doctorwayne Hmmm. Am I the only one who would miss Accurail, Bowser, and Tichy? Wayne
Hmmm. Am I the only one who would miss Accurail, Bowser, and Tichy?
I would as I only intend to buy American made now, and I desperately need C&O coal hoppers!
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
I am finding myself on more "advanced order" lists than I can believe. Very seldom that I can just walk into the hobby shop and find something on the shelf to buy except for parts and misc. stuff. I admit to having more HO than I can ever run now, but I would still like some of the new stuff coming out, but give me a break. Advance lists for 10 months out? I could be dead or in jail or starting a new hobby 10 months from now. I have been in HO since early 1960's and I have always enjoyed being in HO. Now I am fed up with the new policies these manufacturers are using, (wait, strike that "manufacturers" and call them importers instead. That is more realistic.
I am not pre ordering anything now, new policy. I will pay for whatever I have already advanced ordered since I was dumb enough to do so, but I am not going to keep buying new stuff that I can't get in the local hobbyshop, which also seems to be drying up.
Baah Humbug!!!!