Airfields and Trains
robert sylvester Posted: 07-29-2008 8:59 AM Reply More

Yesterday I posted scenes, from the WTRR (West Tennessee Railroad), which crews were preparing a portion of the layout for a new maintenance area for the military airfield. I have been working on this project again, I'd like to share it with all of you.

It's early morning and the crews are up.  The basic support is blue foam, covered with sifted dirt from parking lots.

After the crew moves the dirts, a rain of alcohol and diluted white glue will fall.

Trains are able to deliver supplies as the ballast work has been completed.  My ballast is sandbox sand mixed with tempra powered paints to make a grey color.

some last minute preparation as the planes move in.

Airfield without flash above and the same with flash below


Road crews are almost done, signs are being posted


As a final shot, I thought I'd stand on the runway as planes get ready to depart.  I can tell you the engine noise is loud.


The foam board was left bare and painted concrete. I am re-doing the marker stripes at the end of the runway.

Thanks for letting me share.

Robert Sylvester, WTRR