QUOTE: Originally posted by Scott218 Hey fellow Model Railroaders, Does anyone have any special insights on how to cat proof a model railroad? Scott218 PS: Getting rid of the cat or killing the cat are NOT OPTIONS!!!!
Have fun with your trains
QUOTE: Originally posted by Scott218 Cayenne Pepper? Sounds like a great idea, I will have to try it. Any other ideas out there?
QUOTE: Originally posted by Fergus QUOTE: Originally posted by Scott218 Cayenne Pepper? Sounds like a great idea, I will have to try it. Any other ideas out there? This should work, if not there is stuff you can by at your garden supply store to keep little critters at bay. Barring this go with the high voltage or tie it to the rails[}:)]
Ray Breyer
Modeling the NKP's Peoria Division, circa 1943
QUOTE: Originally posted by Scott218 A bigger headache is keeping them from pulling out the wiring undernieth the layout.
QUOTE: Originally posted by orsonroy My two cats actually leave the layout alone. The layout is in the basement, and there's a door that's kept closed at all times leading to it. A door that's kept closed is probably your best bet here, since most cats love to be up high. If you can't install a door, I'd suggest a visquene drop cloth that's draped over the layout when you're not using it. Not only will the cats not jump up there, but the dropcloth will help keep dust off the layout!
QUOTE: Originally posted by vsmith ...If that dosnt work a low voltage horse-wire hook up to the rails would also form a negative reaction to the layout. Plus you'd get to see your cat leap and hit the ceiling![:D]
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K1a - all the way
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QUOTE: Originally posted by robmik QUOTE: Originally posted by vsmith ...If that dosnt work a low voltage horse-wire hook up to the rails would also form a negative reaction to the layout. Plus you'd get to see your cat leap and hit the ceiling![:D] Not funny. It was only a matter of time before someone here decided that a really lightweight comment involving animal cruelty was funny.[:o)] ...But just to show that I hold no grudge...this is an open invitation to vsmith to come and visit my layout. I have arranged a direct line from the dryer plug, ( a nice even 220 volts ), to run directly to vsmith's "Borracho"...so I would then also get to see him hit the ceiling.[:p] and regards; Mike
QUOTE: Originally posted by Roadtrp "Can anyone contact the ASPCA?? That wasn't funny vsmith." Oh come on... it was very clear he was joking. Sometimes people here are WAY too serious. Making fun of human disabilities is cause for concern. But joking about a freaking cat? Give me a break. [sigh]
QUOTE: Originally posted by Eriediamond In answer to the subject heading, Yes, cats do mix with model railroads. When I have a derailment, Bubba (my cat) is mixed up in it most of the time.[(-D][(-D][(-D][(-D]