pitshop Since it's been 22 yrs since I've done anything with the hobby, I've got 2 cases of old stuff that I probably will not use and start over from scratch. Is any of the old stuff worth anything, maybe on Ebay? I've got brass and nickel track mix up together, old Tyco power packs, 2 old Santa Fe locos (I think they call them F7s??) and a bunch of old buildings. Any thoughts?
Since it's been 22 yrs since I've done anything with the hobby, I've got 2 cases of old stuff that I probably will not use and start over from scratch. Is any of the old stuff worth anything, maybe on Ebay? I've got brass and nickel track mix up together, old Tyco power packs, 2 old Santa Fe locos (I think they call them F7s??) and a bunch of old buildings. Any thoughts?
Keep the powerpacks for running lighting circuits or accessories. Maybe you can rehab the structures, depending on how badly they were assembled.