This is the link back to the RC site that first tried to warn us over here about him. The chap that placed the warning got banned as well from!
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site and our videos at
Dear Doug
Let's get back to the issue at hand. You feel betrayed and rightly so. There has been some talk of the Zeke in the CS and his issues and I for one really didn't know all the particulars though I could see that 1 + 1 was not = 2. I tend to be a cynic, which is to my detriment as caring as I am I am always on my guard. It has been my experience and I've been burned before and will be burned again no doubt, there is an element within our society that makes up a certain percentage of the population that cannot tell the truth to save themselves. Could be pathalogic, could be a number of issues. They are always there and will always be there. So remember this...
What goes around comes around He will have his day in court
So go easy on yourself
If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
Cox 47 wrote:Well after reading all the posts....I think I'll keep on praying for "Zeke"...and for myself I pray that it won't harden my heart when some one comes along in real need...Cox 47
Very good advice indeed.
Dave Vollmer wrote: Honestly, there are days even when I feel like a fraud, since I only served there for four relatively quiet months (2003) and was never wounded. I came back to a staff job (Commander's aide) that ended up keeping me stateside. Then I was sent back to school for a PhD. So my contribution to the war effort was tiny compared to some.
Honestly, there are days even when I feel like a fraud, since I only served there for four relatively quiet months (2003) and was never wounded. I came back to a staff job (Commander's aide) that ended up keeping me stateside. Then I was sent back to school for a PhD. So my contribution to the war effort was tiny compared to some.
Dave, don't you dare for even a moment think less of yourself for what you consider a limited role. If you've worn a uniform in service to our country, then you deserve and demand the respect and thanks from the rest of us whom you've served, regardless of the manner of that service.
Now, back to the trains...
"I am lapidary but not eristic when I use big words." - William F. Buckley
I haven't been sleeping. I'm afraid I'll dream I'm in a coma and then wake up unconscious. -Stephen Wright
tstage-I was wondering that too. I don't remember him before Memorial day.(knew THAT story was a load of bull!) He did have over 300 posts but I never went back in his history to check him out. If you change your screen name it doesn't automatically change it on your old posts. I bet we would find he had a different name not too long ago.
I'm going to pray for Zeke...Pray he gets his butt stomped by a group of Marines in a VA hospital burn ward! His kind are the lowest form of pond scum out there! The only reason to turn the other cheek is so they are both rosy red from being slapped.
Well said.
MisterBeasley wrote: When you look at the numbers, it doesn't add up. He was too young for the first Iraq war, so now he claims he served 3 tours since the start of the second war in 2003? Considering recuperation time, those must have been very short tours indeed.He did carefully avoid saying he got any medals. Saying he was wounded might lead you to the conclusion that he got a Purple Heart, but that's your conclusion, not his claim. It may be that he's quite aware of the laws, and is intentionally putting together a misleading story which is not technically in violation of the Stolen Valor Act.
When you look at the numbers, it doesn't add up. He was too young for the first Iraq war, so now he claims he served 3 tours since the start of the second war in 2003? Considering recuperation time, those must have been very short tours indeed.
He did carefully avoid saying he got any medals. Saying he was wounded might lead you to the conclusion that he got a Purple Heart, but that's your conclusion, not his claim. It may be that he's quite aware of the laws, and is intentionally putting together a misleading story which is not technically in violation of the Stolen Valor Act.
Mr B,
I know he's not in violation of the letter of the Stolen Valor Act, but if his stories are lies, he's certainly in violation of the spirit of the law.
Now, he said he was in his 30s and had been in the Army 11 years. I'm just shy of 33 and I passed my 11-year service mark back in March (I was barely old enough for a commission!). So that part adds up. But then, I was in high school for the first Gulf War!
So when Zeke told his story I felt awed and ashamed. If he's telling lies he'll have a lot of explaining to do to a lot of dead vets someday when his turn comes.
Modeling the Rio Grande Southern First District circa 1938-1946 in HOn3.
I would think the Original Poster, and anyone else who has seen their "acts of kindness" for sale by this bum on eBay, should contact eBay and explain that the items he is selling were obtained fraudulently. I don't know what eBay would do, but it's probably a better option than leaving negative feedback.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
Thanks to you and yours, Dave. Words are not sufficient for the love I have for all who have served to protect us.
I too was suspicious of the miraculous survival, the near death condition of late and then the sudden discharge. Even Micheal Moore couldn't dream up a scenario like that. Would have made a powerful segment in SICKO by including Satan (aka insurance company) to Zeke's b.s.
Does anyone remember specifically when zeke came on board here at the forum? And how many total posts he had? I was just pondering about a possible link between zeke and another former forum member...
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
You know, Zeke claimed to be a wounded veteran having served in Baghdad. Well, I served in Baghdad (though thankfully wasn't wounded). I have to imagine Zeke was lying about that too, which makes me extremely angry.
There's something called the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 which makes it a federal offense to claim to have been awarded medals which were actually not awarded. By claiming to have been wounded in action...
"Myself i am a 30 yr old disabled vet ..served 11yrs in the army...been many places....went to iraq 3 times.... got shot 3 times and stabbed once...lost my brother over there...and countless friends.....i hope for a safe return for very thanksful to those who will not come home....proud ...yes very...cuz not everyone can serve in the military ....I walk with a cane now..but im thankful to have both legs still.....i was shot in the heart and now have a diflibulator....but am thankfull its still beating....was shot in the shoulder but i still have an arm..." - from the Memorial Day Thread
..he implies he would have been awarded the Purple Heart.
By the way, having served there myself I can say that very few soldiers suffer chest wounds due to the extensive use of ballistic body armor.
fiatfan wrote: Ummm, how much is a hangnail worth?
If it's on your middle finger, show it to Zeke.
Ummm, how much is a hangnail worth?
Life is simple - eat, drink, play with trains!
Go Big Red!
PA&ERR "If you think you are doing something stupid, you're probably right!"
Thats Hillarious,
A Brass Big Boy. LOL. Yes, I forgot to tell you all, I have Cancer and a Brain Tumor as well. Please send me a.....................
2 Spectrum 2-8-0's (Undec and Southern), a Spectrum Southern 4-4-0, a Spectrum 4-6-0 (56' Drivers Undec), a Spectrum 2-10-0 (Undecorated), a Mantua 2-6-6-2 (Undecorated), a Life Like 2-8-8-2 (Undec), Life Like C&O Berkshire, Broadway Limited Undecorated C&O 2-10-4, oh yes, and 2 BLI Light Mikados.
If you don't send me those locomotives, I will die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.
Nick! :)
Looks to me like he's already got some big brass ones. Or did he lose those in the Boer War?
Wayzata Modeler doesn't like to talk about his service in the Boer War - he says its just too painful still
My Lord,
And to think I shot off a 250 shot firework piece when I heard about he was getting better. That $50 I spent on it could have bought be that Bachmann 0-6-0 I wanted to get from Trainworld.
What a creep.
Wayzata Modeler wrote: As I write this, I can hear his screams from the ambulance to tell of you guys all of this and that he really could use something called an "all brass big boy" to cheer him up.
As I write this, I can hear his screams from the ambulance to tell of you guys all of this and that he really could use something called an "all brass big boy" to cheer him up.
Hello Everyone -
This is Ethel, I am Wayzata Modeler's third-cousin-once-removed-on-his-mother's-side. As I write this, Wayzata Modeler is being wheeled away by medical personnel due to a tragic accident while he was wiring a new industrial turnout. A lightening strike traveled through the power lines, to the outlet serving the layout, traveling through the power unit, to the turnout points, through the small screwdriver he was holding and finally searing into Wayzata Modeler's chest wall. The powerful impact of the strike re-opened the nipple to nipple scar on his chest that originated with a war injury he realized in the 1967 seven day Israeli-Arab war.
The timing of this terrible accident is also tragic in that he was to attend a ceremony tomorrow to receive a special award for rescuing a family of 11 (and their 5 pets) from a burning building and toxic spill just last week.
Thanks for caring and being there.
Sadly, there are people that prey on the kindness of others. There was a guy that worked at the nuclear power plant that I worked at; wife was ill, bearing their first child. They both died during delivery. He collected over $3000 in cash donations. Outcome: he went to jail for fraud - he was NEVER married, let alone lost his wife. Even with scammers out there, I will still donate things, even money to someone who claims to be in need.. You never know.. you could make a real difference in someone's life one day through an act of kindness...
See pictures of the Clinton-Golden Valley RR
Many of you may have missed it, but I happened to be on-line yesterday when the Zeke thread got zapped. Someone had posted to the Trains forum a link to an RC forum in Canada where an individual had been scammed out of an RC truck. They were adamant that the whole medical thing and the existence of the girlfriend was a scam to gain sympathy. They had wanted to warn the community to stay away. I have no idea where the truth lies here, but it appears that at least 2 people feel scammed by someone called Zeke.
Folks, all I can say is that you are an amazing group of compassionate people. The heartfelt support offered to Zeke is a testament to the type of individuals found on this list. In some strange way I feel a little ashamed because I was unable to offer my prayers and support for him. I came to the original thread quite late and was very skeptical. I had a real hard time swallowing the medical history that included heart infection, stroke and brain tumor and emergency re-admissions to the ICU one day only to be home 24 hours later.
IMO this person truly needs our prayers now. This time it is not just their life that is at stake.
I thought that I was just getting old and cranky, but this whole story didn't ring true to me for some reason. The shame of it is, things like this make us all wary and really hurts those who are truly in need. But you can't place any blame or ridicule on someone who might have showed compassion and sent items or money, for they all had good hearts.
Pittsburgh, PA
Well, you've got her address. Send her a pound of dung, or a dead mouse. Let's see how much she gets for that on eBay. (Yeah, there's a buyer for everything.)
Or maybe it's a boy named Sue?
loathar wrote:I smelled a rat right from the start. That's why you didn't see me telling him to get better.The Devil will staighten his butt out one day.
I smelled a rat right from the start. That's why you didn't see me telling him to get better.
The Devil will staighten his butt out one day.
..glad i wasnt the only one.
tstage wrote: So, we take your word for granted? Or do we get to see an eBay link to your old K-line 0-4-0 Porter? And what is this distinguishing mark? Sorry. I guess I'd like to see the proof with my own eyes. Tom
So, we take your word for granted? Or do we get to see an eBay link to your old K-line 0-4-0 Porter? And what is this distinguishing mark? Sorry. I guess I'd like to see the proof with my own eyes.
I just thought of another way to verify my claim, again go to ebay and search item#270095648440, or check my feedback page,(challenger3980) I bought 2 Lionel Union Pacific Berkshire locomotives from FORYOURCOLLECTION-1 one for myself, and one for a nephew, they both came with free cabooses which are shown in the listing pics, one of them is the one that I sent to Zeke, which You found that one in the ebay listing already. The feedback date was April 14th so it will not show a full listing and pics for much longer but it is there right now. And I understand about being skeptical of posts(IMAGINE THAT). But the Honest have nothing to Hide.
May your flanges always stay BETWEEN the rails