Has anyone had any problems when attempting to connect one car with the slightly smaller "scale" couplers to the standard KD's, McHenry, E-Z Mate, etc couplers? I have been having trouble not only coupling but uncoupling, either automatically or by use of the 5-fork skycrane method (my hand). I understand the "scale" couplers are more prototypically correct, but the question is are they realy worth the effort when 330 out of 345 freight cars in my growing pool have either Kd"s or other standard couplers. It just seems that the scale couplers do not seat well with the standards or am I doing something wrong
Try to standardize your fleet with one kind of coupler. Pick either a "standard" coupler or a scale one. Using both works just about as well as knuckle couplers and horn-hooks. They are absolutely not compatible. IMO, they should make scale couplers the "standard size coupler" for the hobby.
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ns3010They are absolutely not compatible. IMO, they should make scale couplers the "standard size coupler" for the hobby
It took long enough for "them" to make knuckle couplers standard on RTR euqipment; I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to re-standardize on scale-size couplers.
Find one coupler that you like and make that your standard. I prefer the Kadee #5 and #148 and they're all I use except for special cases that require something different.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
BEST RESULTS are obtainened whrn engaging couplers match exactly. (That includes Kadee).