Midnight Railroader wrote: dirtyd79 wrote: So RAVE did some bad deeds in childhood. We all know you all did too. I didn't commit crimes.Did you?
dirtyd79 wrote: So RAVE did some bad deeds in childhood. We all know you all did too.
Did you?
I didn't either... but if I had, I wouldn't try to justify it by saying "Oh, everyone does it, so it's OK!"
Tagging is a crime. Real simple. And as long as RAVE insists he's right to break the law because of some "artistic code" he think transcends the rule of law, then I will stand on my soapbox and will be "holier than thou!"
Like most of those in our nation's service I adhere to an honor code and set of core values. My skin crawls when I hear of people believing they have the right to choose what laws apply to them.
Modeling the Rio Grande Southern First District circa 1938-1946 in HOn3.
dirtyd79 wrote: Will all the "holier than thou"s of the thread stop crowding the soapbox? So RAVE did some bad deeds in childhood. We all know you all did too. Funny how the older one gets the better behaved one was as a kid with yes sir, no sir, said all your prayers to every religion in existance, and I bet you ate all your vegetables too. And of course there's that old chestnut about having to walk 10 miles to school uphill both ways in the snow. Give it a damn rest. I'm sure all of us have plenty of skeletons in our closets too and if you don't it's because you're lying or suffer from selective amnesia. Anyway back on topic, I don't condone graffiti in real life but I model it on my freight cars too because let's face it whether we like it or not it's there and it is very much a part of modern railroading and yes some of the graffiti is racist too including swastikas along with gang tags. We need something for the HO scale police to do other than hang out in the donut shop.
Will all the "holier than thou"s of the thread stop crowding the soapbox? So RAVE did some bad deeds in childhood. We all know you all did too. Funny how the older one gets the better behaved one was as a kid with yes sir, no sir, said all your prayers to every religion in existance, and I bet you ate all your vegetables too. And of course there's that old chestnut about having to walk 10 miles to school uphill both ways in the snow. Give it a damn rest. I'm sure all of us have plenty of skeletons in our closets too and if you don't it's because you're lying or suffer from selective amnesia.
Anyway back on topic, I don't condone graffiti in real life but I model it on my freight cars too because let's face it whether we like it or not it's there and it is very much a part of modern railroading and yes some of the graffiti is racist too including swastikas along with gang tags. We need something for the HO scale police to do other than hang out in the donut shop.
My problem is not that Rave did this but that he continues to defend it as acceptable behaviour. It is not. It is not tagging. It is vandalism. Vandalism is a crime and it is a despicable act. We have all done things in our lives that we are not proud of but most of us recognize our flaws and have corrected our actions. Some people never grow up. They remain punks their whole lives. They get no respect because they don't deserve any. It turns my stomach when I read Rave's defense of indefenseable acts.
As far as modeling graffiti for realistic purposes, I have no problem with that. Model cars are YOUR property and you have every right to do whatever you want with it. I model the 1950s and I have added a little graffiti to a retainining wall which is the type of surface graffiti was commonly placed on in that era. It's not a big part of the layout but its one of those little touches that adds realistic texture to our layouts.
Midnight Railroader wrote: RAVE wrote:you know what also sucks people who cant shut the hell up and apperciate ART...Hey, RAVE, why don't you post your address here so people who work in my company can come put spray-painted "art" on your house and car? That would be all right, wouldn't it?
RAVE wrote:you know what also sucks people who cant shut the hell up and apperciate ART...
Hey, RAVE, why don't you post your address here so people who work in my company can come put spray-painted "art" on your house and car? That would be all right, wouldn't it?
I'm with this guy. I took some advanced art classes in H.S. and would like to rekindle my old skills. Since this is an "art", Rave should be the first to appreciate this form of self-expression. We can get some good epoxy spray paint, which will hold, up real well on his car. Rave will definitely get noticed when out cruising.