This weekend I just finished up laying the cork on my 10x13' layout. This photo is of the Logan, Montana yard. For more information please visit my blog at:
--Zak Gardner
My Layout Blog:
Excellent slide show
Pictures are varied enough to hold your interest
51% share holder in the ME&O ( Wife owns the other 49% )
A late entry for me :
Worked on planting the foam to form river banks etc, also working on the bridge in the background the infamous Walthers kit with bowed frame. What a PAIN!
James, Brisbane Australia
Modelling AT&SF in the 90s
I managed to find some time to finish the walls and roof on my N scale Kimberly Clark building. The main building is 24" x 44" in size. The mostly hidden continuous running track along the backdrop passes through the back left 1/3 of the building. I still need to paint the building, paint the rubberized membrane roofing, add details and weather the whole thing, then add pavement, interior loading docks, ground cover, etc. These are just cell phone grab shots. The roof top details are just place holders and are not attached. The interior unloading bays hold 7 and 5 box cars respectively and there is room to spot an additional 4 to 5 box cars along the outside loading doors on the right.
I spent way too much time on this thing today...Since the great big windows look so good, and since I've been going all higgledy piggledy with LEDs lighting everything in sight, I realized that the next thing I needed wasn't lighting, but rather stuff to see when the lights are on!So we called in the carpenters and interior decorators...It took about an hour to figure out the stair case. It's still not quite right, but once everything's closed up it can only be viewed through the windows and a very particular angle, so I'm not worried about building code accuracy...
And of course, you need a convenience for the employees and patrons of the railway...
I'm only going to light the men's room and main hall on the first floor. During the era I'm modeling, there were very few functions being carried out in the Cumberland station, so most of the office space was unused. The dispatcher and superintendent's office were on the second floor, so apart from the hallway and stairwell, those will be the only lights upstairs.And to think, a few weeks ago, I was still in window limbo, and the building looked like this after sitting in storage for over six years!Lee
Route of the Alpha Jets
Thanks. I use hair spray initially, then once it dries I mist windex, glue and water over in from a spray bottle to adhere it more.
This rope I use is only 67 cents a foot! HA thats enough for makes 40-50 trees. cheap stuff
cowman Aggro, Very nice trees. I do similar ones, but use baler twine (which I have plenty of), I like the way your foam sticks to the branches. What do you use for adhesive? Thanks, Richard
Very nice trees. I do similar ones, but use baler twine (which I have plenty of), I like the way your foam sticks to the branches. What do you use for adhesive?
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"