QUOTE: Originally posted by jshrade Well, I heard back from him today... two emails no less.... he felt that my email (which is reprinted entirely about the 5th post on this thread) was 'attacking' him, and he even threatened to leave ME negative feedback 'before giving him a chance to resolve the matter'. His first email tells me just to ship them back, but almost immediatly afterwards, he sends ANOTHER email completely attacking ME. Just to let ya'll know I'm not just flaming him, here's copies (cut/pasted, no edits except for names) of both of his emails to me. This guy is turning out to be a REAL jerk. sigh... Lesson learned.
QUOTE: Originally posted by jshrade To answer a couple of your questions Jeff... I asked him to set up a Buy It Now ebay auction in one of my original emails, but he claimed it would save both of us time, if I just sent the payment for the used ones with the new switches I bought from him on Ebay.