j610 wrote: Hello. Just wondering if there has been a 10 x 16 layout contest. I have the room, I have the time,just no ideas yet. RON
Chip (Spacemouse) has run 4 contests om these forums so far : - 4x8 H0 scale layout - 2x8 H0 scale shelf layout - 10x12 any scale layout - Sheet-of-ply any scale layout
Like to the plans: http://www.chipengelmann.com/Trains/Layouts.html
But more important than looking at other plans for inspiration is to come up with your own vision: when you close your eyes and imagine the perfect layout for you - what are you picturing ?
- Steam engines, diesel engines, electric engines ? - Passenger trains or freight trains ? - 1880s? 1950s ? 1970s ? Today ? - Long trains running across the plains ? - A shortline trundling down an overgrown track through a forrest ?` - Switching cars among run down inner city factories cramped conditions ? - A logging line with Shay engines and switchbacks ?
What role do you envision for yourself ? - Just watching the trains roll by ? - Dispatching trains and arranging meets ? - Being an engineer switching a plant ?
And please don't say "a little of each" - that doesn't work. If you could automagically have someone else build a dream layout for you - what would you want ?
That is where you start. Coming up with a track plan comes later.
Good luck with coming up with a vision and then a plan and a layout!
Smile, Stein
j610 wrote: ... I have the room, I have the time,just no ideas yet.
Before you go any futher, read this...
-Ken in Maryland (B&O modeler, former CSX modeler)