guys: The weather channel yesterday was showing some really strong tornado outbreak warnings, it just doesn't end for you guys does it!!  Hopefully things will settle down soon, softball size hail is not fun.

LEE: Now that was quite a haul!! You did some fancy negotiating young man! Looks like you will be busy in kitsville for a while.

DUKE: April Progress Reports and photos are due today!! 

JEFF: I'll bet if you took one of your figures, maybe one that is holding a latern or something similar enough to a can of spray, you could modify it enough to look like a graffetti artist at work at night on that boxcar on the siding.

MIKE: Time to get the Tiller maintenance done, planting season is almost here.

JERRY: Pecan pie for desert today at lunchtime....( if you beat SUE to it )

DER JOHN: Better get to your drug store, I hear there is a big run on face masks up in Halifax.

One more problem to work on tonight, the wife's PC needed to have .NET Framework 1.1 and it's updates installed on her Xp PC, and it would not install. I finally got it to install after much troubleshooting, but now her Microsoft Windows One Care Anti virus program isn't working, so I have to de-install and re-install that program. Easy right? NO, some parts of the program didn't un-install so now I have find where they are hiding using another microsoft program.....never easy with these programs, NEVER.

See you guys at lunchtime, watch out for the Swine Flu outbreak !


Dick If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got!! Learn from the mistakes of others, trust can't live long enough to make all the mistakes yourself, I tried !! Picture album at : Picture album at: local weather
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Posted by JimRCGMO on Monday, April 27, 2009 8:58 AM

Oh, goodie! Todd's got the TOP honors - Zoe, I'll have the #2 special, scrambled egss, blackberry jam with the toast, glass of Ed's OJ, and a cup of coffee, please. Thanks, Todd!

For those who hadn't seen yet, on the MR general discussion (one layer up), they've announced that Bergie(Erik), our head sysop, will be leaving Kalmbach on May 4th (to be sysop for a Reader's Digest food site and their forum). You may want to go to that topic (and/or one in the Trains.Com forum) to post your thanks, wishes, etc. for him. I already let him know (and saw posts from several Diners there) that we'd love for him to drop by the Diner, and that the twins would love some of those delicious recipes he'll likely be seeing at the new job.

Sun's shining here today, but supposed to have rain most of the rest of the week, as our weatherguessers are saying that front is a slow mover. Oh, joy! Quack, quack, quack... 

Barry, I'm starting to learn more of Canadian geography - I was wondering if you were west of Cape G. Well, when I looked London up on Google Maps, I found out you're east of Michigan. D'oh - do I feel like the Dunce now... (No comments, guys!) Glad I don't have a test coming up this week on geography.Oops

SaronaTerry, thanks for the photos to locate the new section of your layout for us. From that one photo, it looks like you build the top first and then raise it to put the benchwork under it? Or did that part used to be somewhere else in your layout. Good one about where your 'stuff' is, too.Wink

I'll take my coffee to the window booth, Zoe, until the rest of breakfast is ready. Want to watch the morning switcher.



Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by LSWrr on Monday, April 27, 2009 9:20 AM


Hopefully I can sell a few of those kits, but the trick at train shows is to stack up everything you want and hold out cash.  I only wanted the wagon top box cars, but the guy at the table asked what it would take for me to buy all of the kits he had.  I said $100, he countered with $150 and I started putting everything back and it went to $125, then I put my money away and started to walk off slowly and he dropped to $100.  The Tyco stuff I typically only offer $1 to $2 each.  My other trick is asking: “Does the price get sweeter with the more I buy?”.  I pushed my luck at the used locomotive table when I flashed the internet adds.  The one add had 2 Broadway limited DCC Mikado’s for $200, I offered to buy two of his 1975 Mantua Mikado’s for $40 (He wanted $205 each) not only did he lose a sale from me, but the other 5 people put their items back and used his business cards to write down the web address for the internet sale. 

Parking for the Toledo train show was horrible; the local collage was holding cheerleader tryouts in the adjacent building.  Not only did I have to walk 100 yards to get to the train show, I had to push my way through a mob of 20 to 24 year old girls in spandex trying to stretch out before the doors opened at the tryouts.  The struggles I endure for the hobby!


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by howmus on Monday, April 27, 2009 10:00 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'll just have a nice cup of Dark Roast Coffee in a FGLK Mug if you please. 

Gonna be a hot one here in the Finger lakes today.  Already 81°F outside in the shade.  Supposed to reach 86°F or so (I am betting on close to 90°)  I have the house closed up after getting it nice and cool before i went to bed.  Turned off the main furnace yesterday so the only heat for chilly nights will be the heater out in the living room.  I is nice having 4 seasons here in this part of the country.  Around here we have Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Road Construction.  

RAY: Glad to see the NCE decoder is working for you, I like their products. And you don't live all that far from their factory do you? They are in Webster I believe?


Yep, about 50 minutes North of me.  (You might be from the Finger Lakes if you measure distance using time.)  Just to the East of Rochester, NY.  While I love my Digitrax system, I would be very tempted to go with NCE if I was starting over.  Very good, high quality stuff.  There is an LHS in Webster that does internet sales that carries both Digitrax and NCE but really touts the NCE line as being the best.  Tim has some of the best prices out there and is very quick with orders and a good guy to do business with.  I get most all my DCC items from him.  I have no personal ties with him (except I taught his sister and his brother here in Geneva years ago).  Web site is  

Oh, and Dick, Barry lives about four and a half hours from me........... Whistling

I think I will go watch the paint dry on a couple of locos!

Catch you later! 

Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cox 47 on Monday, April 27, 2009 10:21 AM

Good Morning Folks...Its clouding up here with storms promised this evening..its 72 and windy...I'll have a cup of coffeee and a slice of Pecan pie before Sue gets it..Thank You..Planning on putting coupler conversion on Life like GP 18..I wanted to paint IC caboose but with rain coming in I'll hold off..

Lee...Sounds like a good haul at train show but sorry LOL you had to go thru all those young ladies trying out for cheer leader...tuff but you had to get to show...

You all have a good one...Jerry

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Posted by der5997 on Monday, April 27, 2009 10:52 AM

 Oreos to go witht that milk please Zoe.


DerJohn (if you could bribe him enough for tips on how to scratchbuild such a critter, or if he can stand to work on something that huge...).
...sitting in my "Kits to do" drawer is a Resin HO pick up truck.  I've not done Resin before, and wanted to try out on something larger than N before I put together the Resin N kits I've got laid away.Tongue  If it turns out half decently, it will be surplus to my requirements....Whistling 
THEN he goes and tells about making the auger/blades for it!
...JIm,, it's not that I made the blades - they were "made" for me by the drill bit when I did some holes in a piece of plastic one time.  All i did was 1) keep what would normally be scrap. 2) recognize in my scrap box "very thing I was looking for" when the time came. 3) cut the swarf to size and glue it in!  What I didn't do is what was may-be troubling you...cut the swarf in two and revesre the direction of one half.

Lee: some-one mentioned making latex moulds for casting their own parts just now. I figure on doing much the same with the wheels from a couple of different vehicles. If they turn out OK, I can throw them on some styrene rod, and that should do it. What length of axel would you want?

On the LL N locos, the F40PH for which I've re-built the trucks from a LL F unit Jerry sent me now runs as well and as quietly as any of my Kato locos.Headphones  The re-build included rubbing the axels and their mounting holes in the truck frames with a soft lead pencil. this gives a graphite coat to those bearing surfaces.  I did the same, as well as I could manage, to the teeth of the gears in the transmission. All that was followed by a good greasing once the trucks were re-assembled. I'd recommend the effort, it's made a world of difference.

Terry: Like the clouds, very effective!Thumbs Up Whole layout is looking real nice!

Lunch has been called, and then it's into the Harbour to get our car from its Motor Vehicle Inspection. We'll see if the hulk, which was cast adrift from a wharf last night, is still in mid-channel off Sober Island. How it drifted without hitting / fouling anything from the East River down about 5 miles of estuary with dog-legs and past a sunken wreck of a drug ship we have no idea. It wasn't moving when we saw it this morning, so it may have been slack tide.




"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by LSWrr on Monday, April 27, 2009 11:13 AM
John, I’m getting old, what did I need axels for?  I’m still working on the molds for the sack pallets for the sugar beet facility; I hope those will be cured in the next 48 hours.  Tonight I’ll be making the molds for the junk piles.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, April 27, 2009 11:50 AM

Its another warm warm, its about 75 today.

Well I might have that detailer job at the FORD dealership.  I have a good bit of experience in car detailing.  Everybody at the place was very nice.  He will call me later for the full details.  The good thing is its 15ft away from a Norfolk Southern line.  That line does about 95% coal.  Maybe I can get some good engine shots.

I guess I better clean up before "in-laws" get here.

Everybody have a good one.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by nik .n on Monday, April 27, 2009 11:58 AM

 I was looking at locomotives in the net and I found SP trains. They have a powerd DCC on board GP30, in B&O, FOR $43.98! Here is the site: SP Trains GP30

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Posted by grayfox1119 on Monday, April 27, 2009 12:03 PM


Two heat records set here over the past three days, 1942 and 1872 for high temp for the date, 86 on Saturday and 83 on Sunday, today it is only 76 so I don't think the record will fall for today, but tomorrow it may hit 90 here and that would smash another long standing record.. Worked on cleaning up cut down trees that the power company cut and dropped along the power lines up back, I should have it all cleaned up by nightfall.

LEE: That is some real good horse trading, I'll have to try your technique the next time I go to a show. As for the the other show, I don't know how you put up with all those " distractions". LOL

JERRY: Just wait until SUE finds out you ate all the Pecan pie!!! Tsk, tsk, young man you are in a heap of trouble.

RAY: I have been to Webster ONCE, way back in May of 1960, my wife and I were on our way back from Niagara Falls on our Honeymoon, and we stopped into a nice little restaurant there. Then in 1978 we were camping with our kids on a long vacation trip and we stopped at the Finger Lakes, and a winery called Bully Hill. Real good wine there!!!. Time to get back outside, see you guys for supper,

Dick If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got!! Learn from the mistakes of others, trust can't live long enough to make all the mistakes yourself, I tried !! Picture album at : Picture album at: local weather
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 27, 2009 12:12 PM

nik .n

 I was looking at locomotives in the net and I found SP trains. They have a powerd DCC on board GP30, in B&O, FOR $43.98! Here is the site: SP Trains GP30

While that may be a good price to you it's about average for what I can get them for at the LHS. It is after all a Bachmann with a cheap stripped down Lenz decoder. All you'll be able to set on it is the address and direction of travel. It has no speed tables and will be difficult to speed match. Other than that they're a good value for the price.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packer on Monday, April 27, 2009 12:26 PM

Hey all. Just got back from taking one of the finals from one of my classes. I'm pretty sure I did well on it, even if I forgot to study. 

Terry, looking good. Wish I had the space for a good-sized BN layout, much less a 4x8. 

Robby, I'm jealous. I would kill to detail some of the stuff ford has came out with; like the GT500KR. That and I'd rather do that then flip burgers all day.

Nik, If you have a current issue of MR look for the Standard hobby supply or Trainworld ads. They have better engines for less. I bought 2 P2K SD45s from trainworld when they they were 40 bucks. Now they are down to 30. They have some good engines for small layouts in for under 40, like Gp38-2s and S-2s. Speaking of the latter, I might buy some GP38-2s off of them soon. I also have some engines I'm trying to get rid of.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Cederstrand on Monday, April 27, 2009 12:45 PM

Coffee in a  BURLINGTON NORTHERN  mug, please & thanks. 

***Chriss, Good Job there with the wreck!Thumbs Up How are you sure your buddies didn't drop that A post on you on purpose?Wink

***Terry, do you know how many feet of track you have laid there? Impressive!

***Robby, good luck with the new job. Hope you get it!

Been mostly a farm day here. Hope to get some mrr'ing in later.

Have a good one y'all. Cowboy Rob

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Posted by saronaterry on Monday, April 27, 2009 1:11 PM

Ditto the good job, Chris!

Congrats to you, too,Robby!

Thanks again for the comments, guys.

Jim, that corner section was used on the previous layout and I hope to use it there for the last pennisula "blob".

I'd WAG there's around 175' or so laid on the mainline so far, Rob. A bunch more if you add yards,spurs,etc.I still need to lay staging track under the Spooner Yard and once I get the staging menchwork done at the other end. These shots are backing around the layout towards the unfinished part previously shown.




 If you were to turn left after the last shot you'd see the unfinished section.

Sorry for so many pics.

Getting a little sun now but still only 46.Wisconsin fishing opener is this Saturday, hope it warms up some!







Terry in NW Wisconsin

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Posted by inch53 on Monday, April 27, 2009 1:35 PM


 Afternoon all, just come in from putting stuff up, Zoe can I have a ham n cheese and a barley pop, I've had enough water n tea for awhile.  And set up a round of what ever else anybody wants, looks like I'm buying. Vinnie I get my eagle do-do Fri, I'll setup then ok.

It's hot n humid out now, radars showing rain bout 7 mile west now and slowly heading this away, we could get some of that nasty stuff later tonight. Me thinks I could be done outside for a spell.

JIM,,,, the weathers has improved the last few days, enough for me to get the garden tilled and part of it out, transplant some flower, clean up more of leaves an mow some grass, go mushroom hunting and various other honey-do's. I'm feeling it to, bout down in the back and the rainy forecast ain't helping with that part.

I've even managed to slip in a little time on the layout [when Mother wasn't looking], nothing ta talk bouts thou.

DICK,,,,, my tiller is still laying in pieces from the engine rebuild, so I had to borrow one. We've been waiting on a gasket set for 3 weeks. The tillers only 25-30 year old; don't know why they don't keep them in stock anymore.

LEE,,,,, that a purrty good show haul you picked up. I can almost imagine the trouble you had getting by all those cute girls.

TERRY,,,, layout looks great. Wish I had that much room for mine and it looked that good.

ROBBY,,,,, hope the job works out and good luck with the in-laws.

Best get this done, [seeings I start it at 5 this morning] I just thought of a couple things that need doing outside.

 Hope ya'll has a gooden n stay safe

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 27, 2009 1:41 PM

 Anybody besides me thinking it may be time to move again?

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, April 27, 2009 1:48 PM

I had to push my way through a mob of 20 to 24 year old girls in spandex trying to stretch out before the doors opened at the tryouts.  The struggles I endure for the hobby!

You're a brave man (snicker). It must have been (giggle) horrible. All that spandex. (chuckle) My hero (falls out of chair ROFLOL) oh my side hurts. (giggle)



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by rtraincollector on Monday, April 27, 2009 1:48 PM

Jim in Cape Girardeau O gauge trains come with an opperating coupler that locks in the closed position. some do have springs in them but most are a piece of molded plastic to the knuckle ( unseen inside the coupler) that spring it open when unlocked ( if that makes sense) (easier if seen when one is taken apart) now we now have electro couplers which unlock electronicly any where on the track with the push of a button from the controller. the real bear with springs comes from other areas but normally your not messing with those areas lol.

Trimmed the yard with the weed eater this am and crawed under the house to inspect where I will be running the gas line so I can see if I needed anything but looks like I have everything I will need. just need to get a piece of plastic ( hard black plastic) tubing about 6' long to put threw the brick wall to the outside to run the gas copper line thru. and get some hangers to hang the line so it don't lay on the ground in the way should I need to get underthere again. I'll probally hook up the propane fire place at the same time which means i will have to get a bigger tank sooner or later. That reminds me I need to check price on multivalve tanks and see how much they are now days.

Wll you all have a good day talk to you later

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, April 27, 2009 1:55 PM

The tillers only 25-30 year old; don't know why they don't keep them in stock anymore.

I know what you mean. Isn't that just annoying as all get out!?

Jeff- I'll lash down the pie case whenever your ready.

EDIT- Ok so maybe it's you're.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 27, 2009 2:09 PM


Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, April 27, 2009 2:47 PM

Where's the lock?




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 27, 2009 3:25 PM

 I don't know. I put in a request for one around an hour ago

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, April 27, 2009 3:37 PM


Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by Packers#1 on Monday, April 27, 2009 3:47 PM

nik .n

Milk, Chloe.

 Hey Everyone, I was wondering. Are LL and Model Power engines ok for a budget RR? What drive do they have, and how is the quality?


In N scale, I've had fun just running trains w/ life-like standard line locos in the past. 8 wheel drive and eight wheel pick-up, though they use wires. As to Model Power, never messed with them.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by rtraincollector on Monday, April 27, 2009 3:59 PM



Please go to other one till Bergie finally locks this completely

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 9:25 PM

Evening, Chloe - just a go cup of hot cocoa for me, please. Thanks!

One of *those* days today at work - Banged Head - I'll just say this about it: 

Too much of politics

Too little concern for the client's actual needs

'Nuff said, otherwise I might raise my blood pressure (and I don't have that problem so far). 

How soon can I retire? Puhhhleeeeeze, please, please?? Okay, if not that, how about - Is it Friday yet? Sigh


Blessings and a good night, (and hopefully I'll be back in the morning...)

Jim in Cape Girardeau

P.S. Sorry, Bergie - I'll move to the new track for the Diner in the morning.

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