Here are my picks Spacemouse.
1. DuBois & Punzy
2. Loopy Bridge & Terminal
3. Ward City Mead & Eckley
4. Rader Authority of Transit
5. Whisper River
Very Good Job to all entered and a good job done Spacemouse. My wife says you have too much time on your hands.
Johnboy out........
from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North..
We have met the enemy, and he is us............ (Pogo)
In descending order, I prefer plan #s 10, 11, 12, 4, and 6.
A gentle nudge to keep this on Page #1....let's have some more voters!
Don Z.
Research; it's not just for geeks.
A real hard choice, all of them are very good.
1, Loopy Bridge and Terminal RR
2, RAT Lines
3. Du Bois & Punxzy
4, Turkey Trail
5, Venanro & Erie
Every one did a great job.
1. Rat Lines
2. Newport Northern
3. Loup Creek RR
4.Sierra Mesa Southwestern
5. Helix Mountain
May the best one win!!
- Luke
Modeling the Southern Pacific in the 1960's-1980's
I won't vote for my own layout, so here are my choices:
Job well done to all designers!
There is only one I liked so far:
Venango and Erie
That layout would be perfect if there was a run around somewhere on the road.
The others, I have not formed enough study to choose and rank yet. I will continue to work towards ranking the other 4.
Just did a quick tally of the first 15 votes.
There is a couple of voters which hasn't used the complete name of the layout copied and pasted from Spacemouse's web page, and whose votes may consquently be open to interpretation, but this is what I think the running tab is after 15 votes:
Check your PMs.
1. RAT Lines
3. Loopy Bridge and Terminal Railroad
4. Ward City Mead & Eckley
5. Turkey Trail Railroad
Great job on the layouts. Liked them all! Great effort.
1. Newport Northern
2. Turkey Trail
3. RAT
4. Whisper River
5. Sierra Western
The Du Bois and Punxzy looked pretty well planned out, but it was a little crowded and the roads seemed a little tacky, but just not my type of layout.
Hello they are all very good ideas.
1 newport northen
2 rat lines
3 dubois & punxzy
4 loop creek
5 whisper river
My choices:
1st #10 Loopy Bridge and Terminal Railroad
2nd #12 Ward City Mead & Eckley
3rd #4 Du Bois and Punxzy
4th #6 Turkey Trail Railroad
5th #8 Sierra Mesa Southwestern
-Ken in Maryland (B&O modeler, former CSX modeler)
You asked for it!
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)
Nice job mouse. Ok here is what i voted for
dubois and punxzy
whisper river
alco's forever!!!!! Majoring in HO scale Minorig in O scale:)
Selector's not kidding; it's hard to pick 5. These are nice plans.
We should have contests like this regularly.
1 - RAT Lines.
2 - Whisper River.
3 - DB & P.
4 - Turkey Trail
5 - Sierra Mesa Southwestern
1. DuBois
2. Loupy
3. Vanango
4. Selkirk
5. RAT
My Votes
1 Ward City Mead & Eckley
2 Loopy Bridge and Terminal Railroad
3 Whisper River
4 Becket & Berkshires
5 Du Bois and Punxzy
I like the Du Bois and Punxzy but i don't see how once a train leaves the yard
how it returns without backing all the way around the layout
See my Web Site Here
I won't vote for my own, so my rank-ordering is as follows (they were all nice layouts, and I don't say this as a smarmy "attaboy" to all participants):
1. Du Boise and Punxzy
2. Whisper River
3. Loopy Bridge and Terminal
5. Venango & Erie.
My votes below.
1. Venango and Erie
2. RAT Lines
3. Loup Creek
4. Ward City
5. Du Bois and Punxzy
1. Turkey Trail RR
2. Loopy Bridge & Terminal RR
3. Selkirk & Pacific RR
4. Du Bois and Punxzy
5. Newport Northern
Here are my votes:
1) Turkey Trail Railroad 2) Du Bois and Punxzy3) Loopy Bridge and Terminal Railroad 4) Rader Authority Of Transit5) Selkirk & Pacific Ry
The whole time I was programming the site, I never really evaluated the layouts. So here goes since no one else wants to start the ball rolling. I found it easy to cut and paste off the voting page.
1. Du Bois and Punxzy 2. Loopy Bridge and Terminal Railroad3. Rader Authority Of Transit (RAT Lines) 4.Selkirk & Pacific Ry 5. Ward City Mead & Eckley
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
Welcome Judges to the 2007 4x8 Design Contest. Please choose your top 5 favorites and rank them from 1 to 5. List them by layout name. Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture and description. Based upon your rankings, they will receive points as follows: (You don't need to do this. We will do this at the end of the contest.) First Place 9 points Second Place 7 point Third Place 5 Points Fourth Place 3 Points Fifth Place 1 Point After 1 week the scores will be added and the winner announced with appropriate fanfare.
See the Layouts
Voting ends Dec. 4