To me, "dabbling" means just a small sampling, rather than a major commitment to a major layout or a large collection. Others would certainly disagree, but my version of "dabbling" would probably be a small Proto-48 diorama with a few high-quality, favorite items. My purchase decisions would be dictated by the needs of the diorama, rather than by what's on the hobby shop shelves. I could imagine hand-laid track on individual ties; a few brass freight cars from Proto Craft or Rich Yoder, plus scratchbuilt cars or limited production craftsman kit cars. It would be a small effort, but a very special showpiece. That's probably what it would be if I were to dabble. If I were to build a big O scale layout, it would have much more relaxed standards, and the answers would be entirely different.
It's all theoretical anyway. I expect to stick with HO.
Jack, you might find that Proto-48 is the scale/gauge combination that will satisfy your need for a challenge, rather than OO gauge.
Honestly, the proto48 does look interesting, but for me it is a matter of space as well as My appreciation of our hobbies origins. I would rather not let them be forgotten, and OO seems to fir both of those billings.
I know you asked about O scale trains and I don't mean to screw with the topic might want to consider S scale models. They are approximately 1/2 the size difference between O and HO. There are some great items available in steam/diesel era as well as modern era. I'm talking SCALE and not American Flyer or Flyonel (modern AF made by Lionel). American Models and MTH makes some great stuff. MTH's line is the former S Helper Service (SHS) recently purchased. Realistic curves are more attainable in a 14x14 room over O scale.
THIS IS JUST SOMETHING FOR CONSIDERATION!!! Please don't start shooting!!!
Roger Huber
Deer Creek Locomotive Works
I am also preparing to build a small O scale 2 rail layout in an even smaller room of 9' by 8'. Yes that rules out large steam or 6 axle diesels, but those are beyond my meager finianical means. What I am building is a small branch line to a coal tipple on the C&O/Chessie system. Motive power will be 2 old Atlas F9's, a US Hobbies/KMT GP35(my one nice engine) and possibly a General Models diecast NW2. I am using old Atlas(Austrian produced) track of both flex and "snap track" style. S scale is just as expensive as restarting in any other scale. I already have some of these O scale trains on hand and others are in layaway at a LHS. The brass GP35 will actualy belong to my wife to help keep me on track and not resell it later. Being autistic, I can get burnt out and constantly swap prototypes and even scales. Being on a limited income for modeling, this really becomes a problem. By going to O scale, I need less of the expensive items and can maximize my modeling skills. I will need less track, only a couple of engines and a small selection of freight cars, mostly hoppers and a couple of cabooses. So many of todays modelers are of the more or bigger is better. Huge train lenghts, massive layouts. Dont have room for a massive O scale empire, then you should go to xyz scale so you can. I call BS on all of that. Only scale I have put a temp hold on is my G scale due to high prices and lack of anything I need new on the market. But the siren song of 2 rail O has always called my name. It can be done in a small room, and it can be done on a tight budget. It all depends on what you wish to achieve. All of my motive power is old, but nothing wrong with that. It is my opinion with tightening budgets and a general shrinking of the whole hobby, that small but detailed layouts in all scales will become the new push in the near future. Mikie
Silly NT's, I have Asperger's Syndrome