QUOTE: Originally posted by SpaceMouse I have no doubt drugs are involved.
QUOTE: Originally posted by dthurman I didn't hear that one [V], I did hear that FEMA and maybe the Red Cross pulled out of some areas because of shooting, I think it had something to do with food deliveries, I mean what is wrong with some of these people, I understand the desperation, but I think some have crossed over to the dark side, this almost sounds like "BlackHawk Down" in the beginning of the movie, or worse yet, some really bad scary movie... It's only a matter of time and we will be hearing about Nat. Guard units getting into some scrapes, and if these are any of the returning Iraq troops, I feel sorry for the looters [:D] Sorry for digressing, just amazes me when people are in a bad spot how some will take advantage of the situation.
QUOTE: Originally posted by grande man Guys, just a a side note, it pays to be prepared. You don't have to be a "survivalist freak" to have a portable water filter, some MREs, a radio, extra clothes, etc. In today's world, it would be smart to have some preps in advance. Also, a way to defend your family from predators would seem to be in order as well. Just a thought.
QUOTE: Originally posted by dthurman I agree, AND A VERY GOOD POINT. I think this weekend the girlfriend and I need to sit down and make aemergency pack and be prepared. I can see a new industry springing up from this, sort of like the H-bomb days.
QUOTE: Originally posted by uspscsx With Andrew back in 1992, they actually brought up the possibility of barracading the area off and not letting anyone back in it for a long period of time. Probably hypothetical, but it seems like a good idea, if at all possible, for this situation. Dead bodies, animals, and chemicals in the water, or should I say sewage, really don't help. 80% of the city. Seems unreal to me, and people are actually setting fire to the buildings in the French Quarter! Burns me up. [V][censored] uspscsx
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