QUOTE: Originally posted by NHRRJET Personally, I have very mixed feelings about this sale of Athearn. If Horizon is the only distributor, a lot of sales will be lost, and distributors who have been loyal to Athearn for years will be totally cut out! This will obviously trickle down to us. . .the consumer. I guess only time will tell what happens. I have spoken with several hobbyshop owners in my area (Connecticut), and they are not too pleased about this![:(!]
QUOTE: Originally posted by dougal I'll use every cent I get buying a few SD40-2s before Horizon makes you pay $75 each (which is posible).
James Sanchez
QUOTE: Originally posted by decoy706 I just hope we don't end up with another Tyco type el-cheapo on the market just when things were getting better with the Athearn line.
Ray Breyer
Modeling the NKP's Peoria Division, circa 1943
QUOTE: Originally posted by Javern I bet the first thing they do is move it to MEXICO
QUOTE: Originally posted by Fergus QUOTE: Originally posted by dougal That stinks. I'm 12 and can only afford Athearn locos so I hope they don't screw up the prices and engines. I better stock up on their engines I hope someone of influence within the industry takes this one very seriously. If you want the youth to get into the hobby then you will have to provide inexpensive yet very reliable products to the new and entry level crowd. As I'm getting more into the hobby and purchasing high end equipment there will always be room for Athearn on my layout.[^]
QUOTE: Originally posted by dougal That stinks. I'm 12 and can only afford Athearn locos so I hope they don't screw up the prices and engines. I better stock up on their engines
QUOTE: Originally posted by dehusman What is Horizon Hobby? Are they a store, a distributor or a manufacturer? Do they have any production experience or any existing models to judge there approach and fidelity? Dave H.
Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website : wnbranch.com