If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
QUOTE: Originally posted by stokerk Hey Joe........................I was wondering what the H#*% you were all bent out of shape about. I was replying to "FERGUS" in my fist reply,................ You know the one who posted this. ...................Not you. You had me scratching my head for a while wondering whatthehell I did to tick you off, So I went through the posts again & finaly figured it out. WOW , watching Nancy Drew , Hardy boys did pay off after all. I'm on the right track now . "HAVE A GOOD ONE" Think I"ll post a name to who I'm talking to next time. * sigh * . If your stressed out like me at times go to ( ).....Works for me.
QUOTE: Originally posted by csxns vvvdrt li nbvc evbg eji mm ##########################n mj mm.
QUOTE: Originally posted by stokerk Usualy it's just a case of typing too fast , But it could help those who are trying to learn who can't spell as good as the next person & be a part of this group at the same time.
The Cedar Branch & Western--The Hillbilly Line!
Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
QUOTE: Originally posted by robmik Elliott: I'm surprised at you![:0] You are Spamming your way up the Post Count Parade.[:I] A Twin-City-Pity ![}:)][}:)] A Hormel Horror ! [xx(][xx(] regards, Mike Leaf Fan[8D]
I'm back!
Follow the progress:
QUOTE: Originally posted by deschane I have gone so far as to write up a post in a word processor for the spell check option and cut and paste here. However this seems to screw up the sentance and paragraph structure. One draw back to a spell checker is that you have to get somewhat close to the word for them to work. I think if folks would just read over what they've written, this would bring about a dramatic improvement!
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
QUOTE: Originally posted by 4884bigboy Spel chek? Naw, I cen spel perfictli cuz im at jr. hi skool levl gramer. I tink we cen liv witout it.