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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner: December, 2022 and Winter Trains

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Posted by Track fiddler on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 5:36 AM

Unbelievable David.  Have more experience with this then we care to have.  Our friend Cheryl's daughter was down and out and needed help after losing her place to live.  Judy and I started a donation down at Cowboys.  We sent her $100 separately in the mail beforehand.  Two weeks went by without even a thank you.  She had to be coaxed by someone else, we gathered in the chat circle.  Thank you came much too late as we hope she doesn't ever need our help again, ...or garbage disposal guy eitherWhistling


Top of the page?  Hard to tell on a phone but hold on, I'll go gather a treat.

  Beef tenderloin eggs benedict and apple cinnamon french toast for all.

Had that at the Hilton Chop House and it was fabulousDinner




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Posted by NorthBrit on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 6:03 AM

Gosh TF.   That beef tenderloin eggs benedict looks delicious.  Yeah


My son used to work at Beamish Museum.  He had to leave because of no pay during Covid.


Here is a short film of Beamish, Winter 2018.   My son was driving the blue/cream tramcar.  Apart from the people at the end, the ones you see all work at Beamish.



To the world you are someone.    To someone you are the world

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Posted by gmpullman on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 6:12 AM

Thanks for the Tenderloin eggs Benedict, TF. Very tasty!

I got to ride The Canadian back in 1974. I never thought to write down the name of the Park car that I rode in...

Still, today, it's the only way to fly

 Prince Albert Park, Jasper by Rick Wright, on Flickr

 Tweedsmuir Park 3 by Rick Wright, on Flickr

 Canadian meeting Skeena, Red Mountain Pass 28 Feb 18 2 by Rick Wright, on Flickr

Common courtesy is a thing of the past now. If you show compassion or even offer a little help to your fellow man, even holding the door for someone you're labeled a snowflake. Courtesy on the highways? Even worse!

Cheers, Ed

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Posted by Water Level Route on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 7:24 AM

Morning all.  Chloe, I'll have some of what Track Fiddler left.  That looks tasty!  Thanks TF!

My youngest had to "work" at Culvers last night.  They offer a fund raising deal to local programs (schools really) where organization members come work for a period of time and a portion of the proceeds go to that group.  The high school girls soccer team worked last night to earn money toward new uniforms.  The kids filled the role of the employees that bring food to either diners inside or those waiting in the drive through.  Haven't heard how much they netted from it yet, but it sounds like the kids did a good job and had fun.  

Family Christmas party this weekend with my mom & stepdad, my three siblings, their spouses/significant others, and a few kids.  Looking forward to it.  Not sure how many people get the whole family together anymore, but I'm guessing fewer and fewer as the years go by.  I have some extended family that always has a big family reunion/christmas party each year.  Last time I went to that was probably 35 years ago (distant relatives-I was only ever there with my mom as she was invited as a cousin).  That last party I was at had to have 75 people there.  They carry the tradition on to this day.  Good for them.

Have a happy Tuesday everybody.


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Posted by up831 on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 4:14 PM

Hi Everyone,

Coffee with cream, please,Brunhilda.

Mike:  That "work" your youngest volunteered for is a great way to raise money for a cause in the form of a fund raiser.  Our local congregation has done several of these from working concession stands to parking and guest relations (that means greet incoming attendees).  In most cases, the work is reasonably easy for the return you're getting.  My only problem is that I'm getting too old to stand in one place for 8-10 hours like at the Indy or NASCAR races.  After the races I can barely walk the 2 miles back to the where the car is parked.  Every step hurts.  

Also, volunteering for say new uniforms gives youths a chance to earn the means to acquire them or at least part of the money required if their funds are being matched or something like that.  Anyway, they'll take a lot more pride in the new uniforms than if they were just handed over to them.  

Ok, I'll get off the soapbox now.

Not much going on RRwise for me.  Built a couple of 30 year old BB kits.  I had the hardest time putting a caboose together.  As most people know, the threading or whatever holds the couplers on is often stripped And the screws too short.  I thought I'd solve it by getting longer 2-56 screws and glue a 2-56 threaded nut to the steel weight to hold the couplers on the car.  The first time I did it, it worked ok.  But this time, the couplers and/or the spring would fall out from one end or the other or both.  I just couldn't get it to work.  Finally, I took a couple of narrow post it notes, like the kind used for a book mark, and placed the nonstick end over the spring and coupler leaving some out the other side to attach the sticky part to And wrapped it around once.  Got the under frame with the coupler pockets lined up, placed the screws thru to the nuts on the other side of the weight, and tightened them down.  Then, I undid the post it book mark and pulled it right out.  Waddya know, a miracle, the couplers were securely in place and working.  The rest of the assembly was a snap,...literally.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by hon30critter on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 7:56 PM

I got a letter in the mail a few days ago from The Sheriff's Office. I have been selected to do jury duty. My first day is Dec. 19th. I hope I don't get sequestered over Christmas!

I can't decide whether to wear a suit or not. I figure that if I wear a suit the lawyers might conclude that I am too much of a stuffed shirt to decide fairly and toss me out.



I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by mbinsewi on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 8:51 PM

Hi guys, just doing some lurking and scrolling.

Sorry to hear about Mel.  Really too bad.  Sad  His knowlege of all things electrical was a great asset to the forums, as much as Randy's was for his DCC knowledge.

I'm going to miss all of his post about making his little people.

It's good to hear from you Henry!  Yes  I have friends that had shoulder surgery, including a BL, and it was tough.  Wishing you the best!

I've been just as scace myself!  Model RR season has arrived, outside projects on hold for now.  Our place up in the WI north woods is closed down for the winter.  We "snow bird" down in SE WI. Laugh.

Had hip replacement last year, Oct. 24 this year, I had emergency detached retina surgery.  Left eye is coming back slowly, but I have been getting the layout room back in shape.

Mel was right!  "Getting old is not for wimps!"

I've got to check out Kathy's video on cleanin up the scenery!  Laugh

I've still got the Flexi-Flow hoppers to finish up, along with a long list.

Good to hear Ulrich lurkes in!  Merry Christmas Ulrich and Petra!

I'm trying to get our grandson to make up his mind if he wants us to keep his MTH train.  Haven't seen him since he graduated from HS.  Laugh Darn kids! He spends all of his time now with his mom and step dad, on an USAF base down in Florida.

If not, to Ebay it goes, as we are trying to do some serious downsizing.

For those who like to watch an occassional live train cam, there is a new player on the scene, it's Steel Highway Railcams.  Don't know if I can post a link, but using the name, it's easy to find.  Whats extra neat, they set up a Broadcastify live stream for the area, so you can hear radio chatter from the conductor, dispatch, yard crews, etc.  Ads a lot to the view.

Time to go, I've probably all ready gotten myself in trouble here, so I'll sign off for the night.

I'll be around!


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Posted by BATMAN on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 9:30 PM

Good evening from the wet West Coast where the temp is just above 0c and it is a mucky mess outside.

Dave, While I was working I got called for jury duty three times and served twice. Recently I got another notice to serve. I shot off an Email to the address provided saying, I have been called three times and served twice and was happy to do so, however, my arthritis makes it hard to sit for long periods and my hearing is no longer the best so I feel I am no longer a good candidate for jury duty. I got a nice reply thanking me for my prior service and I would not be called again. The ones I served on were really interesting and complex cases and I was happy to do my duty and felt it was a very educational experience. In the case, I did not get selected I got grilled big time by the defense counsel. It was a high-profile gangland murder case and I remember the defendant leaning over to his council saying he did not want me. Lots more to it but that is the Coles Notes version.

My son has a position on the board of directors with an association connected to Hockey Canada and they held a big tournament this last weekend. Teams from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Washington, and Oregon were all invited and it was a good success. As has been the case in the past teams from South of the border had issues with not having Passports so only a limited number of players showed up so they combined players from different teams to make up full teams and my son jumped in to coach one of these ad-hoc teams and they won the tourney. I am so proud of him. He works unbelievable hours and still hauls his butt out to the Hockey rink to volunteer. We are always awash in cash from corporate donations and he was able to subsidize the expenses of a couple of the U.S. teams.

ED, love the Park Car. I asked Jason if they are going to produce it again and he said yes, just not when. My Canadian will be tailless until they do.Laugh We moved out from Winnipeg to Vancouver on The Canadian in April 1959 and I have made good progress on learning the consist of that train. A Park car is a must.

My daughter submitted her final paper for this term and came and threw her arms around me asking if we could order sushi to celebrate. I said a little time on the piano may influence my decision, the house is full of music once again. I love being in a position of power.Laugh

As far as charities are concerned I feel sorry for the people that man the Salvation Army Kettles. When our kids were growing up, in the weeks before Christmas we would go to the bank and get a stack of $5.00 bills. As we went around to the stores before Christmas the kids would put a $5.00 bill in the kettles at the stores. No one carries cash anymore and I noticed the kettles are looking a little empty so I have been going out of my way to help out. I was talking to my son about it and he said he was carrying on the tradition. I said, did you get a stack of five's he said, no, Twenties. What a kid.Yes

I miss Mel as well, another person I really miss is Randy Rinker. I was just looking at some old Emails and Randy and I exchanged quite a few.

Shushi is here in five.

 All the best to all.



"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by gmpullman on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 9:36 PM


Glad to see some old timers chacking in!



When just one won't do:

 Tripple header GG1s on NJ Transit train by Thomas Eckhardt, on Flickr

This would be a GGGGGG3 ? I guess I'm guilty of being enamored with the things:

 PRR_GG6 by Edmund, on Flickr

The silver one didn't make it into the lineup Whistling

 PRR_4880-GG1-a by Edmund, on Flickr

ED, love the Park Car.

Me too!

 Parked_Park by Edmund, on Flickr

I've since fixed the light leaking from around the window gaskets. Yes

Wonder why that moose only casts a shadow from his rear legs but not his front?

Cheers, Ed


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Posted by BATMAN on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 10:30 PM

Wonder why that moose only casts a shadow from his rear legs but not his front?

That photo is suspicious now I looked at it again.Laugh A poor job at photoshop. It is an Elk, not a moose. Banff is full of Elk, they just walk around town like the rest of us.

Even Grizzlies have been known to wait for The Canadian at Banff station.




"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by Track fiddler on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 10:56 PM

Huh.....Since that photo was posted, didnt think anything of that shadow being the photo shop thing.  For obvious reasons, it was quite believable.

For instance, when you compare a duck to a goose, ducks are more tricky than geese.

Just like when you compare an elk to a moose, elks are always trickier than meese.

Thought that's what that shadow thing was all aboutHuh?...Wink



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Posted by gmpullman on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 11:50 PM

It is an Elk, not a moose. Banff is full of Elk, they just walk around town like the rest of us.

That's what I get for not having my spotter's guide with me. 


Remember Pearl:

 USS Missouri (BB-63) by Edmund, on Flickr

Cheers, Ed

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Posted by "JaBear" on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 3:17 AM
Gidday Chloe, a beverage for Mike, please, though I don’t want to get him into trouble.  Yes, Mel was right regarding growing older!
For years I got regularly excused from jury duty, as an “essential worker” but they changed the law and I’ve been recently called twice. Both times I got dressed up, wore a tie and tied my hair back; got to serve once, so don’t know what you best option would be Dave.

Asleep by Bear, on Flickr

Christmas by Bear, on Flickr
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them. Kia Kaha.
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by hon30critter on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 3:37 AM

  For years I got regularly excused from jury duty, as an “essential worker” but they changed the law and I’ve been recently called twice. Both times I got dressed up, wore a tie and tied my hair back; got to serve once, so don’t know what you best option would be Dave.

Hi Bear,

I have to admit that I was being a bit 'tongue in cheek' when I suggested that wearing a suit might get me out of jury duty. I actually don't want to avoid it. I am quite willing to do my part for society. However, I have decided to not wear a suit primarily because I find my suit to be rather uncomfortable, espescially over long periods of time. I have several shirts that would suit the occassion, and I have just ordered a pair of 'dress' pants that will go nicely with them. Not too formal, but at least I will look civilized.

My biggest concern is being able to get around the Court House. I am debating whether or not I should take my walker instead of just relying on my cane. The cane works well provided that I don't have to walk too far or stand in line for too long. The problem with the walker is that it takes up space. I think I'm going to call the Court House to determine what would be best. We have decided that Dianne will drive me to the Court House so I won't have to worry about parking or how far I will have to walk to get from the van to the Court House.



I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by NorthBrit on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 5:05 AM

Good morning Diners.   A large coffee and blueberry muffin please,  Chloe.



North Dublin


Steam train near Whiteabbey, Belfast.




As it is Pearl Harbor Day


Music  originally written  for the fallen in both world wars.

Il Silenzio   -   The Silence



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Posted by Water Level Route on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 6:02 AM

Good Morning Diners.  Flo, a caramel latte in a Canadian Pacific mug please.

Wonder why that moose only casts a shadow from his rear legs but not his front?

You know, I thought it a little odd that it would stand that close to a train moving at speed like that.  Never caught the lack of shadow though.  My guess is the shadow from the rear legs is actually the edge of a little drift in the snow.  In fact, if you click on the photo to see it a little bigger, it doesn't appear the "shadow" lines up with the legs.  The elk also appears a bit big in comparison to the train.  Oh well.  Looks nice.

Remember Pearl:

Indeed.  My wife and I were planning a Christmas wedding and I coerced her into getting married on the 7th.  She didn't find out until later that it was to help me, a history buff, remember the date!  20 years ago today.

Later gents!


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Posted by gmpullman on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 6:48 AM

Water Level Route
20 years ago today.

Congratulations, Mike. In my case I numbered my caboose the NYC 91908 or written another way — 9/19/2008 Cool


A stallion under Pennsy position lights:

 NS 590 - Lilly, Pennsylvania by Tyler Pate, on Flickr


There. Fixed it:

 canadian-winter-1-c-martel-shadow-fix by Edmund, on Flickr


Cheers, Ed

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Posted by CNCharlie on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 8:33 AM

Good Morning,

A frosty -24F here with a-38 windchill. I don't plan on going anywhere.

I have never been called for jury duty. My wife has but wasn't selected. She folded her arms and glared at the deffendant so was declined by his lawyer. Dave, you have been called but might not be selected. It took many hours going through the selection process.

Coffee is tasting great. The bird feeders are out and filled but have to be vigilant in case the Nothern Shrike comes  back. It was here yesterday and tried to get one of 'our' birds. We chased it off several times.

CN Charlie


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Posted by Track fiddler on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 8:52 AM


Judy took the day off today but it won't be the greatest day off together.  Our next door neighbors, (before we had sold the house), wife died last Monday.  She didn't feel well late Monday morning and told John she was going to take a nap.  Linda never woke up.  We've been friends with them for years and have the funeral this afternoon to say goodbye and pay our respects.  

Was saddened when RR Mel passed as well.  We had chats off the Forum at times through the years.  Mel went through some tough hauls.  He had a really bad back for most of his life as he fell from a radio tower back in the mid 60's.  Quite a bit more to that story and it's no wonder he had survived.  He also had to have a kidney removed from cancer in the early 2000's.  Mel was a Good Ol' Joe, an excellent modeler and will be missed.


On a more positive note, we heard of this really good bakery recently that also serves a very good breakfast.  We're going there soon to eat and have one of those really big cream puffs for dessertDinner


  Travel Channel


Have a terrific hump day gentlemanWink




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Posted by MisterBeasley on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 11:21 AM

I've been called in for jury duty several times but never got to a trial.  Massachusetts has a one day or one trial rule, so if you're called you hope to not get picked so you're out by mid-afternoon.  They will not allow you to ask for a closer court for personal convenience, but I asked for a closer one "so I could go back to work if we got dismissed early."  That actually worked.  And yes, I did go back to work that day.  Mostly I wanted to avoid going to Cambridge, because that's where the big, long trials are held.

I heard about a guy who was called in, and that morning he went to the desk and asked where he should check his handgun.  " I know I can't bring it into court, so where can I check it?"  They didn't know what to do so they dismissed him and sent him home.  

I'm 75 years old now so I've aged out of the system.

I actually skied downhill once, with a minus 30 degree wind chill.  I was dressed for it, but after two runs I realized it wasn't much fun, just survival skiing so I went back in.  The snow was well groomed but still frozen.  Nope, no lift lines.  I was the only guy on that lift.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 12:15 PM

I heard about a guy who was called in, and that morning he went to the desk and asked where he should check his handgun. " I know I can't bring it into court, so where can I check it?" They didn't know what to do so they dismissed him and sent him home.

I was called up for Jury Duty a few years ago.  I wrote back that I am legally deaf and that hearing aids help, but....  They told me, no problem we will provide a sign language interpreter for you.  I told them, nice, that's wonderful, except... I don't know sign language and that I would need to have it transcribed for me in english!  I was dismissed! 

I actually skied downhill once, with a minus 30 degree wind chill.

I actually camped a weekend out on the ice at Cuba Lake with my Boy Scout Troop (Scoutmaster) at a camporee when it was 10° below zero with a 20 mph wind.  That was -30° wind chill.....  Don't think I want to do that anymore.... LOL!  The next morning the wind stopped blowing and it was above zero out.  "We're havin' a Heat Wave.....  Tropical Heat Wave!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by hon30critter on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 7:29 PM

Here is a rotatry blade snow plow throwing the snow really high!

Here is a detailed view of how the above plow works. Fascinating!

Here is an interesting documentary about the record heavy snowfalls in the Donner Pass in 1951. It shows the different pieces of snow removal equipment in operation:



I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by maxman on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 9:36 PM


Here is a rotatry blade snow plow throwing the snow really high!


Nice of the operator to aim the snow away from the photographer.

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Posted by "JaBear" on Thursday, December 8, 2022 1:02 AM
Gidday Chloe, could I please have a large lemonade, please.

I have to admit that I was being a bit 'tongue in cheek' when I suggested that wearing a suit might get me out of jury duty. I actually don't want to avoid it. I am quite willing to do my part for society.

Dave, I wasn’t questioning your devotion to do you civic duty, it’s just that my only jury service involved a quite distasteful case.
NYCW by Bear, on Flickr
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them. Kia Kaha.
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by hon30critter on Thursday, December 8, 2022 2:08 AM

my only jury service involved a quite distasteful case.

Hi Bear,

My aunt Mary did jury duty many years ago where the case involved some pretty high profile gangsters. IIRC, the jury was sequestered even before the case was finished being presented because the authorities were concerned about the jurors' safety! Needless to say, she didn't enjoy doing her civic duty!

Somehow I strongly doubt that I will be placed in such a perilous situation. Regardless, I will do what I am obliged to do to the best of my ability. The Ontario government puts out a very nice video about serving on a jury. It makes the experience seem like it will be an enjoyable walk in the park. We shall see.




I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by hon30critter on Thursday, December 8, 2022 3:23 AM

Here is some really slow rotary plow progress:

I'm sure the crew must have been pretty frustrated!



I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by NorthBrit on Thursday, December 8, 2022 5:05 AM

Good morning Diners.  Hospital appointment today, so a coffee on the go please, Brunhilda.





To the world you are someone.    To someone you are the world

I cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought

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Posted by Water Level Route on Thursday, December 8, 2022 6:02 AM

Good Morning Diners.  Zoe, a coffee and an english muffin please.  Haven't been able to get those at the grocery store for the past several weeks and boy have I been craving some.  Sigh.

In my case I numbered my caboose the NYC 91908 or written another way — 9/19/2008 

That is a really neat idea Ed!  Might have to do something similar, just on the layout instead.  I don't have a caboose in my yard. Crying 

Nice evening yesterday.  I grilled New York Strips for dinner and we watched most of a movie.  Didn't have time for all of it as we waited for our youngest to be done with her homework before we started it so we could all watch together.  It has Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell in it.  I think it's only on Netflix, but it is a modern take on Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol.  Other than being a musical, it's pretty good so far.  Neat concept in that there is a whole operation that takes place behind the scenes that supports the three spirits that come visit.  Research on the "perp", set design for the memories, a year worth of work and planning, a different target each year, etc.  

Another busy week at work and once again I find myself at the end of the work week (this week is my Friday off) and again going "how did this happen?"  I won't complain. Smile



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Posted by GMTRacing on Thursday, December 8, 2022 6:58 AM

Good Morning All,

    A regular and a blueberry bagel for me please Zoe. Some cream cheese on that would be lovely, thanks. 

   When I got married I convinced my future CFO that December 1st was a good day. It was also my birthday. It wasn't an original idea though since my fathers birthday was also December 1st and also his anniversary day as well. Easy peasy.

   Here jury duty has you call in the day of to learn if you even need to show up. If they are picking a jury that day you go in. I have been selected several times but only made it to one interview. That is conducted with just the two lawyers and a stenographer, no plaintif or defendent. I was selected to serve but then a week later they settled the day before the case was to go to trial so - job done.

   Sorry to hear some of us are having the travails of maturity. I feel fortunate that all I have is a limp and dietary restrictions that limit me to rocks, grass and dirt.

     Ciao, J.R.

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Posted by gmpullman on Thursday, December 8, 2022 10:23 AM

Bring your kids to work day...

 Engineer in Training by Craig Sanders, on Flickr


What could go wrong?Whistling


Cheers, Ed

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