Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I am pretty lucky as my wife is very supportive of the hobby...
Well, if everything else work sout for you guys and I would do it. If not, can I have her number, I know about 50 guys that would to take a swing.
Best Regards, Big John
Kiva Valley Railway- Freelanced road in central Arizona. Visit the link to see my MR forum thread on The Building of the Whitton Branch on the Kiva Valley Railway
Sounds like a nice lady! Don't know if I'd really care to have my wife in the hobby with me personally though. I do my thing and she does hers. I'd rather work in solitude (or not at all!) myself.
Long time ago I discovered that my wife, like most women, seems to want to talk a fair amount. Not a nag or a constant yammerer, but she does seem to think that silence has to be filled with trivial talk. If I didn't hear it, it wouldn't make any difference in my life at all.
I retired about six years before she did, and I enjoyed taking breakfast and lunch by myself. I'd read the local paper with breakfast, and modeling or news magazines at lunch. Now it's fairly difficult as she keeps me informed of all sorts of things that I don't give a hoot about! That would not be fun for me in a hobby ewnvironment! Now I go downstairs to my hobby room to do whatever, watch TV, waste time on the computer, etc., all by myself in silence. She watches her TV upstairs. 40 years of marriage will do that!
Good luck in any case!
Bob Boudreau
Visit my model railroad photography website: http://sites.google.com/site/railphotog/
If my wife of 32 years says "your choo choo's" one more time....TO THE MOON ALICE. She loves that I have a hobby like this, keeps me out of jail.
My wife does not understand my model railroad hobby, but she supports the hobby 100%. She asks that I keep her informed of my train needs so she can get the right things for gifts for me. I have a train budget and I am free to spend as I see fit within my budget. (This is probabaly a wise thing to do even if you're not married.)
I have a nice 1800 Sq ft basement all to myself for the new layout. The only thing that I had to do to get my basement is buy her a new home to put on top of the basement to keep the rain and snow off of my trains.
If you have a loving wife and trains, what more could you want?
Jim, Modeling the Kansas City Southern Lines in HO scale.
Cederstrand wrote:First, have you had your head examined for brain tumors? Are you kidding? You have to ask?"MARRY HER" Rob
First, have you had your head examined for brain tumors? Are you kidding? You have to ask?
secondhandmodeler wrote:It'S A TRAP!!! RUN!!!
LOL He's probably not far off...RUN!!!!!!!!
Marry her. My wife is an excellant at crafts, does all the grahics for me and when I run into a problem I ask her and usualy she helps me out. Remember modeling railroading is a family hobby. Your girlfriend sounds like she will be an asset to your hobby. It will turn out to be our hobby.
About two years ago I mentioned that using a hobby ruler is hard to design when you want to add details to a plan you are drawing. Two weeks later a CAD program arrived in the mail. Just one of the ways a wife can be a great help. Oh, now I use caliper for measuring and my plans are printed in scale.
Learn to build scenery yourself, introduce her to the single guys here, bring train related wedding gifts.
Marry her yourself!
Marry her?
Jeff But it's a dry heat!
Years ago when I was married, my ex-wife nagged (cranked actually) all the time about my model railroading. Wasn't spending enough time with her, spending to much money, took up all the living space in the house, etc. She had no concept of reality! I was left with no other choice but to run her off!
Nowadays, I'm single and can devote all my time, energy, space, and money to the model railroad. much better, much happier!
The problem is : I've met a girl who likes to build scenery (Shes actually pretty good at it!) and likes to railfan the narrow gauge on camping trips to Colorado. She seems to have a concept of reality! She brought up the marriage business the other day. Frankly, I don't know what to do?