On the Canadian National-GTW Freight Trains that roll through Michigan, much of the Tagging and Graffiti Art is painted on top of the important reporting marks, road numbers, weight ratings, and dimensional data. There is almost no masking or placement consideration.
To remedy this, the paint shops have done patch painting to restore the important data.
Watch my videos on-line at https://www.youtube.com/user/AndrewNeilFalconer
Re: All the detailed explanations of the how and why of this graffiti...
You forgot to say, "And it is all 100% illegal."
Midnight Railroader wrote: Re: All the detailed explanations of the how and why of this graffiti... You forgot to say, "And it is all 100% illegal."
Good call.
I guess some of these folks wouldn't mind someone coming and trespassing on their property in the middle of the night and painting up thier houses and cars without permission. But it is an "artform", so it is OK, right?
Ah, I see. It is OK to break the law in the name of "art". I need to work on ways to justify breaking laws I suppose. I am not a stuck up Republican, so I guess engaging in illegal activities should be overlooked and encouraged in my mind. And all this time I have done my best to abide by laws set forth by various levels of government. Boy am I a fool.
Edit: The railroads don't have the means or personnell to police every last piece of rolling stock on the railroad. They depend on folks abiding by the law, and having respect for private property to help avoid having their equipment vandalized.
And yes, criminals of all types come from various backgrounds. Some come from wealthy backgrounds, while others come from poverty, and everything in between.
BuddyBuddyBoxcar wrote:graffiti doesn't kill anyone, rape anyone, it doesn't steal from anyone, the biggest thing is that is is tresspassing and writing on someone else's (gigantic big business, that doen't even really care) property. I am always amused at how bent out of shape people get over graffiti. IT DOES NOT HURT YO!
If the railroads don't care, then why do the people who do this do it at night and when no one is looking? If they don't care, then it would be fine to do it right out in the open, right?
It is a crime. Period.
Midnight Railroader wrote: BuddyBuddyBoxcar wrote:graffiti doesn't kill anyone, rape anyone, it doesn't steal from anyone, the biggest thing is that is is tresspassing and writing on someone else's (gigantic big business, that doen't even really care) property. I am always amused at how bent out of shape people get over graffiti. IT DOES NOT HURT YO! If the railroads don't care, then why do the people who do this do it at night and when no one is looking? If they don't care, then it would be fine to do it right out in the open, right? It is a crime. Period.
BuddyBuddyBoxcar wrote: Midnight Railroader wrote: BuddyBuddyBoxcar wrote:graffiti doesn't kill anyone, rape anyone, it doesn't steal from anyone, the biggest thing is that is is tresspassing and writing on someone else's (gigantic big business, that doen't even really care) property. I am always amused at how bent out of shape people get over graffiti. IT DOES NOT HURT YO! If the railroads don't care, then why do the people who do this do it at night and when no one is looking? If they don't care, then it would be fine to do it right out in the open, right? It is a crime. Period. Again, you just made another assumption. There are MANY writers that prefer to paintduring the day. and to tell you the truth, many of the RR workers and brakemen don't give a **** because they are union. Some of them really like graf, and some even do it themselves (hobo monikers mostly). The bulls care though, the are NOT union (or so this is what I was told). Workers, from what I have gathered, will sometimes SOMETIMES even hang out with some writers.
Again, it is illegal. Why is this so difficult to grasp? So you think it is alright, and even a good thing, to break the law. What do your parents think about this?
BuddyBuddyBoxcar wrote:So I get edited, huh? Where is my retort? Just so you all know, I wrote back and now it is not here.I get it, ok. I do not associate with people that like to silence my RIGHT to free speech. I wrote a response to CS Smith9474, and it did not get posted, OR it was posted, and then taken down completely. That is exactly whats wrong with America- Noone wants to hear anything that is the least bit different than steak and potatoes for dinner. I can see that I am not welcome here, so I will go away. Have a great life you all.
My point was not to run you off, but I am just seeking a reasonable justification for engaging in illegal activities such as vandalizing private property. I also did not see your response, and had nothing to do with its deletion (reporting). Most folks around here want to talk about model railroading, and not trying to justify breaking the law. As a model railroader to a model railroader (?), welcome to the forums.
This is an "art form" meant to irritate in the most part by being visually out of control. The people who paint these freight cars are doing because they think they are fighting back because the big business is taking control of their lives. Very little of the painting is done to create an image of beauty and grace. The grafitti painters seem to have the concept, "It is hard world, so I will be ever harder in return." Please, make the rusty old boxcars look better if you are planning to hang out by the tracks. Bring some cleaner and primer before painting that top coat.
Andrew Falconer wrote:This is an "art form" meant to irritate in the most part by being visually out of control. The people who paint these freight cars are doing because they think they are fighting back because the big business is taking control of their lives. Very little of the painting is done to create an image of beauty and grace. The grafitti painters seem to have the concept, "It is hard world, so I will be ever harder in return." Please, make the rusty old boxcars look better if you are planning to hang out by the tracks. Bring some cleaner and primer before painting that top coat. Andrew
Well I have read and re-read this thread and found it fascinating, more so for the education in 'writers' and their culture. So thank you to BuddyBuddyBoxcar and the other contributers for their insights into this area of railroading.
Personally I enjoy seeing the 'pieces' , and I do admire and acknowledge the skills and talent it would take do do these pieces of art (esp. as they are done in the dark with limited time, mainly).
I would rather see an amazing artwork roll by while I was waiting at a crossing than a plain string of 30 identical drab dirty boxcars, but thats just me, yes I know its illegal, just like copying a friends CD, photocopying a published artical and driving above the speed limit and a host of other things... (and dont forget it has already been posted that there are no degrees of 'illegal' , its still breaking the law)........something about no sin and the first stone springs to mind...
Once again thanks to all for an enlightening, educational and interesting topic.
As for the original post, I saw the boxcars and will probably get some. As for the fact that they are 1980's 'tags' on 1960's cars is irrelevant to me as I am/was ignorant of such knowledge, I can just enjoy the railcars for what they are, sometimes ignorance is bliss
Have fun, be safe, and keep it legal Karl
ukguy wrote: yes I know its illegal, just like copying a friends CD, photocopying a published artical and driving above the speed limit and a host of other things... (and dont forget it has already been posted that there are no degrees of 'illegal' , its still breaking the law)........something about no sin and the first stone springs to mind...
yes I know its illegal, just like copying a friends CD, photocopying a published artical and driving above the speed limit and a host of other things... (and dont forget it has already been posted that there are no degrees of 'illegal' , its still breaking the law)........something about no sin and the first stone springs to mind...
Okay, we'll all be over to add this sort of "art" to your car and house, then, since you seem to believe it's no big deal.
That'd be okay, right?
BuddyBuddyBoxcar wrote:. YES graffiti is illegal,I am not condoning that anyone go out and do it and break the law .... I like graffiti, I think regardless of the law it should be done....
I like graffiti, I think regardless of the law it should be done....
Read what you wrote again.
Midnight Railroader wrote: BuddyBuddyBoxcar wrote:. YES graffiti is illegal,I am not condoning that anyone go out and do it and break the law .... I like graffiti, I think regardless of the law it should be done.... Read what you wrote again.
Midnight Railroader wrote: ukguy wrote: yes I know its illegal, just like copying a friends CD, photocopying a published artical and driving above the speed limit and a host of other things... (and dont forget it has already been posted that there are no degrees of 'illegal' , its still breaking the law)........something about no sin and the first stone springs to mind... Okay, we'll all be over to add this sort of "art" to your car and house, then, since you seem to believe it's no big deal. That'd be okay, right?
You seem to have missed my point completely ... why am I not surprised..
Nowhere in my thread did I say it was no big deal, or before this expands with another reply, did I say I condoned it or advocate breaking the law.
The part of my post (which, incidently, I thought was a curteous and pleasant one) that you quoted was actually putting the point across that :-
yes its illegal, as the high and mighty, holier than thou and more righteous keep pointing out, but.... so are the other things I listed, so unless you have never broken the law in any way, never driven over the speed limit, never listened to a burned CD or watched a copy of a movie get off the high horse and stop casting stones.
If you dont like the graffiti cars dont buy them, period.
As buddy stated he was simply giving the background and some info on the subject, which some people find interesting, myself included, and the others who model graffiti. If the subject doesnt interest you then dont read it, just like I dont read the DCC ones or the complaining, whining, argumentative ones, which this has turned into.
Hello all
I’ve read through all 3 pages of this and I would just like to say a couple of things:
1) I am absolutely amazed at how complex this all is. I had no idea there was that much to graffiti. I always thought it was either just a bunch of misfit kids with no other outlet, or was gang related. Thanks Buddy for quite a bit of history.
2) What the hell are you all so angry about? Look, I think UKGUY summed it up with: “yes I know its illegal, just like copying a friends CD, photocopying a published artical and driving above the speed limit and a host of other things... (and dont forget it has already been posted that there are no degrees of 'illegal' , its still breaking the law)........something about no sin and the first stone springs to mind...”
3) I don’t want anyone planting pansies on my front lawn, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to see them on the side of the road. If the RR’s were really concerned about this kind of “vandalism” they would be doing something about it. You can’t tell me that there aren’t “hot” areas or locations, or certain yards where this happens more often than elsewhere. There could be an elaborate sting operation set up with RR workers armed with spray cans... I'm getting carried away. The bottom line is if the RR’s aren’t up in arms about it why should you guys be?
4) No, I’m not buying my kids spray paint. (And I live on Long Island, where you can’t buy spray paint if you’re under 18.) But then I’m not buying them guns or knives either. Look, it’s in the upbringing and parental involvement. I doubt that any of us would like to be bailing our kids or friends out of jail for spray painting RR cars, but (in NY at least) I can think of a lot worse mischief for people to be getting into, and much more serious crimes. You guys really need to agree to disagree and let it go.
Just my nickels worth, Charlie
I have waded through 3 pages of this garbage about graffiti "artists". I was little surprised that the the moral relativists would crawl out of their pseudo-intellectual enclaves to look down their noses at us poor simpletons who actually understand the concepts of law and private property.
The really odd thing is that I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that the same people who joined this forum just to lecture us dimwitted model railroaders about the glorious alternative culture of the "graffiti writers" are the same people whose undying devotion to Political Correctness has banished the swastika from the box art and promotional art of German World War II aircraft model kits.
(Notice something missing from the tail?)
Graffiti, is a blight upon civilization and its perpetrators are criminals.
"And the sons of Pullman porters and the sons of engineers ride their father's magic carpet made of steel..."
Three topics ALWAYS lead to argument here, and they are, in no particular order: graffiti, politics, religion.
I'm locking this because it's at the point of no return.