For the past several years members of the Trains/Kalmbach Forum members have tried to get together at TRAINFEST in Milwaukee. We have had large and small groups. This year we will try again.
For those that are attending any member of the Forums hosted here at Kalmbach we will meet at the Kalmbach Publishing Display at Trainfest at 12 Noon.
Trainfest is one of the largest Model Railroad/Train Shows in the US. With over 140,000 square feet there are operating model railroads of all scales, hobby shops, manufacturers, historica societies and more.
Trainfest is put on by the Southeastern Wisconsin Division of the NMRA. Over 20,000 people usually attend the two days of Trainfest.
To find out more and get some reduced admission coupons check out
Quick Info
Where: Wisconsin State Fair Park Exposition Building
When : Saturday November 10th and Sunday November 11th 9am to 5:30pm Both Days.
Again lets get together at the Kalmbach Publishing Display at 12noon on Saturday.
Keith Annual Forum Photo taken 11-12-2011 by kschmidt626, on FlickrSchmidt
Keith Schmidt KC9LHK You don’t bring nothin with you here and you can’t nothin back, I ain’t never seen a hearse with a luggage rack. George Strait Check out Flickr Train Photo Page
I should be able to make it for the picture, if I can get away from the kid zone.
Mike WSOR engineer | HO scale since 1988 | Visit our club
Sounds good Mike, see you there. Should be nice weather with temps near 60. Keith
Mike Hopefully you won't be deafened at the kid's zone!
This is just to bump up Keith's posting
Dave Nelson