(Reposted this with additional photos as there was some curiousity as to which museum I meant. Not an advertisement...it's non-profit and I am just an occasional visitor...so come up/over and visit sometime.)
Just spent some time at the rail museum down the street.
I live on the same street as The West Coast Rail Heritage Museum in Squamish. The F unit is one of two belonging to this museum. It is an EMD FP7A. The other is CPR#4069 also and FP7A. These two were built in the year that I was born, 1952. I should look so good!
Here is a photo of the 4069
used to pull the most famous of the museum's locos, the Royal Hudson
on a return visit from White Rock near the US border south of Vancouver after an excursion this summer.
The text below from the museum website explains why the F unit and Hudson returned north this way after the Hudson had taken the train south.
White Rock's 50th birthday celebrations followed, and the speeches and music made for a perfect party on a beautiful warm sunny day. The train headed off south to change the motive power around, the only glitch in the plans for the day was the refusal of the US Federal Railroad Administration to issue a short term exemption to allow the steam engine across the border to turn around. So, although the 2860 provided the power for the return trip to Vancouver, the 4069 diesel was in the lead with the 2860 operating in reverse.
The three photos above are from the museum's website http://www.wcra.org/
Why do we love equipment!...It has staying power (which we don't). This steam crane was built in 1911 and saw use up into the 1980s....according to the display sign.