I don't think this is what they quite mean by a mixed train or freight - a NJ Central pulling a ATSF/MKT/MP consist with a trailing MKT cab into the yard at Taylor, Texas
I just couldn't pass the price I got on this FM though - was a close out from Atlas w/SND. Will repaint in MKT livery.
Nice photo! Good to see you back on the forum.
Don Z.
Research; it's not just for geeks.
I'm new to this weekend photo fun thing but thought I'd like to share some stuff that I've been doing. I can't match that backhoe though. That was pretty impressive and all I can say about OSHA is if there were more skilled professionals in the work place we wouldn't need so many OSHA rules.
I decided to make a road up to my mountain area because it was bugging me. The only way into the mountains was by rail, so I found a piece of 1/8" plywood and formed it to make a ramp. I had some Busch Flexible Roadway that I picked up last year and never opened and used it to make asphalt road. After the road was fastened down, I used a cereal box to make the concrete ramp and painted it gray.I then noticed that the track hanging of the side of the cliff looked like it needed some kind of support for realism. After going through a number of ideas I remembered a fishing trip in Northern Calif. where there was a similar situation of a track hanging off the side of a cliff and steel guiders where used to support the outside edge. So I cut an Atlas Plate Girder Bridge in half and glued it to side, end to end.
After I learn how to weather I'll come back to do that.
I'm waiting on more ‘Busch Flexible Roadway', that I ordered to finish the road and in the meantime I made a RR crossing with putty and a Popsicle stick. I whittled down the Popsicle stick to fit inside the track that had a slight curve.
I took a little railfanning trip on my layout, chasing an Operation Lifesaver special.
Tom Bryant_MR wrote: I don't think this is what they quite mean by a mixed train or freight - a NJ Central pulling a ATSF/MKT/MP consist with a trailing MKT cab into the yard at Taylor, Texas I just couldn't pass the price I got on this FM though - was a close out from Atlas w/SND. Will repaint in MKT livery.
Tom, great photo!! Aside from the sidings looking like sidings, the cows in the right rear - what scale are they? N? look just right! The backdrop does not look like a "backdrop" - it looks too real as does your models!! Wonderful blending/matching of colors/textures. (only have 2 hands or there would be more )
MilwaukeeRoad wrote: Good work, Jordan. I love the lighting.Just got my order from Factory Direct Trains." border="0" />" border="0" />
Good work, Jordan. I love the lighting.
Just got my order from Factory Direct Trains.
" border="0" />" border="0" />
Are you sure this is not real Selector? Because it looks really real!
I have no pics right now. But, I did get my DSD Heavy & Medium SD's while I was gone! I found out on Friday that the N&W #1218's whistle can be quilled on my Digitrax Zephyr!
- Luke
Modeling the Southern Pacific in the 1960's-1980's
Lou and Tyler, thank you both for your approach to the "issue". I think the observation was correct, but I didn't want to impose my own druthers on this thread. I was hoping someone would either complain to the mods or say, "How about some temperance!" To your credit, Tyler, you took it in the right spirit and are taking steps to correct yourself.
New Haven I-5, thank you for that perfect compliment...I can't think of a better one I would have wanted.
Alas, I have no new photos to add to this thread. (Well actually, I do, I just haven't uploaded them on Photobucket yet!)
heres an old one:
Hopefully next weekend I 'll get my new photos up. I got lots of them!!!
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot Visit my blog! http://becomingawarriorpoet.blogspot.com
OK, here's my very first WPF contribution....
Pa is real proud of his big new coal delivery service. He stands there all day and looks at it. With all the boys back from war, he's betting on a big housing boom and you'll need a lot of coal to heat those houses.
Ma's up there at the restaurant. She thinks he's a blamed idiot fer building that fool thing. And she she makes sure he knows it. She also wants to kick that painter's behind for not getting their name centered on the building.
George V.
My weekend photo fun comes courtesy of my second scratch building project. I picked up an undecorated GP7 shell and am doing some work to make it look like one the Wisconsin & Southern uses.
A back view of the prototype. Not many pictures available online and I haven't seen it IRL.
This is what the original shell looked like, except mine was undecorated.
One view of how it is now.
Another view.
I found out, to my dismay, that the red I'm using is too bright. I also still need to pick up the right shade of gray and print some of my own decals if I can't find any soon.
I can't help myself, I like to build model ships too.
Great stuff as usual guys. I guess I'm going to have to learn to use PhotoShop properly. The clouds and smoke treatments really add to the photos.
RRCanuk, A beautiful photo and a great looking passenger train.
I have been working on signs this week. It was time to mark some of my businesses. Most of the names come from my childhood or from the family.
The name is from the oil distributor in my little home town in Michigan.
This is one of the small driveway signs on the main drag for Barron Oil.
Judy's in named for one of my sisters, who now lives in Washington D.C. Funny, I never noticed the wire showing through the window until I saw this photo.
Michelle (Shelly) is another of my sisters who now resides in Willmington, N. C.
All of the signs were made on my home computer, mounted on card stock or styrene and then glued to the ssupports or posts. Michelle's sign is an exception, it is on card stock glued directly to the building.
You just gotta have one picture of a model train:
My BLI NYC Hudson #5335 Eastbound rounding Elevator Curve with a short passenger train of heavyweight cars. The pine/cedar trees in the background are my version of AGGRO JONES' furnace filter trees.
Keep up the good work guys. You are always inspiring.
Remember its your railroad
Track to the BRVRR Website: http://www.brvrr.com/
sledgehammer wrote: i did not do anything this week . but I got a email of a good backhoe driver and I thought i would share
i did not do anything this week . but I got a email of a good backhoe driver and I thought i would share
What I want to know is now that he is up there, how does he get it down? From the looks, this is not the first time this has done this routine!
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
selector wrote: Pike 62, nice engine. May I ask what it was you had to "do" to it? Was this a kit, or did you repaint....? Turned out well for my eyes.-Crandell
Pike 62, nice engine. May I ask what it was you had to "do" to it? Was this a kit, or did you repaint....? Turned out well for my eyes.
It started life as an undecorated Proto 2000 Gp30 and was painted and decaled.
Looking at all of these neat photos inspired me to get down to the basement and get busy on the layout. I can't run trains right now due to major renovation of the layout. The new benchwork is done and the roadbed has been in place for about two weeks. I need to get some (Atlas Code 83) track down. I glue the track down with latex caulk which is easy to do, however I first solder two sections of flex track together on the work bench. After ruining three pieces of flex track and branding myself on the hand, I am back at looking at photos.
I will try again tomorrow!
Jim, Modeling the Kansas City Southern Lines in HO scale.
TrainManTy wrote:
Mike Rose detail parts is now offering the right "Chessie Rock Pilot" for U boats. Take a look, I would have to scratch build one DW only has the EMD one.
Modeling B&O- Chessie Bob K. www.ssmrc.org
Just a few recent ones from the club
5 pix of my most recent acquisition. Sorry about the poor quality of the photo's.
I am enjoying all the latest images. Some excellent results if I use my own judgement. George all the way to the last...great stuff, guys.
Sue and Larry, howzit going? Are you two working on the layout? No more Mallet videos for us?
This my first time with posting to weekend photo fun. I'm just getting into model railroading and a relative gave me a couple of boxes of their old trains. I don't now how old they are or if they're any good or not. Maybe you guys can tell me I really excited to get them and what to start working on a layout real soon so I have some place to run them.
I really like this one - bicentennial - NEAT!
Welcome, Ocyt3006! I am a steam nut, so I especially am interested in your l'il feller there.
davidmbedard wrote: I applaud you in your kitbashing efforts, but your unit is now the posterchild for why to use an airbrush! Good luck with the rest of your project!David B
I applaud you in your kitbashing efforts, but your unit is now the posterchild for why to use an airbrush!
Good luck with the rest of your project!
David B
How do you know it wasn't done with crayons?
Driline wrote: davidmbedard wrote: I applaud you in your kitbashing efforts, but your unit is now the posterchild for why to use an airbrush! Good luck with the rest of your project!David BHow do you know it wasn't done with crayons?
Very funny reply. Is it ok to say a picture is not nice on weekend photo fun though? There is a comment I read that says they must all be praised replies to every picture.
Lol, I don't recall ever saying it was a good paint job. I just threw some paint on it to see if I had sanded/glued everything well enough.
Mass Man wrote:... Is it ok to say a picture is not nice on weekend photo fun though? There is a comment I read that says they must all be praised replies to every picture.
... Is it ok to say a picture is not nice on weekend photo fun though? There is a comment I read that says they must all be praised replies to every picture.
Incorrect. Praise, if it is truly intended, is welcome. Criticism, unless it is sought in expressed terms (means the poster asks for feedback), is not. Since praise takes fewer words, they don't clutter the thread too much. Criticism takes many more words if it is to be of any value, so that should be done off-line. Use a pm or email.
I have a "feeling", though, that you knew that already.