QUOTE: Originally posted by Adelie Which one did you go to, Chip? Towards Baltimore (in Laurel) is Peach Creek Shops, and in Baltimore is MB Klein. Peach Creek is good, and I have not yet been to MB Klein (but will be).
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site http://www.picturetrail.com/simontrains and our videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCrispybake?feature=mhum
QUOTE: Originally posted by Jetrock If SpaceMouse comes out to Sacramento we have *got* to have a meetup! Maybe some hobbyshop runs followed by a railfan session at Roseville Yard or downtown, or a trip to the CSRM so SpaceMouse can see some of those 1870's-1890's engines up close and personal!
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
QUOTE: Originally posted by jdavid93225 Chip, I will Ditto CARRfan's mention of "The Original Whistle Stop" in Pasadena, CA and Allied Model Trains in Culver City, CA. Both have a huge selection of nearly anything train related. There is also the Train Shack in Burbank, CA and The Roundhouse in North Hollywood, CA which both sell only items related to model railroading. The sad part about all this is that there used to be a lot of other shops around that have since closed their doors over the last 20 to 25 years: the ones I miss are the Train Station in Burbank, the California Train Depot in Van Nuys, and a couple of other hobby shops that basically just don't carry trains anymore due to a shift in people's interests. If you ever do make it to Southern California, at least there are still quite a few shops to visit around the Los Angeles basin, many of which I have not yet been to.
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
QUOTE: Originally posted by SpaceMouse I had to go to the DC area on business this morning so I decided I was for once and for all going to a REAL hobby shop. Mine LHS is a slot car mail order business and has a few EZ track components and Woodland Scenics. Welll I borrowed a Nothern Virginia yellow pages and found one that led their ad with Train supplies for all guages. There were some others that looked better, but they were all 30-45 minutes in the wrong direction. Well I got there and was excited that they had three rows of train stuff. My goal was to find some Kadee uncoupling magnets, some couplers, some Proto metal wheels, an NMRA guage, and a wheel tool. I thought that was a reasonable list. I asked the guy where the NMRA guage was and he had never head of one. I had to explain it to him and then tell him what it was for. I took this as a very bad sign. In fact, the store did not have a single thing on my list. They did have about 15 different Bachman train sets and a few Bachman Plus engines--and about 10 Althern engines. The only Spectrum (and I think the only DCC ready engine) was a Critter. They did have ballast--which my local store doesn't-- so instead of spending every cent on me, I walked out with some ballast, some old west figures and some cows and horses. I'm beginning to think that the hobby stores I've heard you guys speak of only exist in the Alderon System.
QUOTE: Originally posted by simon1966 QUOTE: Originally posted by Adelie Which one did you go to, Chip? Towards Baltimore (in Laurel) is Peach Creek Shops, and in Baltimore is MB Klein. Peach Creek is good, and I have not yet been to MB Klein (but will be). Well by chance I am hopping on a plane to DC tomorrow for a meeting in the afternoon and then heading up to Columbia, MD for a meeting Tuesday morning. Hotel booked in Jessup and pleased to see that I am only going to be a few miles from Peach Creek, so hopefully can find an hour after my meeting on the way back to DC. Thanks for posting Adelie
QUOTE: Originally posted by nfmisso Chip; Head west young man! :) to Denver, Colorado, Caboose Hobbies. You will enter, will not come out for days. Fortunately, they do have a rest room and pepsi machine :)